New Years

Peters POV

"Peter, come on. We're gonna miss it." Y/n grabbed my hand as I put on my jacket. She is going to bring me somewhere for New Years but she won't tell me where.

"I'm coming, I'm coming."

She led me out of her house and held my hand tightly, almost seeming to be dragging me. It was lightly snowing and of course it was dark except for the street lights and lights on houses. Cars lined the streets and people were still going into houses to celebrate the New Years with friends and family.

I could be spending my New Years with May or Ned but here I am spending it with the one girl who makes me smile uncontrollably. The girl whose eyes always have a special speck of light that makes them sparkle. The girl who gives me a million reasons to call her mine.

We found a cab and she asked the driver to take us to Central Park. She smiled at me and I smiled back not knowing what she was planning. When we got to Central Park it was around 11:30 and she led me along the edge of it closer to the buildings. She would once and a while look at the signs of the buildings like she was searching for a specific one. Which she apparently was. After a few minutes she found whatever she was looking for.

"Okay Spidey. No one seems to be around so do you mind quickly pulling us up there?" She pointed to the top of a building.

"Of course darling." I pulled out the web shooters I always wear and shot a web to the top of the building. I wrapped my arm around y/n as she gripped tightly onto me, and then I pulled us up to the top.

Once we both got our feet on the roof of the building, y/n grabbed my hand and led me to the edge of the building that faced Times Square. I stared out at the glowing city and she sat down on the edge of the building. After a moment I sat down next to her. She leaned back on me as I wrapped my arms around her. We just stayed there and looked over the city at Times Square. She took out her phone and checked the time.

"11:58." She said looking up at me.

"Two minutes until we can have our first kiss of the year." I smiled at her and she lightly chuckled, "I'm glad you came to Midtown. I don't know where I would be without you because I love you more than anything. Without you, I-I don't know what I would be doing right now."

"Probably building Star Wars Legos with Ned."

"Ha ha, very funny." I laughed and tickled her. She laughed along with me and then checked the time again.

"The ball should be dropping any moment now." We looked and hope we could see the ball. After a moment we did and it was starting to go down. We counted down together.

10, 9, 8, 7, 6 , 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

"Happy new year." I whispered to her before gently pressing my lips on hers. I could feel her smile between my lips and she slowly pulled away.

"Are you ready for what this year is going to bring us?" She asked.

I pecked her lips quickly, "Bring it on."

We looked back over the city and saw fireworks going off. They lit up the sky as the snow lightly fell, and all I could think about is how I am with her. I got to start the year with her and only her. And I couldn't be happier.

The last part of the year!!!!! I know I haven't been here the longest but I want to say thank you to everyone or anyone who has read this story. Also I hope everyone had an awesome year and will have an amazing 2019. Happy New Year everyone!
