Train Me


"She's a real nightblood," I said. "She wasn't synthesized by something we haven't tested, she was born that way." "And what does that mean to you?" Gaia asked. "Will you release the rest and only train her?" "I'd train her regardless," I said. "Besides, they've already come this far to be removed." "Is she your successor?"

"May the Spirit of the Commanders choose wisely," I said, entering the fighting room to see the novitiates. The five of them were in a line, facing me and I called out for the girl to come inside. "This is your newest nightblood, Madi," I announced. "Fall in line."

I noticed her still beside me and I eyed her to stand with the others, which she eventually did. I walked in front of them, examining their posture and I straightened out Madi's back. "Grab a partner." I watched as Ethan chose Jace, Stefan went with Lora, leaving Eli and Madi.

"When your enemy removes your weapon, you are left for a fistfight," I said. "Stot." They began punching and dodging and the sound of fists colliding with forearms filled the space. "When you are in battle, you have to switch between fighting and ordering. Scenario: you're marching on Mount Weather and the Mountain Men are offering to release your people and leave the rest behind."

"Leave them, my people are the ones needed," Jace said, ducking from the punch. "Lay waste to the Mountain Men like you, heda," Stefan answered. "I say, deny the offer and continue with the plan," Ethan said. he was able to pin Jace down and Gaia motioned for them to continue. "Continue with the plan," Lora said. "We didn't waste time with a unity for it to go to waste." Eli stated, "Take the offer."

I brought my hands in front of me, watching as they continued to fight, and waited for the last person to tell me their compromise. "Madi," I stretched out. "What do you think?" "I don't know," her voice trembled as she could barely keep up with Eli. "How do you not know?" I asked and raised my hand for them to stop.

"You were able to kill Elgius prisoners out of instinct and now it's not real and you can't think of a life or death situation," I said, raising my voice. "When you're on the battlefield, you only have moments to think, and 'I don't know' isn't an answer." "Heda," Gaia tried to stop me but I scowled at her to stay quiet.

"What is your choice?" "I-I think I would let the Mountain Men bleed the people so they can come to the ground and make them join my coalition," she said. I pulled back, knowing it was a great answer as cruel as my plan. "You think or you know?" "I know," she assured me.

"Alright then," I stated, fixing my composure. "You may leave." Gaia had them line up and as they were leaving, I called by the newest nightblood. She heavily turned with her arms behind her back and I tilted my head. "They're way ahead of you so you'll need more lessons to catch up. When we march on the valley, I can't have a straggler."

"I've been training for the past six years," she said. "I can tell, you kept yourself up," I said. "But you weren't practicing with someone else." "You want to make me a warrior so train me." I turned around and took off my extra clothing to fold and placed the chip on top.

I could feel her presence behind me and I lifted a finger for her to start. Her small figure came behind me and she wrapped her arms around my neck to pull my back. We landed on the floor and she strangled me with her legs. I lifted and slammed her down and I elbowed her to release the hold.

I got out to see she had already stood and she came at me. I blocked her weak punch and threw one into her abdomen. I noticed a fist flying towards me and I caught it and brought it behind her back and pushed her in the opposite direction.

"You're going easy," she huffed. "We made a deal that I wasn't going to be babied." "You're not ready for full power," I said. "Yes I am!" she yelled. She ran towards me and started to viciously punch me and I let her have it until I got annoyed and body-slammed her into the mat. She groaned, rolling her head to the side.

"Ge smak daun, gyon op nodotaim!" (Get knocked down, get back up) I urged. She managed to get up and held her fists in front of her. Her face sterned and I lowered my head that she was ready to fight. She went offense and I was surprised she was able to make strong punches.

She kicked me in the abdomen that made me stumbled and before I could gain my balance, I had been knocked in the face. I took that as a hint to return the favor until she pushed me down and was ready to punch me again.

I stood and grabbed Echo's bow to hand it to her. She played with the string and stretched for balance. I lifted her elbow so that it was straight and made she her hand was in place. I placed an arrow on it and gave her a range to shoot at and she released it, making the arrow pin to the wall.

"You're just as quick of a learner like me," I said. "My chief didn't have to train me too long before I became her second. She also trained Lexa kom Trikru. Nodotaim." This time, she didn't need my help and placed the arrow on before shooting. With the satchel on her back, she made a perfect line around the room with arrows.

"I would tell you to climb a tree but we don't have any," I muttered. "Grab a sword." She took one off from the casing and I drew mine from its hold. I set it across from hers and I motioned that we would go slow.

I brought the weapon over my hand and she defended herself by blocking it and brought it out to strike me. The sword was pulled into my right and I stepped to the side and swung it with one arm. She decided to wield it with one hand like me and we fought back and forth.

After some time, I started to go faster and she kept up. She dove between my legs and attempted to graze my leg and she went to strike. I pressured my weight on her blade since she was below me and she was able to get out. She used the bud of her sword and knocked me in the chin and kick me down to point the blade at my face.

"And the natblida wins," Octavia hummed when she entered. I huffed, pushing the weapon away, and got up to wipe the sweat off my face. "Monty found out they were watching us with their ship," she said. "He's gotten a drive to take the eye down but he can't do it unless he has access."

"Just get Raven to do it, they took her for a reason," I said. "She probably doesn't know or she and the others are caught up being perfect so they wouldn't die. You know how Murphy is," she reasoned. "We wait," I said. "Show them we're not fighting at the moment before we attack."
