Love spell

4 weeks later, Mal was finally free of that stupid bruise, that was a red color. Which meant, she could run on rooftops, run around with Jay, Carlos, and Dude, have pillow fights, and much more. 

When she and Jay were sitting at Lunch that day, Jane ran up to them. "Mal, Jay, my mom wants to see you in Ben's office. Ben's waiting there too." She ran away after that. Mal and Jay looked at each other, and went to Ben's office. 

Inside, sat a very angry Ben and Evie, a sad looking Doug, a Grumpy looking Grumpy, a uncheerful Fairy Godmother, and a very mad looking Dopey. "Mal, Jay, come in!" Ben yelled at them. 

They sat down, and Ben said, "Doug, here, has something to confess." Doug walked up with his dad and uncle. "Mal, I'm sorry for doing this to you. That Beeumfuzzee, well, you see, I gave it to you by accident. I had actually changed it a little, so when I was going to give it to Evie, she'd date me."

"Wait, then, if I was the one injected, why is Jay here?" "He was infected too." Doug answered. Mal and Jay's mouths shot open. "There was a love spell in the chocolate, unknow to me when I put them in a jar. Evie wanted me to give you strawberries, and I didn't know about the chocolate until now." 

"Wait, you said there was a love spell in that stuf you gave us?" Mal asked gripping Jay's hand. "Yes. I'm sorry." "Wait, then doesn't that mean that?" Jay looked at Mal, and Mal looked at Jay, with sad eyes.

"There's only one way to find out. The enchanted lake." Evie said, hopeful that she could get Jay back, and Ben the same about mal. They walked sadly hand in hand down to the Enchanted Lake. They looked at each other, and jumped in together, hand in hand. 

Mal climbed back out after a minute, and so did Jay. She looked at Ben, smiled and walked over to him. "Hi Benny Boo." "Hi Mal. What to hang out tonight?" "NO!" She screamed and slapped his face. "You're the biggest jerk I've ever seen!" 

"Jay? What are you feeling?" Evie asked, hopeful. " I feel, like I want to, want to, kiss Mal right now!" Mal ran forward, and you can piece the rest together. Hopefully.(HEHE!) Evie and Ben shoved them back into the water, while they were still lip-locked. 

Mal shrieked, and Jay pulled Evie in, and Evie grabbed Ben, who also fell in. They began a water fight with them. Ben and Evie lost, and Jay and Mal won, by their own hands. Mal and Jay got out of the water, and started walking away. 

But Mal couldn't leave enough alone, she bumped Jay into the water, and he pulled her back in too. Mal shrieked, and started splashing Jay, who splashed back. It was one on one. They were splashing so much, and Mal was screaming a lot, all of Auradon Prep decided to come down. Belle helped Ben and Evie out of the water, and handed them towels. 

Jay and Mal were still splashing each other. The enchanted lake was only 5 feet deep, so they could both easily stand. Beast cleared his throat, and Jay and Mal looked up at him. "Out of the water." He said. 

Mal and Jay climbed out of the water, and got towels. "Now, what were you four doing in the Enchanted Lake?" Beast asked. Jay started laughing under his breath. Mal elbowed him, and he yelled, "OW!" He elbowed her back, and she threw down her towel, and jumped on his back, and started messing up his hair. 

"MAL! JAY!" Beast yelled. Mal stopped, and climbed down. She handed her towel back to Belle, because it wasn't wet. "Now, Ben, tell me, why were you four in the water?" "Dad, we had to get Mal and Jay into the water, to see if they had a spell on them, from their Beeumfuzzee." 

"Well?" "No spell. They're in love." Mal grinned and so did Jay. Mal looked at Jay's left hand, and gasped. She looked at her's too. Their rings were gone. She pointed it out to Jay, and they cannonballed back into the water to find them. They soaked Ben and Evie again. Mal found Jay's, and Jay found hers. 

They handed each other the other's rings, and put them on. They climbed out again. "Sorry, this ring is my most prized possossion." Mal said. "Mine too." Jay agreed. "Now, let's all go back to the castle, and deal with these two." Beast said pointing to Mal and Jay.

Back at the castle, Ben sat down in his office. "Dad, they did nothing wrong." "They did plenty! They broke your hearts, they yelled at you, called you stupid,and they climbed on rooftops to escape you!" 

"Dad, um. Evie and I lied. We broke their hearts, we yelled at them, I called Mal stupid, and they climbed on the roof, because we weren't being nice." "Son, I should yank your marriage back to next week, instead of tomorrow. But I won't, because you finally told me the truth." 

He was about to say more, but Carlos ran into the room crying with Dude on his heels. He glared at Ben, and said, "BEN! I HATE YOU! HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME! MY ONLY HUMAN FRIENDS ARE GONE FOREVER BECAUSE OF YOU!" 

"What?" He asked the white haired boy that was crying onto Dude's fur. "Fairy Godmother sent them back to the Isle because of your lying! MAL AND JAY ARE GONE FOREVER!" He ran out of the room, desperate to get away from Ben. 

Ben looked at Evie, knowing what they had to do. They planned the day after their wedding, would be when they would go back for them. 
