Jealous Much

-Midtown High-

You have been at Midtown for at least a month. Sure you have made friends, but you have become really close with Ned and Peter. You hang around them all the time, and you don't mind talking about Star Wars or other classic films. Also, you have developed a crush on Peter. And not a small one. I mean you really like him. Like really REALLY... Sorry, getting off the story line. Anyway...

On a cool Friday in November, you are walking into the cafeteria, when you are stopped by some of Flash's friends along with a few members of the football team. Guess what they do... FLIRT WITH YOU! (Sorry got a little excited)

"Hey there, y/n." #43, a.k.a. Jake said. Jake is one of the most popular boys in school. He's tall, blonde, with gorgeous green eyes.

"Hey." You replied nervously.

"Lookin' good today." Said Ryan, one of Flash's close friends. Ryan is a cool kid, and he's about 5'8, brown eyes, and has curly black hair. Not to mention, he's also a skater.

"Your not so bad yourself Ryan." You smile a small smile and continue to talk with the boys, when you notice something out of the corner of your eye.

Peter is watching the whole conversation. His hands are on the table in fists. He has anger and sadness in his face. Lips tight together, eyebrows furrowed, and rage in his eyes, yet there is a speck of sadness in his eyes behind all the anger. He notices that you are looking at him, and his face immediately softened. His fists unclenched, and he sent the smallest smile in your direction. You smiled a little smile back.

"Sorry guys. I have to go. I promised Peter I would help him with a physics assignment. Sorry again." You then walked away from the guys and sat down across from Peter, "Peter, what was that about?"

"What do you mean?"

"It looked like you were ready go over there and fight them." There was a silence between them and Peter looked down at the table a but embarrassed, "Wait. Peter... Are you jealous or something? Because they were flirting with me?" You said this a bit teasingly.

"Pfft... What? No. I-I just don't want you to get put with the wrong people."

"The wrong people? Peter, they were just trying to talk to me."

"Maybe., I just don't want them to hurt you. Jake is a bad dude."

"Oh, Really?"

"Yeah. It's like he has a new girlfriend every other week."


"I swear I'm not lying."

"Pinky promise that you aren't lying?" You held out your pinky.

"Pinky promise." Peter wrapped his pinky around yours. You two sat for a little bit and just stared each other in the eyes. It's like they just wanted the end of lunch bell to ring.

The rest of  the day was normal, except for one thought that you could not shake from your head, Does Peter Parker like me?
