
Jaden pov
I was bored and y/n hasn't call me are text me all day and want her attention but she is busy. So I went to her house and knock on there door and her brother answered it

Quinton:hey Jaden
Quinton:what are you doing here
Jaden:to see y/n
Quinton:oh yeah sorry
Jaden:it's okay Quinton

I walk in and went straight to her room and walk in and lay on his bed

Y/n:jaden what are doing here
Jaden:I'm bored and I need attention
Y/n:well I'm doing school work
Y/n:you can hangout with me brother
Jaden:I want you though
Y/n:well Jaden I'm busy
Jaden:okay sorry

I walk out then went to to go hangout with her brothers until she was done

Y/n pov
I finish doing my school work and to finish Jaden in my brother room

Jaden:are you finish
Y/n:yes Jaden

He got up and pull me to my room and he lay on my bed and I lay next to him and he put his head on my stomach. I was in my phone when Jaden call my name so many times 

Y/n:yeah Jaden
Jaden:I want attention
Y/n:okay okay

I put my phone up and look at him and he smile

Y/n:now you have my attention
Jaden: good
Y/n:your silly
Jaden:no I'm not
Y/n:what ever

I start playing with his hear and we were talking until Jaden stopped talking and I head him snoring and I look at him sleep peacefully. So I kiss his head

Y/n:good night jaden I love you
Jaden:I love you too

I giggle and we both end up falling asleep
