Choose Me


I remember when Raven showed me the wave of Praimfaya. The green sun came over Polis and disrupted the bunker for a second until it was fine.

I was sitting inside the office where I marked the food distribution catalog along with supplies and things were getting lenient. I sighed, resting my chin on my fist for a moment when the doors opened.

"Commander," Pike greeted. He came in with another woman and a few of my inner circle members closed the doors to show a private conversation. I put the catalog away.

"The farmer is failing," Monty blurted. "We thought it would be fine forty-six days ago but with a thousand people it won't sustain us for five years." "So use that kind of yours and work something out," Sinclair suggested.

"Rationing," I said. "It's like we haven't done it before." "Well soon, people are going to fight for more," the woman, Kara, said. "The children are going to get the effects first," Pike continued. "Starvation will hit."

"Give me time to think and I'll get back to you," I said. They hesitantly glanced at each other before leaving Sinclair behind and the next batch of concerned people came in.

"There's another problem," Sinclair said. "There's no way to get out," Raven continued. "The rubble from Polis has covered the entrance and when there are clear skies on Saturday morning, we can't see it. If I tried to blow it, the entire bunker could collapse on us."

"That's a future year problem," I said. "You're stalling," Sinclair stated. I huffed and he backed away, leaving the room.

"I have a terrible solution," Raven said. "Since ALIE's quota 'too many people' is coming into play, we should find a way to regress the population. I mean we all made it inside the bunker, you never promised that we all would survive."

"Killing people," I said. "It's not new for you," she added. "Then we can make sure the food is enough for the rest of them." "I never knew you were so conniving," I commented. "I can't kill people if they didn't do anything wrong, they'll remove me."

"What if they did?" she inquired. "We don't have space for Groundbox so if someone commits a crime so much as stealing supplies we need, they get sentenced." "To death," I finished.

"Or if you're feeling generous you can pardon them. You're in charge," Raven said. "How about it?" I stood, leaning forward. "This is between you and only me," I stated and she firmly nodded. "If they find out, I'd have to sentence you." "I know."

Just as we finished, Octavia barged into the room. "Skaikru has taken the farm." I felt Raven's eyes on me that her plan had begun and I breathed. "They have defined me once more," I said.

"Word is spreading around that the clan has separated and they want to blame Skaikru for it," Indra came in to say. Bellamy and more of his friends had come to know what I would do. "There's a lot of useful people in there like Kane, Abby, and Monty.

My dad was very much taken as a prisoner. No matter how much we didn't get along, we both knew I would cry in his arms. I couldn't think about him being dead and I didn't want him to be.

"Close members," I said. "And some are innocent," Bellamy told me. "How can we get in?" I asked, looking at Raven. "I could fix some wires in the engine room that can unhinge the doors to the hydro-farm," Raven said.

I have her the familiar blueprints of the facility and started moving with a battalion behind me. I reached the Skaikru sleeping quarters where they were being harassed by Azgedan warriors.

"Leave them alone," Roan said if they listened to their clan members. The warrior kept the child pinned to the wall and I motioned my hand so that Echo could kill him.

"Why are you all alone?" I quietly asked the boy. "Uncle Theo tucked me to sleep and he's gone," he whispered. "Your uncle is a traitor," I stated. "Stay with Niylah."

I pivoted and went down to the cafeteria's entrance that connected to the farm. Many people had crowded there and there was no way of getting through. I took off my extra clothing and drew my sword along with Octavia's.

"Move!" I yelled. The sea of people split and there were still some standing in my way. I threw my extra sword for the blade to lodge in their chest.

"Yu laik Wonkru o baga kom Wonkru" (you are Wonkru or the enemy of Wonkru) I said. "Sadon" (choose). I heard a roar behind me and I gripped the handle to pivot and slash their chest.

Two figures around the corner bolted and I stepped towards them and drove the sword in and grabbed their knife to attack the other. "You are Wonkru or the enemy of Wonkru," I muttered. "Choose."

More traitors came and I dove, feet first to grab the sword I had thrown to stab their back and on the face. I brought the sword over my head and it gashed their open neck.

"Choose me and you won't die," I said. "Yu laik ripa" (you're a killer) "Ai nou sadon yu" (I'll never choose you." My head tilted with a grin and I sprinted, leaping and my legs went around their neck to snap and as I came down, they dropped.

My sword battle plenty more people who agreed and I was drenched in blood. I pulled my composure and my head tilted back in exhaustion, knowing that more terror was going to come to the future Commanders if they searched deep enough.

The lights flickered off and the doors opened for Miller to take in a squad to arrest the traitors. I found Lincoln on the other side who was tied to a table and Octavia released him and Jackson.

I passed through to the farm and saw Kara holding a gun and threw a blade to pierce her hand that dropped the weapon. She screamed in pain as she was getting taken out along with Pike and Jaha and I crouched beside Abby and my father.

"Mom?" Clarke's voice crackled. I took off the cuffs and Abby was let up. "I'm okay," Abby whispered into her shoulder. I looked at Kane who stared back at me.

"Thank you," he said. "I love you," I mouthed. My lip curled with my eyes filling in water but I blinked for it to stop.

"Please don't hurt them," he begged. "The people will want justice," I said. I turned around and walked out to see Raven staring at the blood bath. "More will shed," I said.

Roan gave me the clothing I put on and we went to the top of the ramp where my throne had been pushed out from the closet. I sat down to see people had filled the space to view the empty center and they started to yell, "Jus drein jus daun!" "Jus drein jus daun!" "Jus drein jus daun!"

"Silence!" my voice bellowed. "Bring them out." The door opened for Kara and Jaha to step out and she followed by Pike and ten others. They stood around with the bright lights shining on them.

"These are traitors of the clan who decided to steal the farm for themselves. They've eaten our food and thought they could enjoy their heist forever. Now, they're being punished. Not by Death by a Thousand Cuts but by the fight nightbloods play to be the Commander; a conclave. They will battle and only one will survive and I will choose whether they have ascended or not.

"That goes for anyone who disobeys the enforced laws: no stealing, no eating more food than necessary, no treason, lights out at night, and if you do happen to be an enemy of Wonkru, you will end up in the arena where you fight to survive."

I stood, drawing my sword, and tossed it in the middle. "May the best red bleeder win," I said. "Fight." They hesitated for a moment when Pike dove for the weapon and drove it into his accomplice.

The first drop of blood tainted the floors as I made a killer out of him and just like the three hundred he killed, he murdered more. He held the blade with two hands when it was him against Kara and Jaha.

"Don't let make me kill them," Pike yelled at me. "I know who you are." "Who am I?" I questioned slowly. "You're the girl who was so eager to come to my class and was ready to learn," he said. "You always had a smile on your face and... one of the lieutenants told me how you broke into the Blakes' quarter because you wanted to play like an ordinary child."

"What about your best friend, Wells?" Jaha asked and my faintly wet eyes flickered to his. "I know he snuck into Skybox to see you. He cared for you even after what happened. I'm even sure he had a crush on you."

"They're saying anything to keep themselves alive," Octavia told me. "Remember when we used to play chess and color?" Clarke stepped out to speak. "We all knew you couldn't draw." "Send me down there, heda," Echo offered. "I'll make an example out of them."

I inhaled then exhaled and closed my eyes to imagine the trip down memory lane. Underneath the pain and chaos, the food was too deep in my noggin but when Bellamy spoke about me meeting Octavia for the first time, everything was clear.

When I opened my eyes, I knew everyone could see the glaze and I knew I was in a position where I couldn't back out. My heart was too cold to not continue and I blink back my tears.

"Love is a weakness," I said plainly. "Clarke Griffin and Bellamy Blake, would you like to join their fate?" I had given them a choice and they decided to step out of the pits. "Fight!"

With the blade in his hand, Pike slashed Kara's chest and cried when driving it through Jaha. "Charles Pike is now a free man," I announced. "If you commit another crime, you will be back here. And please, don't feel bad, we floated people for things like this on the Ark."

The crowd erupted in whoops and I grinned at the champion in red. I stood from my seat and guards walked with me back to my shared room. They stood at the doors and I went inside to wipe the dry blood off of me.

When I took off my cloak and shoulder plate, I heard sniffling in the room. My head turned to see the blond-haired boy from before, crying in the corner.

"Hello, there," I said in a raspy voice. His head slightly lifted and he dropped it back to his arms and squeezed tightly against the wall, nearly screaming in fear. For a moment, my heart shattered and I broke my strong demeanor.

"What's your name?" I asked. I decided not to move any closer. He sniffled, "Ethan." "What's wrong, Ethan?" I asked stupidly, already knowing. "You killed my dad and Uncle Theo," he cried. "Are you going to kill me too?"

I crouched, looking at the ground then up at his green eyes that reminded me of Aden who I barely met but knew very well. "No," I said. "As much as I am crazy, I don't kill children. They're the only ones who are innocent. You no nothing from right or wrong whereas adults do and... your Uncle Theo, he was wrong."

"I don't know about that one," he said. I ended up sitting down and crossed my legs in front of me. "Oh, well you'll learn a lot of things in here," I said. "I'm a great teacher. You'd get to hear all of my stories and be educated... only if you want to be my student."

"Why would I want that?" he asked. "You're scary." "Not around you," I said. "You will get the chance to see my other side. I believe all humans are soft no matter how many times they try to be cold. Maybe, at the end of our hard day being strong in front of the people, we can come here and cry, talk, read, meditate."

"You cry?" "Endlessly," I answered. "But shh... don't tell anyone." I managed a grin when he laughed. "What would you like to do?" "We can meditate."

"Okay," I agreed and patted the space in front of me. He released from his spot and scooted towards me to cross his legs. "Now repeat, 'I am the Flame and the Flame is me.'" "I am the Flame and the Flame is me."

Our eyes closed, continuing the mantra and I genuinely smiled at the minor moment of peace. I had a quick glimpse of Aden and the novitiates of Lexa's class along with the past Commanders. As Pike side, they were so eager to learn. I was actually glad that Ethan chose me.
