chapter twenty nine


>wherever you will go
by the calling<

2 : 28 : 14

Jisoo played a very valuable role in everyone's lives

Jisoo was jennie's first friend at korea that became best friends to sister. They have a very tight relationship which is priceless.

Chaeyoung was the complete opposite of jisoo yet jisoo still befriended her even though chaeyoung pushed her away a guzillion times. Jisoo made her realize that her friends was nothing but a bunch of bandwagons and hypocrites and she thanked her for that. Jisoo even pushed chaeyoung towards jimin but that didnt end well.

Lisa was jisoo's right hand, they got along pretty well. Very very well. Just like chaeyoung, she played cupid with lisa and jungkook but unlike chaeyoung and jimin, lisa and jungkook was a success.

Seeing her weak and almost blind breaks their heart.

Taehyung on the other hand kept being positive and didnt mind that jisoo was almost blind, he kept doing his usual routines. Little did everyone know, taehyung was slowly dying inside to see his loved one suffer like this but he knows, he knows jisoo will regain her sight, gain back her strength and live normally again.

"So Jisoo"taehyung started as everyone left because they still have a lot of unfinished business while jisoo's parents is still working hard to find a cure

"Why didnt you talk to anyone, lisa told me you were talkative"taehyung stated as he was fixing the tubes in jisoo's nose. She needed that now.

"Aish that kid"she weakly started "Well. Lets just say im doing everybody a favor"jisoo shortly replied.

"I dont get it"taehyung said and putted the mask on jisoo, jisoo chuckled at taehyung's silly but cute expression

"You will."jisoo said and breathed deeply "How are the finals?" Jisoo asked and taehyung just smiled

"You'll see, ill be graduating with flying colors"taehyung bragged and jisoo just plastered a bitter smile

"I want to...go back to school taehyung. I miss the bullies-"

"What the?"

"Haha im serious"jisoo said laughing softly. Her voice was hoarse. "The looks they give me sometimes...the endless lectures. I want to graduate to. I want to have my finals too. It all seems impossible now...with this rusty sight"jisoo said and shook her head. Her sight was blurry than every, all she was seeing are taehyung's shirt and hair and the hospital lights.

"Ow."taehyung said smiling as jisoo poked his cheeks

"Omo is that you? Im sorry are you that close to me?"jisoo asked and taehyung just shook his head, but he frowned. He knew jisoo wouldnt see that anymore

"Huh?"jisoo once again asked

"I said its okay"taehyung said and laid his back on the sofa he moved to jisoo's bed

"I missed your secret spot, where you always make ramen"jisoo said smiling with bluish lips.

"We'll come back there, i promise you that chichu"taehyung said and smiled at jisoo. Jisoo didnt see it but she knew.

"Taegi? Lets walk around."

Taehyung had a hard time arranging stuff before they got out

"Are you sure you feel okay without those needles?"taehyung questioned jisoo once again, jisoo just smiled and said

"I feel fine besides its only for a little while"jisoo said and kept walking

Taehyung was her eyes and even though her vision wasnt clear, she was loving it.

"Oh annyeong oppa and unnie"a little girl said, it seemed like it has a serious case

"Oh nyeong-an"jisoo said before whispering to taehyung "who ami talking to right now?"

Taehyung laughed before whispering back "its a little girl, she seems sick. She's just as tall as your lower body"taehyung described so jisoo may feel like she could see the little girl

"Oh hi little girl, are you lost?"jisoo asked with a sweet sweet smile. Taehyung smiled at the sight of jisoo.

"Aniyo, im just walking around. Laying on a bed all day is tiring"jisoo laughed at the little girl

"It is."jisoo muttered under her breath

"Whats your name?"taehyung asked as the little girl turned to him

"Im Kee Yan. How about you two?"kee yan asked

"Im Jisoo and he's taegi-"

"Taehyung actually"taehyung said smiling his rectangukar smile

"Your a twaegi? (Pig)"jee yan asked before giggling along with jisoo

"Its a nickname my girlfriend made for me because my bame is TAEhyung"he said emphasizing the first syllable

"Ahhh i get it taegi oppa"the little girl teased

Taehyung just laughed along with them

Tests are coming so R.I.P moon

And i find this chapter very boring, dont you?

The reason why i update for the third time because...THIS BOOK IS #933 IN FANFICTION WHAT THE FUCK!!


