
One night.

"Come on taehyung-ah! Its just a dare!"

One dare

"I don't know Wooji, she's just really mysterious-"

"Ah! Don't tell me you're afraid of her?"

"Tsk don't kid around. I'am not afraid of any girl."

"Then do the dare!"

One girl.

"But she's so... mysterious! No one even knows if she can talk!"

"Ah Taehyung, you're overreacting. If she cant then she shouldnt have been enrolled here. She should've been enrolled somewhere where people like her are."

"I don't know Woonji. I..its not like that. Its just... I have a bad feeling about this."

Kim Taehyung

is a good hearted boy. He doesnt wanna hurt anyone intentionally nor unintentionally. He is very famous too because of his looks and brains. He already had many girlfriends but well... he didn't exactly mean to, crazy right? Anyways you dont wanna mess with him because his fangirls will mess you up pretty bad.

Kim Jisoo

is just a walking mystery around Sojuon Campus. She's unbelievably pretty but yet no one has the guts to risk being embarassed just to ask her out. She doesn't have friends and she is usually compared to air. No one really notices her and she doesnt notice anyone either. If anyone tries to make friends with her (which is unlikely to happen on a daily basis) she'll just look at him or her, expressionless and walk away. No one bullies her because its not really fun when she always just walk it off and because of this some people think she's mute but no one really knows if that's true, besides she IS just a walking mystery.

"Don't chicken out Taehyung! Its just a dare."

"Alright alright! Ill do it. Just like you said, its just a mere damn dare"

Whats the dare you ask?

Is to date the most mysterious girl in Sojuon Campus for 3 months, Kim Jisoo.

Its just a dare.

But her world is not a joke

Where stupid dares has no place.

Where she thinks, attachments should not exist.

Yet he entered it with just one single dare.

  Just a Dare

*ehem up next a long explanation why i made this story ehem ehem*

Eloo, i made this story to contradict other clichè stories, you know all the stories that happens because of a bet or dare. Well this is one too but this time its serious. Its not like the stories that you know the one with a campus heartthrob and a nerd then a dare or bet. This one is a contradiction to those, that you can't just do that, you can't just toy with some one's life. Ironic isnt it? Because this is a story like that (but theres much more than a story told a hundred times already + a clichè one) but there is a lot of difference to this and that. First the female character is not a nerd. Why does it always has to be a nerd? Or someone bullied, or someone less pretty? (i choose not to describe people with the term  u g l y) The female character here is beyond beautiful but no one really tries to get her digits because they already know that they will just get embarassed. Second the male lead is really nice not like the others who is a jerk and a playboy, well he is but he just wants to love and be loved back but unfortunately fate has another plan for him...

Well thanks for going through my long explanation and if you're still reading up to this moment. You the real MVP mate. I should know because as a fellow reader i dont really read notes...but i do if its my favorite author (hey fav auths!)

I hope you give this story a chance because this has so much than what it meets the eyes.

Anyways thanks for reading you can now proceed to the other chapter!

