chapter twenty-one part two


2 : 9 : 14

"Where were you jisoo?! I was worried sick!! I thought you collapsed somewhere gosh!!"chaerin said
'welcoming' jisoo who is wearing her infamous heart smile

"Chill, i wont die like that--anyways i..."she hesitated. Yes she did. She didnt want chaerin to know whom she spend the night with, she knew it would break her bestfriend's heart

"So?"chaerin asked, waiting for jisoo's reason why she stayed out late

She didnt want to lie to her bestfriend...but she didnt want to hurt her either.

"I...i spended it with jennie. She, she talked to me yeah."she said and have herself a pat in the back mentally for saying a good reason.

"Ohh...did she talk some sense into you?"chaerin said pertaining to the reason why jennie got mad at jisoo at the first place

They all wanted jisoo to maintain at the hospital so maybe. Just maybe. Her life span would grow longer but jisoo already accepted it, she didnt want to prolong her suffering. She just wanted to live life to the fullest--literally. Even though that fullest wasnt really the fullest, still it was better than lying down on the hospital bed with a bunch of machines attached to her soon lifeless body trying to extend her lifeline which is dull---thats what she think.

Jisoo shook her head at chaerin and went inside the bathroom to take a bath and when she finished her daily routine, she picked up her phone that lighted up signaling that a message has been sent to her

From: my t(dw)aegi

Meet me at the campus entrance at 11 \ (:3) /

She giggled softly at the cute emoticon before putting her phone down to dress up.

'Wonder what he's up to now'


Smiling big, Taehyung waited for his girlfriend at the campus entrance slash exit. He was excited to bond with her.

He smiled as he saw her small silhoutte skipping towards him

"Nyeong-an!!"he heard her shout and as soon as she arrived in front of him, she breathed in deeply, catching her breath

He was once again astonished at the look jisoo wore today. He wouldnt get tired seeing her in her simple casual clothes looking elegant, prim and proper all of the time and of course, drop dead gorgeous

(Look at the multimedia above to see the look jisoo is slaying this chap)

"A-annyeong"he managed to answer and smiled sheepishly. He was flushung deep scarlet.

"So what did you plan for us?"she asked and started to walk. He cleared his throat before answering her

"A trip to a amusement park"he said and smiled widely that made jisoo smile big too.

'Few strenous activities wont kill me.'

'I hope.'



Argh i dont know what to do!

What i mean is, i have no idea what to do for later and its frustrating me.

I sighed and dropped my body onto the bed

"Whats with the long face jagi~"

"Shut up daechin"i said and groaned.

"Wow someone sounds like daechin"he said and i rolled my eyes at him, why does he sound so jolly anyway?

"Such a sourpuss all of a sudden"he complained and walked into his room. I rolled my eyes at him and sat up still thinking what kind of date ill be giving jisoo

I want it to be fun! But very memorable also since its her first date and i dont wanna ruin it! Our firsts can never be undone so it has to be special.

I took a bath and when i got out drying my hair i saw two tickets to a theme park.

"Yah Daechin-ah."i said and knocked on his door. I opened it and he was no where to be seen

"Ill...ill just pay for it when i get back"i said with a smile and quickly texted jisoo


As soon as they got to the bus stop, Jisoo immediately sat down

"Nan pigonhae"jisoo said and pouted. She breathed in deeply to calm her heavy breathing.

"Ah mianhae, we'll be there after we ride this bus"taehyung said wearing an assuring smile before kissing the top of her head

Taehyung laughed at Jisoo's now peach colored face

"Y-yah...hajima"she said and bowed her head sheepishly. She felt her cheeks heat up together with her heart that skipped a beat while Taehyung was amused to see jisoo shy, blushing to be exact. He never saw her get shy or get awkward in certain situations which he really wanted to see

And he must say

'This is a sight i would want to see every day'

He sat beside her and she was just staring at her feet like it was the most interesting thing in the world

Taehyung pouted and meeted her gaze

"Jagiyaaa~"he sung and cupped her face

"Yah, hajima"she said and turned away, she was really embarrased.

"Aish gwaenchana, uri chichuuuu~ nomu nomu kwiyeowo!!"he exclaimed and she immediately covered his mouth as he started to raise his voice a little

"Aniyo, na yeoppudyo!"she defended and got her confidence back, for an unkown reason she laughed which caused Taehyung to laugh too

They were laughing their butts off when the bus arrived

Giggling they hopped into the bus making their way to the theme park

The squeals i made during this chapter was defeaning

- moon
