we are just friends pt.2

Jaden pov
Its benn two months since we have broken up and I have been doing horrible I well stay in my room all day the only time I well get out of to use the bathroom or to eat food and that it.  I just want y/n back and I well be better

Jayla pov
I been worried about Jaden since he barely coming out of his room I been debating if I should call y/n and tell her what's going on so I went to javon room and ask for his opinion

Javon:wassup jayla
Jayla:I need your opinion
Jayla: should I call y/n and ask if she can come over to talk to Jaden. I know she no doing well either
Jayla :okay

So I called her to come over and told her everything about Jaden and she a agree to come and talk to him

Y/n pov
Jayla told me everything that going on with Jaden so I agree to come over and once I got there jayla and javon hug me

Y/n:no going to lie I miss you guys
Y/n:so where Jaden now.
Javon:his room
Jayla:just plz convince him to get out of his room or something
Y/n:I well try
Jayla:thanks y/n
Y/n:no problem

I walk up to Jaden room and knock on this door and he open it. The looks different

Y/n:hi Jaden
Jaden:what are you doing here
Jaden:did jayla and javon send you here cuz the were worried About me
Jaden:well I'm fine

He try to close the door but I stop it

Jaden:what do you want y/n we are not together no more and you won't listen to me
Y/n:I would like to
Jaden: Really

He let me in and I sat on he bed and he sat next to me

Jaden:y/n I'm sorry for you running into me and Kylee kiss when she herd you coming she pull me into the kiss that when you sow us kissing and I never like her
Y/n:Jaden I'm sorry for overreacting
Jaden:it's okay y/n I just miss you and when we broke up yesterday I felt like I lost everything
Y/n:Same Jaden
Jaden:I love you y/n
Y/n:love you too

He pull me into a kiss. When we pull away I just look at him and we smile at each other

Jaden:y/n would you be my girlfriend again
Y/n:I would love to be girlfriend again

He pull me into a tight hug and kiss my forehead. I'm so happy we are back together again
