jealous y/n

Me and Jaden were at the mall hangout having a good time when a group of girl came us

Girl#1:can we talk a picture with you Jaden?
Jaden:sure why not
Girl#2:yeah and you girl you can hold my phone
Y/n:um okay

She game me her phone and the got all up on them. I try not to get jealous but it was hard the were being flirty with him and stuff

Jaden:okay bye guys
Girl#1:bye Jaden

They walk away and I just look away from Jaden

Jaden:hey baby are you okay
Y/n:yeah I am fine

He turn me around and I try not looking at him but he put and fingered under my chin to make me look at him

Jaden:what the matter I know someone is up and what is it
Y/n:Jaden nothing
Jaden:don't lie to me
Y/n:can we just leave I don't want to be here no more
Jaden:okay what ever you say love

We leave the mall and went back to his house and I just went to his room and lay on his bed and came a few minutes later

Jaden:y/n plz just tell what wrong
Y/n:okay if you really want to know
Jaden:yes y/n
Y/n:it's the girls you took at pictures with they were flirting with you Jaden and you didn't do anything to stop them
Jaden:sorry I didn't see it
Y/n:yeah right
Jaden:y/n look at me

I look at him and he held my hand and kiss them

Jaden:y/n I love you okay no matter what
Y/n: really
Jaden:yes y/n/n

Then he kiss me and hug me tight. I'm so happy to have him in my life I don't know what I well do without him.
