chapter eleven


1 : 2 : 14

"What should I get her?"  I murmured to  myself as I wandered around the mall. I'm currently finding the perfect gift for Jisoo since... her birthday's tomorrow. Yeah it's already late but I really didn't have that much time since I spent it all with her.

From my observations yesterday, I can sense that she isn't a materialistic person but I still wanna get her the best gift I could possibly give her.

To: pretty soo

'jisoo, seriously what
do you want for
your birthday?'

From : pretty soo

Wait, is my nickname
still pretty soo?
yah! Did you change

To : pretty soo

Oh was I not suppose

From : pretty soo

ah, so you're being
like this now.

To :pretty soo

jk! but jokes aside
what do you want?
come on.

From: pretty soo


i really don't
want anything, right now.

just come to my house
my fam is gonna
throw me a little party
and I would really
really appreciate
your presence.

I'll text you my address
tomorrow, bye tae!

I blew out a deep sigh and held unto my nape while I look up, still thinking what to get her. I seriously want to give her a gift that would earn a priceless reaction from her but she just won't leave any clue, huh.

I walked around agaim even though I think I passed by these stores a dozen times already--- WAIT.

I stopped as something caught my attention. My eyes widened upons seeing it, thinking,

'I hope she'll appreciate this'

I went out the store, adoring the paper bag in my hand. I really hope she likes this, I mean just a minute ago I thought I'd have a migraine just by thinking.

My phone chimed and I immediately pulle it out my pocket. It must be Jisoo.

Fr. Noona

How are you doing
Happy Birthday, best
brother!! although you're
my only brother heehee.

Don't be too sad, okay?
I'll come visit you but
that's all you'll know
for now. Love you!

It may be the very least but I'm content with that.

this was such a short chapter with only 200 words what was i thinking????

404 words

