chapter seventeen


2 : 5 : 14

(Track: You're beautiful by james blunt)

"Yah."jisoo said casually over the phone

"Yah! Eodisso?"taehyung asked while he was wearing his shoes

"Campus, wae?"jisoo asked and he immediately smirked

"Great! Just meet me at the campus entrance."he said and rushed over to the door to go to the grocery.


Jisoo was fuzzled about the instructions taehyung texted her. Nonetheless she still followed him

It led her to a grassy place and she started fiddling with her fingers once again.

She was just standing there and mosquito were starting to feast on her pale legs

So she decided to call him and suprisingly the ringtone which she suspect is taehyung's was somewhere inside an abondoned looking building

With brows furrowed she followed the sound and suprisingly the building she thought was abondoned was neat. She flicked the light switch revealing taehyung almost killing his phone

Jisoo bursted out of laughter

"Yah!"taehyung called but she was still busy laughing

"Ugh."he groaned and walked away. The now alarmed jisoo immediately followed him

"Yah tae! Mianhae, what were you even doing there?"she said still wanting to laugh

"Nevermind."he mumbled and kept on walking on the green grass

"Yah i worked my butt of to follow your instructions besides i was sorry..."jisoo said started to get worried if taehyung was really mad at her or what

"Taehyung?"she called but he was still walking away

'Oh no,'





"Yah Kim Taehyung!"she called loudly catching her breath

Finally he stopped. She walked  over to him and faced him. He was frowning

"What were you planning? Kaja lets-"


"Kim. Taehyung. Iam sorry truly am. Why are you mad?"she said but he still wasnt answering. She heaved out a sigh and held his hand and pulled him all the way back to the abondoned building.

She left him there and went out.

"PLEASE CONTINUE."Jisoo said and she heard thuds here and there and she couldnt help but chuckle.

She felt his perfect hands turn her over

"Mianhe...i just wanted it to be perfect kind of ruined it and even laughed! But its okay, see this? I prepared this for one thing and one thing only."

Jisoo raised her brow at him

"Kim Jisoo. I have never been this nervous when it comes to this...maybe because i underestimated it i mean a little zip and zap here boom. I like someone new again. I mean those are the worst mistakes hopeless romantics make...i would repeat the same mistake again if it has something to do with you Kim Jisoo, you."
