One more thing

-Your house-
Your POV

"Oh my god. Peter's freaking Spider-Man!" I said to myself in my bedroom. My parents aren't home so I can say whatever I want. I'm pacing around my bedroom thinking about what just happened, "Honestly I'm a bit pissed that he didn't tell me, but I understand why. I think. Gosh."

I fell back on my bed, hands over my face. I closed my eyes when I heard a tap on my window. The sound made me fall off my bed and hit my head in the ground. I groaned and walked over to the window. Peter!

I opened the window and let him in, "you didn't see that did you?" I asked

"Only if wanted me not to see you fall off your bed." He said smiling at me. I rolled my eyes and laid back on my bed.

"Why are you here Pete? I already know that you're  Spider-Man and stuff. But then again, I literally found out an hour ago so..." He sat next to me and stared at the ground nervous about something, "Peter? What is it?"I turned my body more towards him, and put my hand on his shoulder gently.

"There's this girl I like," he started, "I really like her, but I don't know how to tell her, and I thought you would know."

I breathed in deeply, upset that he likes some other girl, " you decide to come to the girl with no relationship experience and who is a bit pissed that you didn't tell her your Spider-Man?"

"Come on y/n. Once again I'm sorry, just please help me." He stared at me with his deep brown eyes, and I looked at the ground avoiding them. I kept asking myself if I should help him. I really like him, but he's also a great friend. I feel like I should help him, at least keeping the friendship alive.

"Most girls like a guy who is straight forward with his feelings. Just go up to her and say that you like her. If she likes you back, she'll tell you, but if she doesn't like you back, she will reject you and make you feel like a complete loser."

"Okay..." He looked confused, "what do I do if she does like me?"

"Make some romantic gesture. But keep it small. Ask her on a simple movie date or a small picnic date in Central Park."

"Are you sure about all of this?" Peter asked standing up from the bed.

"I'm 99.9% sure that this is accurate stuff. Just tell her." I told him. He chuckled nervously.

"This is gonna sound weird, but can...can I..." He paused, "practice on you."

I looked at him surprised and confused.. I didn't know what to say, "umm... Sure. I guess." I stood up from the bed and stood across from him. He looked at me, straight into my eyes.

"Uh... Hey... Um..." I giggled at his stuttering, "I...uh... Well I...I like you. I've liked you for a while and I thought you should know." He stood there petrified but I smiled at him. Gosh he's adorable.

"Great, but maybe a little less stuttering. When are you going to tell the girl?"

He looked back into my eyes and smiled a little, "I just did."

"Peter..." I couldn't look away from him.

"I knew it. I knew you didn't like me." He started to walk towards the window again but I grabbed his arm.

"Peter... I like you too." I said as he stepped closer to me. His face was overcome with joy.


"Yeah, pretty much since I met you." We stood there smiling at each other like goofballs. Peter looked down at my hand a gently grabbed it with his. He interlaced our fingers and looked back at me.

"So you wanna have a picnic date in the park tomorrow?" He asked.

"Of course. At 5:00?"

"Sounds great." He let go of my hand and started towards the window but I stopped him right before he was out of reach.

"See you tomorrow, Spider-Man." I kissed his cheek, and he blushed.

"See ya." Just like that my web slinging hero was gone.

I laid on my bed trying to comprehend what just happened. First I found out Peter is Spider-Man and then he tells me he likes me. No wonder he kept on getting jealous of the guys talking to me. How could I have been so oblivious to the fact that he gets all angry and stuff when I'm around Jake? It all makes sense now. And I also have a date tomorrow! I can't believe I've fallen for Spider-Man.
