I didn't ask you to Pt2

I walked along the beach again, shivering in the cold. I just had to keep looking for Peter. After a few minutes I made it to where the carnival grounds were. The roller coaster The Cyclone was there and I looked up at it. Then I saw something moving, a figure making its way down.

"Y/n?" The figure asked limping its way over.

"Oh my god, Peter," I ran to his side and lightly embraced him. He was freezing cold when I touched him and I could see his harsh shivering, "Mr.Stark told me what happened. Are you alri-"

"I'm fine." He interrupted me, his voice angry. He pulled away from me and sat on the ground.

"Come on Pete, tell me what's wrong." I kneeled in front of him and tried making eye contact.

"Nothing's wrong." He was starting to raise his voice.

"Is this because Mr.Stark saved you? Are you mad because you didn't take down the bad guy by yourself?"

"I don't want to talk about it y/n!" He stood up off the ground.

He had a cut on his cheek and I could see blood and his suit was teared up in some places.

"Why don't ou want tot talk about it?"

"I just don't!" Peter turned away from me and I couldn't see his face.

"That's not a good answer Peter."

"Who cares?!" He threw his arms in the air out of frustration.

"I do. I care." I put my hand on his shoulder.

He turned back to me and pushed my hand off, "So? Why do I have to tell you?"

I scoffed, "Because I'm you me girlfriend. Because I love you!" Tears started to form in my eyes.

"I didn't ask you to be girlfriend! I didn't ask you to love me!"

I stared at him as the tears began to fall, " I cannot believe you would say that." I could hear my voice break.

We stood there in silence until u broke it, " Do you know how much I worry about you? Knowing that you're Spiderman? How I wait for you to call or text me every night so I know that you're okay? Do you know what it's like to be the girlfriend of the one and only Spiderman?"

"How about I save you the worry." I could see some tears start to roll off of his cheeks.

"What are you saying?"

"Why don't we just- we just..." He looked away from me.

"Just what?" I stepped closer to him.

His voice broke when he said it, "Break up."

Those words hit me hard. My heart seemed to break as the tears rolled down my cheeks, "Maybe we should. At least then I wouldn't have to deal with this bull crap."

I walked away and hoped to hear him run after me or call my name, but I never heard anything. I didn't dare look back at him, knowing that would break my heart even more. So I just walked and let the tears fall. I cried until I couldn't and walked until my legs hurt.

I walked into a coffee shop that was still open and sat down. I don't know how long I was sitting there until someone came and sat across  from me.

"Hey." The person said.

I looked up, "hey Jake."

I'm sorry to do this but I felt like I had to add a bit of drama.
