Take A Life With Me


Clarke had told me that they planned to keep Bellamy's cover by not evacuating the village. If they had, Cage would know we had been warned. For some reason, I understood. It was either that or I couldn't get mad after all the things I had done without telling anyone. I was only glad that my father had survived.

Octavia was honored by the remaining war chiefs and seconds for giving the courage to save the rest of the people. I didn't bother expecting gratitude for killing the Mountain Man because he wouldn't be the only person dying.

We parted from the destroyed village and journeyed along with the wounded. My father rested on my back as I had Ares trod slowly until we reached both camps.

A guard had to slide him off and take him and Grounders to the infirmary to be treated. I tied Ares to a pole to eat and went into the communications center where Raven hugged Clarke and wasn't surprised that I was still alive.

"Wick and I are getting close to the counter acts of the acid fog," she informed us. "Once that is down, we'll be able to send a surge through the front entrance. It'll take one minute before the backup engines turn on but we should be inside by then." "Are you sure it's going to work?" Clarke asked. Raven scoffed that she had doubts but eventually nodded.

I turned, walking out of the room and across the common area. Clarke had caught up with my heavy pace and I paid no attention to her as we made it up the hill to the tents and entered the largest one.

"We should start marching towards Mount Weather," Clarke spoke before could part my lips. "Everything is lining up just the way we want." My head turned when the tent's cloth opened and Octavia barged in.

"I know what you did," she huffed, pointing at us. "You knew that there was going to be a missile but you didn't tell anyone." "I barely knew, that's why I got out on time and I returned to kill the man," I explained. Truthfully.

"All of sudden Clarke wants to become like Kane," she spoke. "It's not going to work out, there can't be two crazies and I don't think you'll make it. Better fix yourself and stay the 'good' guy." Octavia began to walk out. "You too Lexa, I know you were a part of it."

I looked at the two and slightly shrugged before leaving. It was dark as the warriors packed their things. I had gotten myself some food and crouched at an empty fire.

"You know I did what I had to do," Clarke spoke, sitting across from me. "Likewise," I said, eating. "You don't have to explain yourself to me, trying to form the words 'I'm sorry, I was doing it for my people.' So was I but no one seems to believe me, I'm too crazy to know what's right and wrong."

She stayed quiet so I could eat in peace. The fire was soothing and when I finished, I went for a walk. I needed to clear my head and looking beyond did the trick. Soon, it ended when I spotted Octavia in the distance, leaning on a tree. My eyes panned and I found a warrior, drawing an arrow.

I moved from my spot and stealthily approached them. From their position, I wrapped my arm around Ryker's neck and dragged him away from the second. He struggled in my right grasp and I kicked the weapons out of his hands before tying him to a tree, far away from everyone.

"What are you doing?" I huffed. I could see the fear taint his eyes and I knew he was going to spill. I had never done an interrogation but I needed to know his vendetta. He didn't have one.

"T-The Commander told me- heda told me to kill her," he stuttered. "She didn't want her telling everyone about Tondc or they'd hate her." I hummed.


I paced the space of my tent, slowly twirling my knife and waited for my assassin to come in. I turned when the cloth opened but it wasn't Ryker, it was Kane.

She didn't speak as she entered and placed the dull head on the war table. The blood dripped from the high level and I heavily exhaled, knowing it was Ryker. His eyes had been pulled out and his face was pale. No one could prove she had done it because there was no blood on her hands.

"He was trying to kill Octavia," she told me. "You sent him. I'm sure he didn't know what for but he would do anything for the Commander. So would Octavia. She's loyal, that's why Indra chose her as her second. She's great at keeping secrets."

"How could I know that?" I said. "She was a threat, I don't need anymore." "Now you have one," she said. She pivoted and walked out, leaving me to exhale and break my posture.

I set down my knife and my head tilted back to blink away the water that had formed in my eyes. Ever since she held the gun to my head and forced me to the stake, I hadn't been the same. Indra had noticed it but I frequently denied it. Gustus had told me to stay strong but sometimes, I couldn't.

I believed in love being a weakness but there a nagging in my brain that I couldn't hate her. My heart tried to but all I saw in her was pain. I was aware that I emitted a compassionate aura but sometimes it would shut off around her.

It was massive around Clarke though. Her blonde hair glowed in the sun and her blue eyes reminded me of water. Just like me, she'd do anything for her people. Spending time with her in the forest was interesting, we had gotten a chance to have a real conversation. I didn't know what was coiling in my stomach then but whenever I was around her, it felt nice.


The sun was coming up and the warriors shouted, "Jus drein, jus daun!" outside. They had started weaponizing themselves when Raven had called that Bellamy took down the acid fog. I was supposed to be in Group A on the ground while others were spread out.

Before we started to march on Mount Weather, I lit a candle in front of me. I was alone in the tent with my legs crossed and the light illuminating around me. For some crazy reason, I had kept Ryker's blood.

I knew the prayer of an assassin and poured the blood in my hand. It puddled in my palm before I slit it with a knife. The two colors combined and made a maroon color. I dipped a finger in it and slid it between my eyebrows.

"For Vera," I whispered. I formed an arch over my right eyebrow. "For Wells." There was another on my left brow. "For Anya." I connected the middle to the arch under my eye and made it heavy so it would droop down my cheek. "For my unknown mother." I replicated it on my left cheek.

"For those who will fill my wrath... may we never meet again." I wiped the extra blood with a cloth and sealed the wound with the fire before blowing it out. I tied my hand and sharpened my weapons once more.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"Jus drein, jus daun!" That was what I came out to. When the Commander came out, everyone quieted. "Today, the mountain will crumble," she projected her voice. "Blood will have blood!" Her arms opened wide and everyone began to move and I followed.

"Nice war paint," Octavia commented as we marched through the trees. "You too," I said, knowing it was Lincoln's, who was with Indra.

"We're taking the tunnels and Jackson's going to turn the Reapers back," she told me. "Make sure you kill whoever you need to." I nodded and she went towards her war chief. I started to whoop loudly along with the war chants and the banging drums.

"Hold!" Lexa yelled when we reached the steel door and the army stopped. "Raven and Wick are inside and getting the power down," Sergeant Miller told me. "We just have to wait till the light flashes and I can set the charge."

Guns started firing and the bullets shot many warriors before we could place shields above us. I had to take over and yelled for them to aim their arrows or guns at the hill and release. The bullets slowed until we were forced with more power.

"I'll take them out," Lexa said. "Gon ai!" (With me!) Her men hovered shields over her head to lead her away from the shooting range. I was given an assault rifle and laid on my stomach to fire above.

The shooting had started to slow down and the light flickered as said. Lincoln led a squadron carrying shields over David to the door but they were the only ones to make it. He placed the surge and ran back for distance and pulled the lever.

"Fuck," he muttered. "Of course something had to go wrong," I said. Lifting my gun, I took a breath to aim it at the red light, and just as I was about to pull the trigger, the door squeaked. It compressed and the hinges swung it open.

"They've given up," Clarke figured. I confusedly frowned, knowing Cage's determination, and confidently stood, knowing I wouldn't get gunned down. I drew my sword, waiting to attack until I saw familiar women barely covered in bandaging cloth.

"Hold your fire," Lexa instructed. "I made a deal with them to release the people." "Really?" Clarke questioned with a graceful tone. "Only my people," she said. The blonde was taken aback and I watched as the rest come out and I waited for more but I hesitated to run inside when the door closed.

"Now you're the crazy bitch," I muttered. "Let's go!" Lexa shouted. A horn was blown to indicate the short war was over and that they were leaving. "Lexa!" Clarke's voice cracked.

"Lexa," Lincoln called out. "Why? You made an entire treaty and they have the power to treat the Reapers." "The Mountain Men made a better offer," she said. "Teik em en Kane, em natblida" (Take him and Kane, she's a nightblood)

They were able to get a hold of Lincoln after he fought a few. I flipped the sword in my hand for the warriors who came at me. Driving it through one man, I brought it over my head to slash the next. It went on for a minute until I had five bodies around me and the other warriors still wanted their lives and retreated.

"Miller," Clarke called out. His head dropped in defeat and said, "Without them, we have no chance." He took the rest of the guard and they hiked back to camp.

"Luisa?" Clarke said and I turned to her. "We should go through the tunnels," I told her. She inhaled that I still had hope and we ran away from the door. I yanked open a gate and went into the wet tunnels. I held my sword high for the figure in the distance until I spotted Octavia.

"I knew you'd stay," I said. "They left, why?" she asked. "A side deal," Clarke answered. "How do we get in?" "Someone is coming," Octavia said.

She had said it at the right time. The metal door opened and Octavia and Clarke hugged Monty and Jasper who had appeared with Maya.

"What's the plan?" Clarke asked. "Bellamy went to talk to Dante and they've taken more of your people," Maya said. "Kane, Abby, Raven, Wick, and many more," Monty listed. I froze for a moment which showed them I was ready.

"Clarke, Monty, Jasper, and Maya, go to Bellamy and try and get them out," I said. "Octavia and I will take down the guardsmen." Maya gave me another key card and we went inside.

The four stood in the back as Octavia slid under the legs of the guards to slice their claves. I sprinted towards them to slash their Kevlar and the blade seeped through to drop blood. I motioned for them to follow and Maya led them to the quarantine rooms.

I grabbed the walkie-talkie from the dead body and raised it. "Cage Wallace," I called out. "I'm here for Cage Wallace." I walked down the hallways and reached the command center to sit in the president's chair.

I pulled up the camera to see him rushing through the walkways with Emerson behind him. "Bring me, Dante Wallace," I said on the intercoms. I could see the citizens in level five and faced Octavia, "Keep the hallways clear for them."

The warrior left as I kept the people entertained with my thick voice. I began to hum a song Anya had taught me. I was ready to take the lives of the Mountain Men.

"Put him on the table," Cage said into his device. On the other screen, I could see a guard shock lash my father and uncuff him to place him on the table. They started to play at my game.

"Two can play at that game," I huffed. Bellamy had dragged in Dante with Clarke and Monty behind them. I pulled her gun and made sure the microphone was on and clicked the trigger. I could see his eyes go white from the cameras.

"She's in the command center," Emerson said. "Don't move," I warned. I turned off the intercom and faced Monty as they continued to drill my father.

"I would say find the self-destruct button but we're still in here," I stated. "Luisa," Bellamy called out. "What are you trying to do?" "What I should've done a long time ago," I replied. "The only way they've been surviving is filtering the ground's air to fill here. Can you re-engineer it and turn the turbines to stop filtering the air?"

Monty glanced at the two behind me. "That's going to kill everyone," Clarke exclaimed. "That's what I'm going for," I replied. "Do it!" Monty contemplated it and decided to type. He stared at the screen and I looked up to see that Cage wasn't in his spot.

"That's it," Monty said. "Luisa, think!" Bellamy raised his voice. His shout ignited me and I pulled the level. Every hum throughout the facility slowed and restarted and I turned into the hallway where the fan spun counterclockwise.

I had to kill my way through the guards who had gotten their treatment and appeared at the sizzling noise of bodies filled in the dining room. I could feel the essence of other people staring at what I had done and none of it fazed me. I went back to the hallway and heard sniffling. Maya was in Jasper's arms and Octavia slouched against the wall.

"What did you do?" he sniffled. "What did you do?!" "Killed all of them," I replied. "Because that's what you do!" He yelled. "She could've made it. I could've given her my marrow. I hope you die! Do you hear me, Luisa Kane? I hope you die."

My head tilted and I exhaled turning the other way. Clarke and Bellamy had gotten everyone out of the drilling room and all I could do was stare at Kane's weak body.

I unchained him and lifted him. He laid his head on my shoulder and I placed mine on his. "I killed them all," I whispered. "I know I'm bad but you can't die for being good."

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

We staggered through the empty tree line and across the fields to reach Arkadia where they were welcomed with open arms. Abby and Jackson tended to the wounded and they all went inside and I kept my distance from the gates. I could see them hug each other and some crying which made my stomach churn.

"Let's set things aside and grab a drink," Bellamy called out. I didn't move when Clarke gave Jasper his goggles. "Kane," he spoke, I snapped out.

"Why don't you save me that drink?" I said. He slowly approached me. "You finally feel it, don't you?" he asked. "You're starting to feel the emotions when you take a life." "Too many."

"I'll have a bounty on my head," I said. "The first place they'll check is Skaikru and I don't want you guys to be targeted." "So you're running," he figured. "You're not a runner, you're a fighter."

"I thought you weren't supposed to give words of encouragement to someone you hate?" I shouldn't have said that. Either way, he still would have cupped my cheeks and smashed his lips against mine. My lips parted to meet his tongue and my hand fisted the cotton he was wearing.

"I tried to hate you," he whispered. "I did for a moment. But it was hard hating someone I love. Ever since you knocked on the door to my sleeping quarter and met Octavia and my mom, I've always had an eye for you. It was so hard telling you to leave the drop ship because I couldn't imagine losing you. If you want forgiveness, I forgive you just please-please don't leave me."

I leaned in and kissed him again. When we separated, I pulled his wrist behind his back and kicked him in the knee bend. My arm strangled his neck until he fell limp and I dragged him near the gates.

I glanced at the people who didn't mind me or care if I left and ran. He knew I wasn't a runner who left from my struggles but that's what I did. I couldn't afford the people who would be looking for me coming after them. Soon, I was in the trees that marked the amount of lives I had taken.
