Wanheda Me


I felt like a mummy lying in my bed and staring at the ceiling. I finally got up to see the empty room. Gaia had taken the nightbloods for more training and the rest were probably making plans for whenever I make the order to attack. I stood and put on my extra clothing and finalized it with the chip and war paint. My attention diverted when the door opened and Bellamy entered, alone.

"Why aren't you with your best friend, Lincoln?" I asked. He sighed, closing the door and when he crossed his arms, his tan t-shirt tightened against his muscles. "Shouldn't you be doing something else?"

"What do you mean?" he questioned. "The clan isn't doing anything after your order. When you make a decision, what will you do then?" "March on the valley and kill Diyoza and anyone who gets in my way." "Their weapons are-" "Weapons Bekka Pramheda created, including that ship. All we need to do is get that eye down."

"I can send a message that there are people who want to leave Wonkru," Bellamy began and I looked at him. "Kane will believe it and we can send Echo, she's a spy." "Do it," I nodded. "I have other things to do."

"Luisa," he addressed me by my first name. "Maybe... we don't have to go to war." "Yes, we do." I moved past him and down the hallways with guards beside me. They stood point in front of the hydro-farm and I went to the back where the bio lab was.

"Debrief me," I said. "With the parasitic worms, I can engineer them into being in someone without traveling across the body for some time," Sinclair explained. "There will be people going to the valley soon so put it in them," I said. "Are you sure you want to do this?" he asked. "Marcus, Abby, and many more of our people will be there."

"What about that virus Nyko put in you?" Pike questioned. "The worms will affect the environment while the virus is temporary. It will poison them and our people are most likely immune because we've been here longer whereas the Eligius crew will be killed off." "Honestly, that's easier," Sinclair nodded. "We do we get it since Nyko's dead."

"Draw some of my blood," I suggested. "He put some in me." "That are too many factors with that, especially since you're a nightblood," Sinclair explained. "What about Lincoln? Weren't they friends?" "He's difficult," I said. "There's Octavia," Pike said.

I left the room and went to the ground where Octavia was speaking with Indra. When I approached the two, I eyed Indra that it was a private conversation and she wandered off to make orders.

"I need you to get the Trikru virus that was used on the dropship from Lincoln," I said. "However you do so is up to you." "You're dangerously smart," she told me. "It might take some time, we haven't spoken for some time." "I need it by tonight." She furrowed her eyebrows and eventually nodded.


I had to ask around where my old lover was and found him with Clarke. I peeked around the corner, watching them in the medical room. He was using a mud mixture to heal someone and she watched it until Jackson came in and they departed. I saw him coming towards the door and I faced the other way, pretending to bump into him.

"Octavia," he said with a breath. "Clarke's inside." "I actually wanted to speak with you," I said. He nodded and we started walking down the hallway. We turned into a sleeping quarter and I motioned for him to sit on the bed and I sat beside him.

"I'm sorry for turning you in," I finally apologized. I know that I had a mission but this was coming from the heart. "I was so focused on duty that loving you slipped away and when we got into an argument about my job and defied the Commander, I convinced her to send you in. I don't know what came over me because I know that before we entered this bunker, that would never happen."

"I forgive you," I said, holding my hand. "I understand because I was just like you. I've tried to help Kane ever since we met but you can still change, Octavia. You don't have to be Skairipa." He pressed his head against mine. "The Eligius people are coming to take people and I want you to come with me to the valley. We don't have to live with them, we can live in the wild, just how we've always wanted."

I brushed behind his ear and lightly smiled so he could feel it. I leaned forward and kissed him for him to pull me close. I got onto his lap and wrapped my arms around his neck. He unbuckled my vest and pulled it over my head.

I took off his shirt and we fell into the bed, continuing to kiss. He rolled on top of me and placed his lips on my neck and trailed them down my chest. I moaned when he went lower and came back up to my open mouth.

I was under the sheets, pressed against Lincoln's body and he trailed his fingers against my body. I racked my hair and when I lifted, he did the same and began to braid my hair the way he used to.

"Do you have any of Nyko's stuff?" I asked nonchalantly. "There's a remedy the Commander wants that he once gave her." "Like what?" "I don't know," I dryly chuckled. "I didn't pay attention to his stuff but she would know."

He kissed my cheek, whispering, "She's lucky I'm a sentimental person," and got out of bed. He rummaged through his things and set down his notebook I grabbed and slowly went through. I glanced at him to see the bag of a healer's medicine and he handed it to me.

"Thank you," I said. I got up and put on my clothes to kiss him and took the pack and left. I slung it over my shoulder and smirked, knowing that I didn't agree to leave with him but I was happy that we reconnected after a year.

"Here you go, heda," I said, placing in front of Luisa. She went through it and pulled out a red toxin. Since Echo was the spy with immunity, she was the one who was supposed to carry the virus and drive that would be used to cover the eye.

"The ship is here," we heard Pike say on the walkie. We went outside to see a group of people who were ready to leave and Echo went with them. "I am become death," I heard Luisa begin. "Wanheda, the Commander of biological warfare." We watched as they boarded the ship and the door closed for it to fly away.



It was the morning after twenty people from Wonrku went to join the valley. I had thought Madi wanted to go back to her home but she was ready to fight for it. I had been called by Monty and went to the command center where he looked horridly at the screen, listening to someone.

"Is the eye down?" I asked. "Yes," he gulped. "Just-" "The virus at the dropship is there," Harper finished. "Kane called in to tell us that people are bleeding from their eyes and coughing out blood. Too much for Abby to handle."

It brought me trauma from what happened then and our people who knew about it and were in the valley. I huffed and took a seat, seeing Clarke come in and they told her.

"Just like last time," she said. "Who were the defectors? How do they know about it?" "There was Lincoln," I stated. "Octavia didn't go with him though but he should be able to help, he wouldn't spread it to them."

"Kane brought it to our camp," Harper muttered. "Maybe..." "She wants to kill our people and them?" I questioned. "Our immune systems are more advanced than theirs," Monty said. "And it's only temporary."

"She's going at it the wrong way," I raised my voice. "We're at war, how else is it supposed to go?" Clarke questioned. "People are going to die." I pulled back and said, "I'm gonna go talk to her." "As if that's ever worked."

I clenched my jaw and left the room. My hair covered over my forehead and almost my eyes as I moved down the hallways. I was about to enter a room when Raven's teacher stopped me.

"Whatever you are about to do, don't do it," Sinclair said. "I can see the anger in your eyes." "Your Commander sent a virus that was used on us to the valley." "I know, Echo carried it," he replied and I frowned at him. "She's also trying to weaponize the parasitic worms. Of course, I had to agree with everything she wants to do."

"We can stop her." "Sounds like a capital crime and I'm not trying to get in trouble," he said. "Just give me an idea and I'll do it," I said. "You don't have to do anything." He hesitantly nodded and motioned to follow him and we went behind closed doors.

"I found this in Nyko's bag," he said, showing me a yellow vial. "It was used to poison Finn," I told him. "Put it in her food, cut her with it or something," he said. "You don't need a lot. Just a drop will put her down but more than that..." "I know."


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"Oso tai choda op kom jus," I said, shaking Octavia's hand. "Oso tai choda op kom jus." I wrapped my hand in a cloth and she did the same, backing out of the building. Above ground, I could hear chatter going on outside and a guard told me someone was here to see me and I accepted it to see Bellamy.

"Your plan worked." "And yours did too," he said. "The virus, I know, Kane called in." "I don't know what you're talking about," I stated. "What happened?" "Don't play with me," he said. "You know everything that goes on like starting biological warfare. You did it the first time."

"I lowered the playing field," I admitted. "They won't have too many people to use their machines and we can power them down." "How do you know this plan will work?" "We have a spy on the inside."

He approached me and leaned on the table. "Let's talk," he said. "Nothing about war just you and me." I faced him and tilted my head. "How do you feel?" "Fine." "You're everything but fine," he said. "You don't get nightmares from the people you killed?" "Do you?"

"What about you and Roan?" "That's not something we should talk about." "How about your class?" he asked. "They're bright students," I said. "They'll make great Commanders." "How are you, Luisa?" "Fine."

"Stop defending my questions," he exclaimed. "Being a leader is hard, no one seems to ask heartfelt questions about how they feel and expect them to be okay and lead. The head can't work without the heart." "I do," I stated. "Besides, I talk to Roan."

"Do you even love him or do you think you love him because I thought love was a weakness?" he questioned, putting me in jeopardy. "We're married, what else," I replied. He came close, "I don't see a ring on your finger."

My face dropped and his hands cupped my cheeks. I couldn't move, let alone process what was going on. Our heads touched and he kissed me. I tried to pull back but the heart he talked about wouldn't let me. I've only felt like this with Roan a few times but this feeling with Bellamy erupted. I couldn't separate my feelings for the two and the one for the man I was with felt stronger.

My lips opened to take him in and our tongues touched. I pulled back, gazing into his eyes and I lowered my head. He lifted it and I leaned in to irrationally kissed him again. He held my waist and he pulled me close enough that I could feel his groin.

"Stop," I whispered. "I feel like I'm cheating on-" "You're not," he assured me. I faintly nodded and I felt nauseous, then seeing to figures of him. "Bellamy," I called out and my voice was like an echo and he couldn't hear me. I tripped backward and repeated his name, "Bellamy, what did you do to me?"

"I'm sorry," I heard him say. I blinked, trying to throw a punch but I missed, collapsing into his arms. I gasped for air, seeing his head dangle over me before everything went black.

I awoke to the medical room above ground. I tried to move but my wrists were chained to the backboard. I looked around the empty room, trying to find something that could help release me. I was about to yell but the door opened.

"Like Clarke, you poison and kidnap me," I huffed. "You've killed too many people and putting the rest at risk," Bellamy said. "We don't have to go to the valley. Monty's found a way to bring back the farm and soon, he can do it to the ground." He came to me and showed me a flower.

"We'd die before we eat soybeans," I snapped. "Let me go and nothing will happen to you." "That's what you said with Clarke." "Jus drein jus daun," I stated. "Jus drein jus daun! Jus drein-" he tied a gag around my mouth so I wouldn't make the clan start chanting.

"If you can't listen to me, I'll bring in someone you'd have open ears to," he said. I tilted my head, watching him leave and I expected Roan to come in but I was wrong and Indra entered. She had the keys to my shackles and she approached me but didn't release me and took off my gag.

"Hello Indra," I greeted. "I didn't think you'd come." She looked at me. "Are you working with Bellamy?" "No," she denied. "The worms... Gaia." "Right, we never talked about that," I sighed. "She could've been a fragheda like Titus, killing Commanders. Didn't he kill Sheidheda?"

"Heda," she replied. "I see it in my dreams," I said leaning forward. "I watch him massacre a Trikru village because they didn't join. Your mother bowed to him, right? But she still died."

"We fear you," she discarded my words. "If you continue, you'll end up like him." "I never did the separation ceremony." She pivoted with wide eyes. "Don't worry, he hasn't tried to overcome me, he knows we're alike so he isn't trying to be me."

"You'll stay here," she said. She was about to leave when I said, "I know your secret, Indra," and she faced me. "Don't-" "Malachi kom Sangedakru is Gaia's father." "Krazy Kane," she snarled. "I won't tell anyone, including Gaia unless you remove these chains," I said. She clenched her jaw and took the shackles off of me.

I pulled myself to the edge of the bed and rubbed my red wrists. "Spread the word that my life was threatened and to meet in the arena. Blood will be shed tonight." She followed her orders, knowing that I would keep a serious secret.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

I walked out of the room to see people gathering in the bunker. I found Octavia who questioned what was going on but I didn't answer and took my clothes. Entering the underground city, the lights lowered and I stood in front of my throne.

"Bring him out," I raised my voice. The door opened and Bellamy came out and stood at the center of the bloody floor. "Tonight, Bellamy Blake poisoned me and attempted to stop me from marching on the valley," I announced. "Some of you may know that the people that took Madi's home are dying from I virus I sent out. If this man is reasoning with me that it was wrong to level the battlefield, doesn't that make him an enemy of Wonkru?"

"Sha!" the people yelled and they erupted in, "Jus drein jus daun! Jus drein jus daun! Jus drein jus daun!" I lifted my hand for them to settle down. He used my emotions to get me to submit to his plan so I had to continue with my rule. "Blood will be balanced," I said. "Who wants to fight?"

There was screaming as I scanned the pits. My eyes met Octavia's who were still, the ready nightbloods who wanted to go down, and the nervous Clarke. I mischievously grinned, knowing who'd I send in.

"Roan." He looked at me and didn't blink before turning to descend the ramp. I stayed standing, watching him face Bellamy and I threw down two swords. "Solo gonplei, stot." Roan went for the weapon closets to him and Bellamy grabbed the other.

Their blades clashed against each other and Roan pulled his sword out first to punch him in the jaw and slash his arm. He turned around to attack but Bellamy blocked it, swinging for the fight. I noticed that Lincoln had trained him and they fought like Trikru versus Azgeda.

"Heda," Octavia dragged out as they battled. I could tell that Bellamy wasn't as good and he was getting weak. "He knew the consequences," I said. "He shouldn't have done it." "He won't do it again, please, just call it off," Octavia pleaded. "We bounded ourselves in blood." "We did not him."

"Commander," I heard Madi say and my head snapped to her. "You have no right to speak to me at the moment," I said. "You're too soft and weak to send someone down." She gulped and turned to run away. When my head faced the pits, Bellamy was on the ground, choking on his blood as Roan paced him.

Before I knew it, Octavia had leaped down the opening in the ramp and drew her sword to fight Roan. "My brother, my responsibility," she said and bolted towards him to dive and slash his thigh. He wasn't injured badly and whipped his sword to fight her.

"Hey!" Monty shouted. He entered the pits and kept his arms up, causing Roan to get distracted and Octavia disarmed him and held the sword against his neck. "Your Commander has decided not to tell you that the hydro-farm is coming back to life and wants you to die. I'd rather break your rules than go to war when we don't have to."

"Nou Wanheda nowe!" I heard someone yell. "Nou Wanheda nowe!" At that moment, everything backfired into my face as they chanted for me to be removed. I looked at Indra who stared back as if she had a premonition.

I stood, knowing I had to leave, and entered the hallways. My cape and shoulder plate trailed behind me as I ran. I started to bolt and made my way down to the farm. The entire system was flammable and I was crazy.

I saw a flower on a branch and my lips parted, exhaling and I touched the petal, watching it fall. Everything I touched died. Everyone I touched would die.

I reopened the wound on my palm and dragged the blood on my mouth, tasting the iron. I found a lighter in the bio lab and I cut open a tank of carbon monoxide and felt like Illian, burning down Alpha Station. Carelessly, I tossed the flame into the mist and watched it spread like a dragon's breath towards the plants.

Everything caught on fire and the farm withered in smoke. "Ai laik Wanheda, en Wanheda bilaik ai." I pivoted, seeing Monty stare at me in horror, on verge of tears and he threw a fit. "We have to go to war."
