video games

So Jaden invited me over to hangout with him but he won't pay attention to me because he on the stupid video games with his brother javon and a few friends

Jaden:what y/n
Y/n:when are tot getting off
Jaden:in a few minutes
Y/n:you said that a long time ago
Jaden:I promise after this one

I was tired of hearing him screaming and stuff so I told Jaden that I was going to jayla room he said okay so I went to jayla room

Jayla:hey y/n
Jayla:what wrong
Y/n:it's your brother
Jayla:what did he do
Y/n:he invited over to hangout but his on the his video game and every time I ask him when he getting off he said in a few minutes witch turns into hours so I can tkt hangout with you
Jayla:okay what do you want to do
Y/n:we can go live

So jayla set up her came and we went live and people were coming into the live real fast

User024:hi jayla and y/n
User583:where is Jaden and javon at

Y/n:hi guys
Y/n:Jaden and javon are playing video games
Jayla:the didn't want to hangout with us

User158:you guys are so pretty
User728:y/n and Jaden are so cute together
User396:y/n make Jaden more happy then ava

Jayla:thanks you
Y/n:thank for saying that me and Jaden try
Jayla:for real Jaden is happy with y/n then he was with Ava

I look at jayla and smile at her for what she said about toy making Jaden happy

~1 hour later~

We ended the live and we where doing random stuff. Then Jaden come into the room

Jaden:baby come back
Y/n:no I'm hangout with jayla
Jaden:but i invested you over
Y/n:but you where on your video games so I came to hangout with Jaden
Jayla:leave her alone Jaden.

I could see Jaden has tears in his eyes then he left and I felt bad. So I got up and went to Jaden room and and I could here him trying. So knock on his door and he told me to come in and I walk in.

Jaden:go back and hangout with Jayla
Y/n: Jaden baby

I walk to his bed and looks at him

Y/n:baby I'm sorry
Jaden:no I'm sorry for being on my video game and not hangout with you
Y/n:baby it's okay
Y/n:yes baby

Then I lean in and hug him and he hug me back then we pull away and I wipe away his tears and kiss his cheek

Y/n: are you better
Y/n:want to hangout now
Y/n:okay Jaden
Jaden:I love you y/n so much
Y/n:I love you more

So me and Jaden hangout in his room and watch movies and eat snacks then went to go eat food and watch more movies after that. We both end up falling asleep though.
