needy Jaden

Jaden has been around me all day holding my hand, asking for kiss and other stuff to get my attention. We where hangout with javon jayla and Kylee

Jaden:y/n I love you
Y/n:I love you too
Kylee:leave her alone your so nerdy
Jaden: shut up Kylee you just mad because you wish you have a relationship like me and y/n
Kylee:a little bit

I giggle and Jaden and our his head on my shoulder and held my hand

Javon:Jaden your so needy
Y/n:I find it cute though
Jayla:it's is kind of cute see Jaden with
Jaden:I know I love her so much

He kiss me on the lips and cheek and hugs me tightly to the point I can't breath

Y/n:I love you Jaden
Jaden:I love you more

Then I went to go get water and Jaden follows me while holding my hands

Javon:Jaden she going to comeback and sit by you
Jaden:leave me alone
Y/n:Jaden can you please let go of my hand I need to get a drink

He let go of my hand and then we went back to the living where everyone else was and I sat on the couch and sate right side me and put his head on shoulder

Javon:I feel bad you had to deal with Jaden
Y/n:no it's okay I find it cute
Jaden: really

He was blushing really hard

Kylee:oww Jaden blushing
Jaden:shut up
Jayla:I never see Jaden blushing

I left his head up and smile at him and kiss his lips

Y/n:your cute when you Blush Jaden
Juden: stopp! Your going to make me blush even more

We all laugh and just having fun with each other and Jaden was still being needy
