I figured it out... I think

-the car shop-
-6:33 p.m.-
Your POV

I closed up the car shop and walked out onto the sidewalk. There was a slight breeze in the air and it felt good on my face. I continued to walk to the bus stop as normal when someone all of a sudden grabbed my arm and pulled me into an alley. Whoever it was I didn't care, I full on punched the person in the gut.

"I'm not a bad guy." The guy groaned in pain. I looked to see who it was. Spider-Man.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry." I said putting my hand on his shoulder, "but when you think of it it's your fault. You're the one who pulled me into an alley."

"Your right."

"So I guess Ned told Peter?" I asked, as he stood up straight and leaned against a brick wall.

"Don't know a Ned, but I know a Peter. Smart kid, very helpful and nice."

"Yeah he is." I stared at him and I think he was staring back. It's hard to tell with the mask.

After a moment of silence he asked, "so, what did you want to talk about?" He walked into the middle of the alley a few feet away from me,

"The day on the bridge, I recognized something about you, but I didn't know what it was," I took a step closer to him, he started to tense up, " you asked me if I trusted you, and earlier today, my friend asked me if I trusted him," I paused, " it sounded exactly like the same person."

"It could just be a coincidence or something." He said backing away from me.

"I know who you are," I said this as I walked towards him, he kept on backing up until he was against the wall, "Your a 16 year kid from Queens, and you live with your aunt. You go to Midtown High and your best friend is Ned Leeds. You love classic films, and you adore Tony Stark. Your... Your Peter Parker."

He just stood there, frozen, "you don't have proof."

"No, I don't, but I've got the strongest feeling that you are Peter." I looked at him and licked my lips before taking another step towards him. When I was a few inches away from him I looked up at him. I slowly reached for his mask, and lifted it up a little bit. He didn't move. The mask soon uncovered his mouth and then his nose, and soon enough I was staring into his deep brown eyes. I held the mask in my hand, and he stood there just staring at me. We stared into eachother so eyes not knowing what to say  to eachother. I backed away, mask still in my hand and he moved closer to me again, with his arms reaching out to grab me. I pushed him away, "why didn't you tell me, Pete?"

"I was scared to. I care about you, a lot, and I couldn't risk you finding out. If a bad guy knew that you knew who I was that would be dangerous for you." I stared at him

"Who else knows?"

"Ned, only Ned. And Tony Stark if course. He made my suit." I looked away from him and he came closer to me and put his hands on my shoulders, "please don't tell anyone."

"Why would I Peter? I would never tell a secret as big as this." I stared at the ground, trying to avoid eye contact.

"Are you mad?" He asked.

"Not mad, just upset that you didn't tell me earlier. Also I'm a little shocked, I'm surprised I was actually right."

He chuckled and I looked back into his eyes, "you have no idea how bad I've wanted to tell you."

I smiled at him and gave him a big hug. It felt safe, there in his arms. I felt protected, and I'm so glad to know the truth. The question of who he was occupied my mind since the day on the bridge, and it's amazing to know that it is actually Peter. But the thought of Spider-Man being Peter also scares me. What if he gets hurt? What if something horrible happens to him? I shouldn't worry about this now, I just have to worry about keeping this a secret and figuring out how I'm going to explain to my parents why I'm late. At least the Spider-Man thing will be easy, I think.
