Chapter 8

Ethan's POV

She wasn't struggling and didn't say no to my question. Does she want me to kiss her? I want to but I couldn't. I don't want to force her my mind isn't at a good state. I knew this time she was feeling something. I gave her a sly smile and kissed her nose then her cheek.

"I feel the butterflies in my stomach too." She seem confused but I do know that she knows what I'm talking about.
"How your heart beats fast when I'm near you, that's how my heart beats too." I rolled next to her as she released a deep sigh.

"I-I don't know what you're t-talking about." A smile formed my lips, realizing how my words are affecting her. It means it's true. I wrapped my hands around her waist.

"Good night." I said while closing my eyes, sleeping next to her for the second time.

Kirsty's POV

I woke up without Ethan next to me and that somehow left me feeling upset. I don't know what was happening to me. With all the things he said last night... Was it that obvious? All of the things I felt, he felt the same thing too. But I was confused as to why he didn't kiss me last night, I badly wanted to know what was going on in his mind.

Suddenly, every thing about him matters and I just realized that the only thing I know about him is that he's the worst criminal in the world and he's bipolar. Plus he has a twin brother, obviously. I got up from the bed, got in to the bathroom and washed my face.

But all the bad things that happened to me started to constantly just play in my mind. I know that I still wanted to go back to my family  but I also know that I feel something for Ethan. It's not love but it's just complicated. But this doesn't make me stop from trying to get away from him, right? You sure you want to get away, Kirsty? I groaned at my conscience talking to me.

I went downstairs, only to find no one was in the house. My eyes quickly locked at the sight of a phone, my hands became shaky. I didn't know why I was nervous but this could be another chance for me to escape. I walked over to the counter where the phone was and before I could even dial 911, someone grabbed the phone from my hands. I bit my lip hard, knowing it was Ethan. I was terrified to face him, just imagine him getting all fucked up again. I turned around to face him and he was just looking at me blankly.

"3rd attempt." He whispered, throwing the phone across the living room.

Ethan's POV

She fucked with my heart. She fucked with my feelings. She fucked me up all over again thinking everything's gonna get better since last night. I'm not stupid enough to leave her alone in the house so I let the others leave while I wait for what she's going to do when she thinks no one is around. The worst thing is I am insanely in love with her and she just keeps on stabbing me in the back. I didn't want to do anything crazy but my anger was getting the best of me as of the moment. She was nervous, trembling even.

I walked closer to her, our faces becoming an inch away from each other. As much as I love the girl in front of me, I knew being too nice isn't gonna work. She should know that everything is now going to completely change. I'm the world's worst criminal and I should finally start acting like one.

The door swung open revealing the whole gang. They just got from the meeting of one of our drug dealers. I chose to not go with them for 2 reasons.

1. I didn't like the leader of that gang, Johnson. We always get into almost killing each other.
2. I didn't want to bring Kirsty there, it would be fucking dangerous. If Johnson knows I've already imprinted on someone, he's gonna try and kill her just to see me suffer.

He's insecure about how I was their supplier because he didn't like buying any drugs from me. He wanted to be a supplier and his sorry ass couldn't do a job good enough to be one.

"Ethan. We have a problem." I glanced at Grayson and he looked worried.
"Get back in your room and don't even try to do anything stupid." I commanded as Kirsty nodded and went upstairs. No more Mr. Nice Ethan. I walked over to the living room, studying blood stains from their shirts.
"Okay what the fuck happened?" I was furious. Johnson's gang is one of the most dangerous gang besides from us and if what I'm thinking happened, we're all in trouble.

"Johnson. He took advantage of you not being in that meeting and tried getting the drugs without even paying." Kian explained, looking furious as fuck.
"We shot 5 of his men, got the drugs back and evacuated from the venue. I didn't think he followed but we can't stay here for sure." Nate added, taking off his stained shirt.
"And there's one thing.." Grayson seemed so nervous about what he was saying that made me raise an eyebrow at him. It suddenly got my heart beating faster.
"Gray, what is it?" I patiently asked while he run his fingers through his hair.

"He knows about Kirsty." He said.

My eyes widened, completely stunned by what he just said. Apparently, that jackass was spying on us. As I was about to tell everyone to pack up..

I heard a scream from upstairs that sent my heart to stop beating for a second.

They're fucking here. They planned this. The meeting was a distraction. Fuck!!! I ran upstairs in her room, only to find a note on the bed.

"I see you've got your girl. Come and get her if you can.


I crumbled the paper in my hands as I slide against the wall, tears threatening to fall from my eyes. I heard the gang running towards here and they were stunned just by not seeing Kirsty.

"Where is she?!" Grayson asked.

Images of them hurting my girl isn't even bearable. Tears streamed down my face as zi look up at Grayson.

"They took her."
