Find Me


I struck my bamboo stick but Lincoln was fast enough to catch it. He slid him out and I turned to strike but I met the ground. He was able to snap the sticks out of my hand I lifted my fists. To make it even, he dropped his stick and I went for the punch. It was a minute of physical combat before he caught my arm and flipped me over to land on the mat.

"That's exactly how you get killed," he told the class. "Pair up and practice." Lincoln's hand reached out for me and I grabbed it with a huff when I landed on my feet. I went to put on a shirt and faced the Grounder.

"Kane wants you to join the guard," I said, handing him a jacket. He reluctantly took it before I put mine on and left the training room. I lightly knocked on the chancellor's door and Abby motioned for me to stay quiet as I entered.

"He hasn't slept in weeks," she said. "Luisa's been gone before but not for six months." "Where should we check next?" She circled the area on the board. "That's near Ice Nation." "She's probably been there or even went inside to meet the clan," Abby said. "Clarke went to the capital for her."

"I thought she didn't care?" I asked. "They've known each other since they were babies, I love like that doesn't disappear," she said. "Yes it can," Kane spoke, rising from the couch. "It has for you." He looked at me. "She didn't say it back, did she?" My head dropped and added, "Lincoln took the jacket." "Find her," Kane lastly said.


I had been stuck up ever since the mountain and Lexa betraying our deal. She attempted to explain it to me but I could see the regret in her eyes. Not only did she throw away the treaty, but she also broke my trust.

I've been in Polis for a month, partially ignoring her but using her warriors to find Luisa. She had been wanted by the Queen of Ice Nation for causing genocide and named her Wanheda, the Commander of Death. She's also being charged for her acts of threatening Lexa's life. Beforehand, she wasn't convicted because she was needed for the war but now it was over, she was a criminal. She could get killed. Since she's not part of any clan, she could be initiated and be used as a nightblood to win the throne. There were a lot of factors for her being hunted but no one has found her.

"We should check Trikru again," the Flamekeeper, Titus suggested. "She's familiar with those grounds." "Or she's given herself to the queen and has sided with her," I pitched but it unlikely. "We don't know if she wants power."

"She already has too much," Titus muttered. "Her blood right is to the throne, heda. We need to change her ways before she gets there." "If we can catch her," I said. "On my way here, I found five dead bodies with her signature- a slit to the throat."

"I've already found a bounty hunter," Lexa silenced us. "Bring him in." The doors swung open and two guards carried in a body with a sack on its head. When it was removed, I noticed the man from the forest who had helped us kill the pauna. He must've gotten through to Luisa for her not to have killed him.

"Commander," he huffed. She stood, pulling her hands behind her back. "I want you to find her." "I already was until I was captured by Trikru, she's been dropping bodies," he explained. "Other bounty hunters have been looking for her to get honored by the queen. You already know my position so what do you have it in for me?"

"I will lift your banishment," Lexa said and his eyebrows raised. "Then you have a deal," he nodded. "A horse, food, and weapons will be provided," she said. She waved a hand for them to release him and he simply walked out of the throne room.


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

For months I've been wanted. Many hunters have tried to find me but have only been rewarded with death. They usually thought I was leaving an easy trail from my carelessness but I would turn around and place it on them.

Knowing my way through the trees, I was perched on a branch, watching the black panther trek the forest ground. I drew my bow and pointed it below me and released the arrow for it to pierce through the tough skin. I dropped down, listening to the animal screech and I removed the arrow for the blood to spew and the panther dropped dead.

A sled was buried with the other weapons that I put on my body. The animal was placed on the flat wood and began to drag it behind me. A trading checkpoint came to view and I kicked the door open to bring it inside.

"Kom yu" (for you) I said. "Yu finga gou" (you've been here too many times) the woman, Niylah told me. She knew who I was but didn't seem to care so I kept her alive for use. "You sketched my tattoos, the least I could do is supply you with food," I said.

"You took down the mountain, you should be praised instead of hated," she replied. "If you keep coming here they will retrace your steps." I sat at the bar where she gave me a drink. "It'll be my last time." We went silent when the door swung open and I kept my head forward seeing the two bounty hunters come into my side view.

"Ste lufa Wanheda" (we're looking for Wanheda) the man said, placing an image on the table. I glanced at it and my nose twitched, knowing I didn't look that bad. There was dirt on my face and when I had to pick the leaf out of my hair, I realized the picture was accurate.

"Nou," Niylah said. "Es nes treibloka" (try next tradepost). His accomplice had left in defeat but the main one stayed, probably to gain an advantage. The sound of a sword being drawn filled my ears and I knew it was being pointed at me. Niylah glanced at me and I calmly took a sip of my drink.

"Wanheda," he said. "Kom glon ai" (come with me). I turned, having the sword meet my chin. I stood, indicating that I was complying. When he moved to tie me up, I grabbed the knots and pulled them along with his hands around me. I faced to kick him and tossed his sword away. Standing behind him as he struggled with the knot around his neck, I removed them so he could take a breath before snapping his neck. I watched as he dropped on the floorboards and looked at Niylah.

"I didn't want to get blood everywhere," I told her. She stared at me in a late response as I grabbed my things. I went into the daylight and before I could continue moving, an arm wrapped around my neck with a blade in front of it.

"Kane," the familiar voice muttered in my ear. It was the known bounty hunter. I had pulled away from his grasp but I was too slow to attack when he punched me in the face. It was strong enough to put me to sleep and everything went black. He was able to find me.


There was a strong pounding on the side of my head as my eyes forced themselves to open. My vision was hazy until it grew clear and the bounty hunter sat across from me. I looked around to find us in a cave that illuminated orange from the fire in between us. He was sharpening his weapons and I noticed mine were on his side of the cave.

I lifted myself and tried to move but to only be dragged back. My wrists were doubled in heavy chains that were tied to a boulder. I felt like a wild animal that needed to be put down. Unfortunately, I was.

"You caught Kane," I menacingly grinned. "Congratulations." He looked up and I could see the flames shimmer in his light eyes. When I squinted, I could see the scars under his camouflaged face. "Why didn't you tell me you were from Ice Nation?" He didn't answer.

"This entire time you've been hunting me before the bounty." "I made the deal with you," he said. "I could've taken you but I didn't. Besides, I'm not with them. Neither are you with your people, we're both rogues."

He slid me a cloth with bread and meat to eat but I stared at it. "Even though I've been in the wild, I've been living lavishly," I answered. I leaned against the bumpy wall with my legs in front of me, slowly moving them around so they wouldn't go to sleep.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked. "If you can get so far." "You have nowhere to fit in," he said. "Besides your home where the queen will take the powers of Wanheda. That's bullshit. All you need to do to kill like me is have courage and be fearless. Ice Nation is already ruthless, she just needs to take one more step."

"Azgeda is part of the coalition if a move is made, then all of the clans will revolt," he told me. I lightly chuckled for them being weak for not standing up to the Commander. I had, it was easy.

My head lifted when he came near to pull my food away. For some reason, his close essence formed a thick tension in the air that made my stomach coil. Our eyes met and I could feel mine flick the switch of my strong demeanor. My aura then emitted something that only formed around my father, grandmother, and Octavia.

I tried to break our gaze when he lifted my chin. I didn't move as leaned in and pressed his lips onto mine. The coiling grew. It was in my abdomen and lowered down below. I didn't feel this way with Bellamy when he surprisingly kissed me or when Wells had. They made it feel wrong but with the bounty hunter, it was- I couldn't explain it.

Our lips separated and he looked between my eyes and lips. Knowing I wanted more, he kissed me again. My lips parted to feel his tongue that reached the roof of my mouth. I was aware of the effects when hostage felt somethings towards their abducted but I couldn't help it.

He slid me closer to him and my fingers trailed his fur coat. He laid me down to dig in the pocket and eyed me before unchaining me. I didn't attack him after being let free and it gave me access to unbuckle his jacket. He slipped off his long sleeve to reveal his toned abs that were scattered with scars.

I immediately took off my clothes and our bodies collided. He slid our coats under my back so I had a soft surface to lay on and his body curved onto mine. My arms were placed over my head to relish in the kisses that covered my neck as his hands caressed my sides. They trailed down to my pants he gracefully undid and to his own.


I laid on my side with my head numbing my arm that fell over my hair. I stared at the chains near me and could feel the heat of the fire blowing on our warm bodies. I felt him turn and he entwined his fingers in mine and hold my waist. Tightly.

"Why did you get these tattoos?" he asked, placing a kiss where it was on my neck. Niylah had made a line that had formed from the back of my ears and widen down both sides of my neck and parted to my collarbones but never touched and the other train went acutely stopped at my elbows.

"I don't know," I said. "Why did you get your scars?" "To show my first kill," he answered. "We're the markings the same for you?" My lips parted to inhale. "I don't know."

He pulled away from me and I knew he was putting on his clothes. It took me a moment to snap out of my daze and follow his lead by dressing myself.

I was compliant when he wrapped my wrists in chains as if nothing happened and he set out the fire. I decided to be heavyweight and dragged myself up the small hill and out to daylight.

We trekked through the numerous trees until we reached a river. I kicked the pebbles that landed in the water and lollygagged at the skies, taking in the beautiful Earth. The land was amazing but the people, including myself, weren't.

The bounty hunter placed a sack on my head when we reached a wheat field. Through the brown covering my eyes, I could hear people chanting. Drums were beating the distance and I could tell which direction they were coming from, north.

"Chon des?" (Who is this) an unrecognizable voice spoke. "Ai gaf Wanheda fou haiplana," (I have Wanheda for the queen) the bounty hunter said. "Giv em op en emos teik em" (Give her up and we'll take her) the other said and he pulled off my sack. There were two and Ice Nation was the ones marching.

He pulled me back, indicating that I wasn't going anywhere. The chains dropped and I was able to swing them around to tie them around the man. I had to pull the weight back until it choked them and the bounty hunter killed the other person.

"You're bleeding," I said. For stating the obvious, he gagged me and led me away from the clan. I could tell he was heavily bleeding from his staggering and trembled breaths. There was a staircase which he forced me into the station.

I was tied against a pillar and he dropped his things. He exhaled, taking off his upper clothing like a knife heated in a fire. I watched as he placed the blade on the wound for it to sizzle and bind his skin.

"It's been a long time since I've felt physical pain," I said, tilting my head. "They never seem to touch me and for some reason... I crave it." He smirked, slipping on his shirt, and sat at the ledge.

"Do you feel guilty?" he asked. "Do you feel any sort of remorse for the people you've killed?" I slightly frowned, wondering why he was asking this. He crossed my legs and leaned forward. "If I did, I would be dead."

He didn't say anything nor make a facial expression and started to put on his jacket. I knew us about to leave when he slung our weapons on his body. Just as he was about to unchain me from the pillar, someone came in.

It was an Azgedan warrior from their ice clothes who had stumbled in. I turned to look at them and they looked defenseless when they removed their mask.

"Bellamy?" I questioned and the bounty hunter went for the full attack. He was body-slammed onto the concrete and I could hear them tackling each other.

"Hey! Stop it!" I yelled. They both yielded to my words and the hunter stabbed him in the thigh. "Don't follow," he huffed. He came to me and untied me.

"Luisa," Bellamy called out. "Luisa!" I heard him yell my name again until we were far from the station. I was sacked again and I knew that we had passed the clan.

The next time I saw light was with three figures standing in the front. I was on my knees inside a room where Clarke and a bald monk stood beside the almighty Lexa of Trikru.

"Wanheda as promised," the bounty hunter said. My eyes twitched at him. "Prince Roan of Azgeda will be held prisoner until your clan falls in line to the coalition," Lexa declared and the prince was taken away.

Guards posted beside me as I stared at the tribunal. "You admitted to this?" I asked Clarke. "She betrayed us at the mountain." "It was the only way to get you here," Clarke said. "You will join Lexa's conclave as a nightblood and be able to become Commander," the monk told me.

"Your sentence for threatening me has been lifted," Lexa finally spoke. "The queen will calm down knowing Wanheda is on my side." "Nowhere is where I belong; therefore, I am on no one's side."

I stood and with my shoulder, I shoved junto the guard in my right then kicked the one on my left. I leaped and used my legs to wrap around their neck and slam them on the floor. The chains on my wrist were used as a rock to smash their head and bit the neck of the next guard.

"Take her out," Lexa ordered. I spat the piece at her legs as they dragged me by the arms. I yelled, barring my blood teeth.

Define Me- Jhene Aiko
