long distance relationship

So me and Jaden are in a long distance relationship I live Miami Florida while Jaden lives Atlanta Georgia. I was doing school work when Jaden was face timing me and I answered it

Jaden:hi baby
Y/n:hello handsome
Jaden:what are you doing
Y/n: school work
Jaden:oh then let call you later
Y/n:it's okay Jaden I'm almost done anyways

I look at my phone and smile and he smile back

Y/n:what are you doing
Jaden:I'm going home
Y/n:you didn't have practice today

Then I finish doing my homework and just talk to Jaden for awhile

Jaden:I miss you so much
Y/n:I miss you too but I well come and visit you soon I promise I got tickets
Y/n:I love you
Jaden:I love you too

I could tell he was sad and stuff and I just want to hug him but I couldn't

Jaden:I have to go we are at home
Jaden:I love you
Y/n:love you too

We hung up and I was watching tv then there was knock on the door. I went to open it and I sow Jaden

Jaden:hey baby
Y/n:what are you doing here
Jaden:to see you duh

I run up and hug him tight

Jaden:I miss your hugs
Y/n:me too
Jaden:I'm here for the whole weekend we are leaving Monday
Y/n:whare your family
Jaden:in the car we were going to ask you if you want to go eat dinner with us
Jaden:okay come on

We went into the car and I said hey to everyone and we all went to go get dinner and hangout. I was so happy to be with the Walton's again
