chapter eleven pt. two


1 : 3 : 14

I looked at the mirror for the last time, convinced that I look good enough to head to Jisoo's birthday party. I hope. I mean, I don't even remember the last time I worried id I looked good enough.

Kidding... partially.

Just as I arrived at the location Jisoo texted me my jaw dropped. Wow.

"Jesus." I muttered as my eyes grew bigger at the sight of Jisoo's house well better described as a--well nothing other than a mansion.

She's rich, I mean I'm suprised and that I should've seen it coming with new phones on the clock.

"Taehyung?" My gaze diverted to the person who spoke---Jisoo. Oh God. Another wow here.

I'm again, mesmerized. Cheesy, s7re say what you want but she was beautiful like always but she just... how do you even say this?

Nothing like I've ever seen before? Yeah. I feel like my heart's getting pulled out of my chest.

"You're looking your best, Kim Jisoo." I muttered as I felt myself internally grimace hearing an understatement. She grinned at me before nodding proudly.

"You're not bad yourself either, Kim Taehyung... anyways." She muttered breaking off the gaze before continuing.

"We should hurry, my parents are waiting for you." I was dumbfounded as she pulled me in their... mansion.

I mean, why would they be?

I was puzzled and she just kept on tugging on my sleeves.

"Mom, Dad. This is Kim Taehyung, my... friend!" She said and geatured to two middle-aged people. Suprisingly they looked very young and simple for being rich... just like their daughter, Jisoo.

"Ah, Nice to meet you, Mr and Mrs.Kim, I'm Kim Taehyung." I said and did a full 90 degree bow for a good second.

"No need for formalities Taehyung-ah, Im and Samchon would do." Her mother told me while she wore the same heart-ish smile Jisoo also had.

They're good looks runs in the family, huh.

"We're glad, Jisoo has other friends other than Chaerin in S.U, so make yourself at home." Mr. Kim--I mean Samchon said and excused himself.

Why only Chaerin though?

"Jisoo Unnie?" Me and Jisoo turned at the same time to see a blonde, and two brunettes.

"Lisa, Jennie and who's this?" She said before pointing at the other brunette. Thhe three then laughed, making the other brunette smile.

"You're still quite the joker huh, Jisoo."

"I missed you so much!!" The blonde exclaimed as she held Jisoo tighter.

"Dude, Lisa. Easy girl, you don't wanna kill her right?" I was taken aback when they started to speak in english. Oh shit, I didn't bring tissues with me. I didn't think I'd be in trouble this early in the party.

"Eh it's fine, since I brought Chaeyoung here." She said and pulled the other brunette closer who had a contorted expression.

"Stop with the aegyo man." The other brunette said holding her temple whilst the other brunette who I suspect is the Chaeyoung because Jisoo kept asking her where did her pasta colored hair go.

I guess they are the ones Jisoo told me about?

"Ah I almost forgot, guys this is Taehyung. A friend I made at the university." Jisoo said and slung over her arm to the back of my neck which caused me to lower since she's lacking in height.

I winced in strain but I still smiled.

"Hi, nice to meet you. I'm Lisa." Lisa who I pertained to earlier the blonde faintly bowed after she introduced herself. I bowed back with a smile. She seems really friendly.

"I'm Jennie Kim, call me Jennie." She sternly said and looked at me from head to toe.

Okay? This is intimidating.

"Park chaeyoung." She simply said and nodded her head which I think is a bow.

Another intimidating.

"Glad to meet you!" I said and gave them three a bow, each. I know I look silly but have you seen a man who's scared for his life hesitate in pleasantries to save his life? Yeah, I don't think so.

"Mom and Dad has been waiting for you." Jisoo said and pointed to the garden, I think. The three bidded in goodbye and in excitement pushed each other while heading to the kitchen.

"Tae, let me introduce you to my brother. " Jisoo said and walkes up the stairs, with me following behind. Everything seems so simple yet grand.

I don't know if that makes sense but it means what it means.

She led me to the nearest room and opened a door which revealed a person with machines seemingly keeping him alive.

My jaw dropped when I realized it was her brother... on the brink of death.

"This is Seokmin Oppa." She said with a faint smile.

I walked closer following Jisoo's course. There were beeping from the machines and his heavy breath. This is such a heart clenching sight.

"He seems like he's in a deep sleep but he can actually hear you." Jisoo said as she looked at her brother very lovingly. It's sweet.

"Hello, My name is Kim Taehyung." I said and bowed, I was suprised when I lifted my head and he opened his eyes.

"Oh, hi. Are you my Sooya's boyfriend?" I felt my cheeks burn as I looked away. Well that's one heck of an accusation. I swallowes the lump in my throat as I gathered my scattered courage again.

"Oppa!" Jisoo exclaimed with an embarassed tone. I looked over to her slightly to see she was blushing. Cute.

"Are you not?" Heasked and I nodded with a taint smile plastered on my lips.

"Ah. I'm rooting for you okay? Happy Birthday, Sooya. Oppa is sorry for not being downstairs with you later to party. " He said and slowly closed his eyes.

"It's okay, really. You'd just dance funny down there anyway."

They both laughed before he nodded slowly. Making an understanding with sibling telepathy, I guess.

"We'll go now. " Jisoo said and ushered me out of the room

"Why is he sick?" I asked and she heaved a sigh before turning to me with a smile.

"Its complicated... so let's just eat. " She said and rushed downstairs. I glanced at the door before following her.

It was getting dark and her relatives came which made me embarrassed because she kept introducing me to everyone. I kept repeating my name and now it sounds weird.

"Where is Chaerin? I thought she'll be attending your birthday... since she's your friend too, right?" I asked while we were getting some food from the buffet.

The party was being held at their huge garden and there was this buffet part which gauged my eyes out the first time I had a glimpse of it.

"Oh... well she said she can't for some unknown reason but it's okay. " Jisoo said with a small frown before shrugging it away. Huh, cute.

"You miss her?"

"I was just curious." I said and she just nodded as we walked towards her friend's table with me following her again.

We sat at the table and well it wasn't really that hard to get along with the three because they were pretty frank and a little bit childish although they were all in college too, the difference is that Jennie is in 3rd year college at Daegy meanwhile Lisa and Chaeyoung is in 2nd year college here in Seoul too.

They were childishly fun, not the kind of Woonji childish that likes to party and takes dares too serious. Seriously, he's my friend and all but he's such a kid, I can't.

I don't want to do the dare anymore. I really want to get to know her more but not because of an annoying stupid dare.

But because I sincerely want to.

"So Taehyung oppa, you're taking?" Lisa asked as she drank a little from her glass.

"HRM." I shortly said before taking a bite from my meal.

"Well would you look at that oppa, we have the same course!" Jennie said and ask for a high fived and I was startled when Jisoo who came from the buffet for her 4th refill, took it instead. She has some appetite.

"Heyy that was for Taehyung Oppa." Jennie said pouting and Jisoo just chuckled.

Later on, everyone was already heading home and I was too when Jisoo stopped me.

boi shit bout to got real.

- moon
