chapter thirty


> bloom by the paper kites<

2 : 30 : 14

They were walking down the hospital halls again, just like yesterday.

"Oh jisoo unnie, taehyung oppa!"

"Huh?"jisoo was confused. She looked around

'Why ami here? How did i get here?'

"Hi unnie!"Kee yan said and waved at her. Jisoo was hella confused.

"W-where ami? Why ami here? Who are you?"taehyung's brows knitted at jisoo's questions

"Stop kidding around jisoo"

Jisoo's eyes furrowed at her sight. Why can not she see?

"A-ami blind?!"jisoo exclaimed before kneeling down on the floor

Taehyung panicked and kneeled down beside her

"Jisoo! Whats happening?"taehyung asked worried

Tears started rolling down her cheeks before passing out

"Jisoo!"taehyung screamed as jisoo fell into his arms.

'Not again'

Taehyung always panics whenever jisoo close her eyes. He doesnt trust jisoo's health this days. It always somehow fails.

He quickly picked her light body up and placed it back on her bed.  Taehyung called the nurse with a shaking voice.

Came rushing to the doors was jisoo's parents

"Doc what the hell is happening to our daughter?!"jisoo's dad said with a disheveled hair. They looked tired and worried.

"S-she...her brain is malfunctioning again"jisoo's mom quickly covered her mouth with her hands in shock "-but this time its not just the part where it controls the body, it has affected the memory part of her brain and just like Taehyung said, Jisoo didnt remember being blind nor being at the hospital. Thank God it was just temporary thats why she fainted, she will remember everything again when she wakes up"the doctor said with an assuring smile that didnt help even an inch

They knew what the doctor meant.

'She was fading away from their grasp slowly and they didnt like any bit of it'

"Taehyung, i think you need to rest."jisoo's dad said before patting his back

"Imo, samchon im just gonna get something to eat."taehyung said before walking away

After having a silent meal of ramen he returned to jisoo's room but before he could continue watching jisoo, jisoo's father went out with him to have a few words with him

"Are you tired?"not hesitating taehyung said no. He'll never get tired.

"Im impressed honestly but taehyung hopeless. You have done so much, you could stop now taehyung."jisoo's dad said seriously and taehyung shook his head no

"I can never do that samchon."

He was obviously shocked at's actions, he thought he would beg him not to go--not that he wants that. Its just very unexpected

"Is it because you think jisoo is your responsibility now?"

He was confused for he doesnt know what jisoo's dad was talking about

"Come again?"

"What im talking about is... maybe you're just doing this because you feel you need to."

"-aniyo! I want this. Its not that i need to do this, no it isnt like that... its more of i need this. If i dont well imagine the loss i would have."taehyung said looking at him straight at the eyes. He was saying the truth, he was sincere. Jisoo's Dad can see that.

Jisoo's dad heaved out a sigh before hugging taehyung

"My daughter is lucky to be with someone like you"taehyung smiled at the compliment.

He always thought that he was the lucky one, because jisoo gave him a chance to be friends then there.

5 chapters left.

I cant believe ill be able to finish a book omg !!

