we just friends

I had this weird feeling that Jaden was hiding something. He always said that him and Kylee were just friends but I don't know it don't see right. So I went to the Walton house to see javon and jayla and there input on the situation I had

~waltons house~

I sow Kylee was there and she was hangout with Jaden. Jaden sow me and and said hi but I didn't said hi back I went straight to jayla room and gladly Javon was there

Javon:hey y/n
Y/n:I need you guys help
Y/n:I don't know if it's just me or what

Then I told them everything and they as the same feeling I was feeling about Jaden and Kylee like there up to someone and stuff

Jayla:I well kill him if he hurt you to be honest
Javon:for real because you treat him so good and stuff
Y/n:thanks guys
Javon:no problem

Then I went downstairs and I sow Jaden and Kylee kiss each other. Then jayla and javon follow right behind me

Jayla:Jaden really
Jaden:omg y/n
Y/n:wow okay
Javon:with Kylee too
Jaden: baby I could explain
Y/n:shut up Jaden I treat you so well and you cheat on me I should have believed you when you said she just a friend
Y/n:don't baby me we are over

At that point I had tears in my eyes and I ran back to my house to my room and just cry

Jayla pov
I was mad at him for what he did to y/n even though he was my brother

Jayla:Kylee get out of house and don't even come back you hear me

He left so fast and I just look at Jaden and he had tears in his eyes

Jaden:let me please explain
Jayla:no because why would you do that
Jaden:I don't know
Javon:how you hurt her the same way you got hurt by ava
Jaden:I know I just wish I could change the time and didn't have to do it

Then he ran to his room and close the door and I could hear him cry

Jaden pov
I hate myself for what I did to y/n I just wish I could've have done that to her she deserves better. I lost the girl that test me so well that made me so happy and I just let her go. I just wish I could have talk to her and told her everything but I can. I guess if over for us and there no more of me and y/n.

Y/n pov
I never cry so hard for a boy and I treat him so well I just wished I could change back the clock and that could never happen. I guess we well never be me and Jaden.
