Bleed Me


We were suffering the aftermaths of the burnt Alpha Station as morning hit and word had gotten around the Illian had cause our fate. People questioned what I would do with him as the Commander and I knew exactly what.

I walked down the hallways of what was left of the ship and reached the point where citizens had crowded the medical room. "Move." They did so for Octavia, who was still getting treated, to open it.

"You can't kill him," Kane pleaded. "Yes, I can," I said. I eyed Miller to shock lash him and he seized, falling onto the floor. "Bring Illian outside." The guards followed their orders and the citizens pursued the destroyer.

"What's his sentence, heda?" Octavia asked as Lincoln helped her put on her jacket. "Nothing will be enough to make him feel our pain," I answered. "But he will die today."

When she had finished, the two accompanied me outside where the mob had tied him to a quickly made stake. In Raven's eyes, I could see she wanted him to pay for the price.

"We're here to save the human race," Luna whispered to me. "We're supposed to save everyone." "There's no one else to save," I told her. "He's discarded that." I approached the Trishanakru warrior and paced around him. "Why did you do it?"

"Skaikru brought technology which brought ALIE and the City of Light," he said. "She made me kill my family." "So you decide to kill us all," I stated. "I didn't know about Praimfaya," he justified.

"But the ship was our home, the technology we use to help us survive," I raised my voice. "You wouldn't like it if we destroyed your clan, correct?" He murmured an agreeing response. "Did you ever hold yourself accountable for being weak and taking the chip? You sought peace and that there was no pain in the City of Light. How gullible."

"I'm sorry," he said quietly, with a tear stripping his cheek. "You're sorry for ending the human race!" I yelled. "What about the other plan?" Luna spoke up. "Spare him and I'll bleed. The freikdreina claims that there's a way we can do it... on your mother's island."

I had a minor flashback to Becca working in the laboratory and I saw technology and radiation chamber. "She just saved your life," I said to Illian. "Sinclair, Raven, Emori, Abby, take a team, we're going to the island."

"And what if it doesn't work?" Jaha questioned. "What is the next plan? You know the solution that could save us. I don't know if it's real but Becca and Cado-" Before he could finish, my sword was pulled and the blade slit Illian's throat.

"I told you not to say his name again," I spoke. "His blood is on your hands, Jaha. Blood has had blood." The citizens felt some kind of rejoice but it didn't satiate that they were going to die soon.

"When do we leave?" I asked, putting my sword away. "We're going in thirty," Raven replied. As I was going to the hangar, I met my father's eyes in the distance and turned to Octavia.

"Clarke and Roan are coming with me so that leaves you to be second in command in Polis," I told him. "You can count on me," she said. "And trust me, I won't start a war."

I smirked walking into the hangar and piled into the front seat of the rover where Miller was driving and Emori, Murphy, and a few others were in the back and the other rover was packed. Miller pressed on the gas and we embarked on our journey through the trees.

It was a quiet ride until Murphy and Emori started talking about their chance of survival. I knew that even though they didn't like us, they wanted to be on the list. Things went neutral and I laid my head back to close my eyes.

"You shouldn't have injected yourself with that," a voice said. "You'll give the child a birth defect." "We'll be able to withstand any radiation that the AI gives," Becca said.

"You want to put it in while you're pregnant?" the doctor, Peri, asked. "During the ultrasound, we didn't find her creating eggs. It's been altering her body and you want to put a chip in your head while she's still growing?"

"Leave me alone Peri," Becca snapped. The doctor walked off as she set the AI into the briefcase and tucked it away.

My memories flashed to stop at Becca hyperventilating before pushing once more for my body to slip out. As an infant, I cried before being cradled by my mother and she named me. "Bella."

There was a time-lapse to see my pod being shipped to Arkadia and Becca was taking a drop-ship down to Earth. There, the tower stood in the cloudy weather from the aftermaths of the missiles, and hazmat suits appeared. One of them was the Second Commander and his cultic father who brought in my mother who later was martyred.

"We're here," Miller said. I awoke with a small gasp, contemplating whether Jaha was right. I left it alone and got out of the rover to get on a boat and we watched them drive away as Emori conducted the minor ship.

I gazed around the water that reflected the sunlight. The green trees were behind us and we were in the middle. Roan held my hand and I looked at it then at him and pulled my hands behind my back. He was an idiot for showing affection in front of people.

The island came close and the boat docked at the small pier for us to climb off. We stepped onto the beach and Emori showed us up the barrier but she didn't pass.

"ALIE said no freikdreinas are allowed to pass," she said. "ALIE's not here," Murphy said. He lent out a hand she took and crossed the border. As we went into the beach, the humming of drones approached us and it scanned our faces to start shooting.

I ducked and we ended up splitting. "Keep Luna and the Commander safe!" Miller shouted. I saw Clarke straggling and I ran behind her. The drone hovered over us and zoomed away to find other intruders.

"Why didn't it shoot us?!" I exclaimed. "Did you want it to?" Clarke questioned. My eyes darted at Nyko being gunned down to save Luna who ran for cover.

"It probably scanned the Flame in your head," Raven said on the walkie. "It's still programmed to find the second AI." "So what do I have to do since I can't get shot?" I asked. "Just bring me a drone," Raven said.

I motioned Clarke to go hide as went to go climb a tree. "Are fucking kidding me?" Murphy muttered. "There's no time to play monkey." "Why don't you shut up and go run out," I said. "I'm not going out there!" he shouted.

After bickering with the cockroach, I spotted Roan running in the distance. I could tell he was trusting me by sacrificing. He was able to flag down a drone and bolted to get it right underneath me.

Leaping, I tackled the drone and stabbed it in the turbines for it to drop. Roan went under the shrubs again and I passed it to Raven where she used the core to deactivate all of the drones.

"We're good," I said to the walkie. We regrouped back at the beach and Emori led us through the trees and we made our to open land. Afar was a mansion and off to the right, was a structure I assumed was the laboratory.

We entered the front door and my feet landed on hard flooring and the lights flickered on along with an engine humming.

"Welcome, Becca Franco," a voice spoke from a computer. "Scanning," Raven assured me. We went towards the edge to see the white laboratory with blue lines and the Seek Higher Things Sign.

"We should start," Sinclair said, going down the stairs and we followed. To work, I took off my cloak and shoulder plate and placed it on a chair. "Do you know why Becca created the nightblood serum?" Jackson asked.

"Deep space exploration, radiation from the Flame and on the ground," I told him. "There's a chance we can take from us and alter it to inject into someone else. The only way for us to do so is by bone marrow."

"You're not funny," Clarke said. "She's right," Abby said. "Prime source of the blood." "Let us be the Mountain Men," I smirked. I faced the larger half of the groups. "If you're not needed, please, go to the mansion." Jackson drew Luna's blood and Murphy called to them to leave.

"We'd have to find the compound in the molecular structure of the nightblood and combine it with our DNA," I explained. I placed the vile into the box that spun countless amount of times to separate the blood.

"You never studied molecular biology," Sinclair said. "AI," Raven pointed out. Sinclair smirked and came to me with a head device. "It's just to scan your brain," he said and I allowed him to place it on my head.

I watched him go to the computer and look at my brain. "You're using over ten percent," he said. "I know that," I told him. "If Raven tries to do so, she'll get brain damage."

"What?" she questioned. "Yes. The EMP surged the chip and although ALIE left a code in your head, you'll be messed up if you keep accessing it," I explained and passed her the headpiece. "If you take an ice bath, it'll lower your body temperatures for you to do the EMP again and you'll be fine... with the extra coding."

"It could work," Sinclair agreed. "Stop being smart." "We can do that after we find the nightblood serum. Radio someone to bring Luna so we can get her marrow."

"Why don't we study the blood first," Abby suggested. "I've been running the schematics and the compounds are combining." I took a deep breath and closed my eyes to gain knowledge from Bekka Praimheda.

"She went to space for security," I said slowly. "And that's the only way nightblood can be made." "Computer, test the nightblood in a Zero-G algorithm," Raven said aloud. We looked at the screen to see the molecular strand of DNA had twisted perfectly.

"How the fuck are we going to space?" Raven muttered. "Computer, show me the spaceship," I ordered. Doors compressed open for us to gaze at the white head of a rocket.

"Hell ya," Raven chuckled, going to it. "Luisa, your mom's awesome!" "We can go," Abby nodded. "We have hydrazine at camp," Sinclair said. I nodded and just as I was going to the radio, I heard a quiet gurgle.

I looked around for the sound to realize Raven was inside the ship and climbed the steps. Peering into the two-seated cockpit, I found the chestnut seizing on the floor.

"Abby!" I yelled. "She's seizing!" She and Jackson came in to lay her on her back and I watched as her mouth foamed before she went still. "She's going to need that ice bath," I said. "Now." Going to the radio, I sat down and clicked the station that connected to Arkadia.

"Abby," my father's voice called out. "No, it's your Commander," I replied. "Hi, Luisa," I could hear him smile. "How's everything?" "Somewhat okay. You?" "Well, just false black rain signs."

"I need to speak with Bellamy," I said. He hummed and canceled his end of the radio to call him and I waited for a moment before he answered. "We need the ten barrels of hydrazine delivered by tomorrow. Monty should know and enforce a team because we can't lose it."

"Got it," Bellamy said. "And... we found something you told Jaha to not look for." I huffed and slowly blinked. "What was it?" "It was Cadogan's eleventh bunker that was filled with dead people. He's saved the seal because he knows there's a twelfth one."

"Bring me Jaha." "If you know it exists- just a possibility, you could save everyone." He set it down and I sighed, coming to the conclusion that some of the Commanders would disagree with but it was the fate of the human race.

"Commander," Jaha spoke. "A few of the cult members became Commanders and helped start the Grounder Era," I began. "The bunker is in Polis and is the crypt of Bekka Pramheda where Flamekeepers and scouts keep sacred. I don't want you opening it until I come."

"We could have solved this problem a long time ago," Jaha said. "Why are you telling us now?" "I want the nightblood serum to work," I explained. "If I were to enter that bunker, I know I will scream until my head blows off."

I clicked off the radio and groaned, resting my elbows on my knees. I had finally grown tired, lazily watching as Raven purposely drowned herself in freezing water. I felt a hand on my back and I didn't bother growing tense, knowing if somewhere were to kill me, I would die then.

"Come to the mansion with me," Roan urged. My head turned to look at him and I took his hand and followed him out of the laboratory. We hiked quietly through the sprinkling weather and reached the large building.

"Greetings, heda!" Murphy shouted over the loud music. He passed me a bowl of the stew he was making and I sat on the counter stool to eat it with crackers.

The song playing was irritating a core memory and I leaned over to turn it off. Everyone looked at me and I slowly shook my head, sipping my meal.

"Dr. Kane or Franco?" Murphy questioned. "You seem to know Sinclair's type of shit so I guess you should get a Ph.D." "Why are talking to her like that?" Emori snapped in a low voice. "She basically inherits this entire island and everything on it."

"Including this tape recorder of her biological father commuting suicide," Murphy said. He handed me a camera and opened the screen to see the man, Chris, panicking.

My eyes blinked, remembering seeing this play. "I let her out," I said with him. "I let ALIE out. She's across the internet and has logged into the launch codes." He raised the gun and cried, before shooting himself under his chin. "What a coward," I commented.

"I guess you've already seen it," Murphy scoffed, taking the device. "You must be latched on to your mother's spirit," Luna came in to say. "No Commander has had a strong tether without meditating."

"It grows every day," I said. "Maybe one day, I'll have all sort of data downloaded into my brain." I got up from my seat and knew my way around the house as Roan followed. When we reached a room, he pinned me against the wall.

I heavily breathed his air and he held onto my waist, kissing me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and opened my mouth to take in his tongue. I moaned, feeling him pull up my shirt and he lifted me to the bed.

"I should probably shower," I whispered. He gave me a final kiss before pulling away and I sauntered into the bathroom. "I'll be back." I closed the door and stripped my closed before stepping into the shower where warm water ejected from the head.

I ran the soap over my body and turned to wash my hair. My eyes were closed, running every source of schematics through my mind the way the AI was supposed to do. I believe all the Flamekeeper's teachings over the years simplified to keep the Commander from know what was really in their head.

"I am the Flame and the Flame is me," I whispered. I turned off the water and dried myself with a towel to go into the room where Roan lied clothless.

"The future Commanders are going to see this," I smirked. He shrugged and I compliantly took off the towel to climb into the bed where we made love.

A man had broken into the mansion and Emori claimed she knew him and he had betrayed her. As sinister as I was, we needed someone to test the alternative serum without going to space because Bellamy's package was attacked by Trikru warriors.

I had the vial of nightblood in my hand and I injected the man's arm before Miller and Roan carried him into the radiation chamber. "I am become death, bleeder of the night, destroyer of worlds," I stated. "Turn it on."

Jackson raised the level of the radiation chamber and I eyed him to continue. "Black rain level," he said. "Higher," I said. He did so, raising the amounts of radiation that was being contained and only flowing to the man.

"Higher." "Luisa-" "Higher!" The man had awoken from his sedation and started screaming as I watch his blood broiling. His skin popped until his chest opened, splattering black blood around the chamber and the radiation was turned off.

I sighed, sitting down in defeat. "If only we had hydrazine," I muttered. "I don't want to be a part of this," Luna spoke and I looked at her. "Our blood is sacred and we shouldn't be testing it on innocent people."

"He isn't innocent," Emori told her. "You made a deal to give your blood so you will," I said. "To save Illian's life who you killed," Luna reversed. She pivoted to leave and I eyed Roan who stopped in front of her. Luna was limp from being drilled and she held fists to challenge him but he quickly put her in a headlock to be put to sleep.

Miller opened the chamber to take out the body when he held his necklace. "I thought he was rogue?" he asked. "This is the Sand Clan symbol." I grabbed to see it was true and faced the horrified Emori.

"You lied," I stated. "You will be next." When she tried to run, things turned into havoc and I slammed her to the ground. Turning, I knocked Murphy unconscious and he fell onto the ground.

I had them tie Murphy to the rocket as I placed Emori's body on the gurney. I could hear Murphy screaming at me to stop but the both of us knew it was useless. I had the serum in my hand, feeling all of the eyes on me. I was about to inject her but I set it into a case along with other vials.

"Project failed," I muttered. "Pack up, we wasted four days and we'll waste more going back. We're going back to Polis, there's a bunker that could hold all of us." "So why the fuck are we still here!" Murphy shouted.

"There was an alternative but it didn't work," I stated as his girlfriend began to wake up. "Pack up all of this tech we'll need it in that solitary confinement." I waved a finger and everyone stressfully moved and I unbuckled Emori who rushed to Murphy.

As some people were placing the devices and computers into crates, I stealthy collected all of the nightblood serums and locked them into a passcode case. "Miller," I called out, passing it to him. "Protect this with your life."

He didn't bother asking questions as I helped push out a crate and Raven told the computer to shut off the lights. "We could've gone to space," she sighed as we went up.

We loaded everything onto the boat that took us back to the mainland where Pike and Bellamy had charted cargo vehicles. I sat in the back, trying to figure out what wrong and the wrongs that were coming ahead.

It was dark out when we reached the snowy perimeter of Polis and everyone got out. "Echo knows about the bunker," Bellamy told me. "Indra doesn't want any Ice Nation person in there and Octavia is making sure that they won't."

"Roan!" I yelled. Getting out of the rover, I found Trikru warriors had pinned down the king. "Welcome back heda," Octavia greeted, coming out of the shadows. "Breik au en Azgeda gonakru" (release him and Azgedan warriors) I stated and thankfully nodded at me.

"Gada in haisidon geda, ai hon chichnes" Gather in the throne room, I have an announcement) I said. "And someone get me the list."

I was accompanied by guards who took me to the tower where I went to my bedroom and changed. I buckled on a thick animal felted vest and jumped into jeans with knee-high boots that were beneficial in sliding on the ground to kill someone. My arms were still bare to show my tattoos and a cloak trailed behind me. I clipped on my shoulder plate and drew my war paint before placing the chip between my eyebrows.
