Put in Danger

-The Car Shop-
A.k.a your job
Your POV

I can't stop thinking about what happened today. Peter says he wasn't jealous, but by the looks of it, it seemed like he was. Is it possible that he likes me. No. Maybe? I don't know. He seems to like me as a friend, nothing more.

"Y/l/n! You almost done fixing the engine?" That was Jerome, my partner. He's cool, but he always questions me. Jerome is 26, and from Jamaica, so he has an awesome accent.

I work at a car shop; always fixing cars. I'm not complaining, I love my job and the people I work with. It's just, I'm the only girl here. Also, not only am I a girl, but I'm also a sixteen year old girl.

"Yeah. I just need to fix something under the car . Can you- can you just... give me a hammer?"

"A hammer? What are you thinking of doing? Smashing the car to bits? We are trying to fix a car not turn it into scrap metal."

"Just give me the hammer."

He gives me a hammer hesitantly. Jerome always has trouble understanding my methods, and I don't blame him. They sometimes are a little weird and/or crazy.

I take the hammer in my left hand, and get back under the car. There is a loose bolt on the axle that won't screw in. I readjust the hammer and I take a good whack at the bolt. When I remove my right hand from holding the bolt, it stays put. I took one last look and got out from under the car.

"All fixed and ready to go."

"Once again, I've underestimated you." He smiled at me, and I smiled back with a small chuckle.

I looked at the time. 6:32, "Well, got to go. My parents are going to kill me if I'm late from work again. See you tomorrow, Jerome."

"See ya. Now get going. I want to see you alive tomorrow." He always says that. I always laugh.

I grab my school bag, put one my jacket, and head for the bus stop. The bus stop is only a block away from the car shop, and I'm lucky I made it before the bus left the stop. Of course I had to call out so the bus driver would wait for me, but the driver is used to that. She always adds an extra minute for me to get there.

"Hey Nancy."

"Hey y/n. Surprised to see you on time."

"Surprised you waited this long." She laughs and I go find a seat.

I take a seat in the way back next to business men and women. Along with my neighbors, Mr, and Mrs.Keyser. They're nice older folks, and they are always willing to buy me ice cream, and they've done it since I was four.

I'm finishing up on my physics homework when I feel a slight swerving in the bus. The next thing I know is the bus is losing control, and everyone is holding on for dear life. What's worse? The bridge is coming up.

The bus starts spinning and falls on its side, and then the bus goes off the bridge. There's screaming as we fall, but then something catches us. Someone starts banging on the roof of the bus, and after a few moments they fall in. The bus shakes but when it steadies we see its Spider-Man.

"Is everyone okay?" He asks. Everyone lightly nods their heads.

He starts to help people out one by one. The bus feels like it falls another inch with each moment we are in there. Everybody takes the lightest steps over to the hero, until I'm the last one on. My heart is beating fast as I wait for him to come back. While I'm waiting I feel the bus move, then I'm falling again.


Peter's POV

Crap! I shoot a web as quick as I can, and it hits the bus feet before it hits the nearly frozen river. I attach the web to the bridge and quickly go down to the bus. There's one more person on there, and I have to save them.

When I get to the bus I carefully make my way to an opening. That's when I see her. Y/n. She's bleeding badly on her forehead and on her right shoulder. She looks at me, completely terrified. Surprisingly she's not to terrified to talk.

"Don't drop me."

"I won't." I have to lower my voice a bit so she doesn't recognize it. I send her a nod and reach out my hand.

She reaches to, but then the bus starts to creak when she moves. She let out a small scream, pulled her hand back, and started to breath heavily. I knew I had to say something.

"Hey. Look at me," she looked up at me, " I'm going to get you out of here. Do you trust me?"

She gives me small nod and says, "I trust you."

"Good. Now I'm going to ask to do something crazy."


"Please. All I need you to do, is to jump as high as you can." After I said this, she looked at me as if I was a madman, "I promise I'll catch you."

She sends me a nod and gets ready to jump. The bus moves again, and I know it won't hold for long.

"When I say jump, you jump."

"Got it."

I wait until the bus starts to fall again, and when it does I yell, "JUMP!"

She jumps and reaches for my hand, and I grab it. I pull her and myself out of the bus as it crashes into the almost frozen river, and I shoot a web up towards the bridge. I pull her up closer to me, and she wraps her arms around me. She may seem tough at school, but right now I get to see her vulnerability. It's kinda cute. She buries her head into my chest, and I pull us up onto the bridge.

When we get back on the bridge, I let her regain her balance before fully letting her go. She looks at me and I look at her. She seems a bit confused.

"What?" I say to her.

"Nothing. Your voice just sounds familiar."

She continues to look at me until a medic comes over.

"You need to get checked out." I say so the medic doesn't have to.

"Thank you." Y/n responds smiling at me.

I watch her be taken to the ambulance, and watch the medics begin to help her. I wish she knew the actual hero behind this mask, but then again, it's good that she doesn't.
