Chapter 7

Kirsty's POV

I moved around realizing my hands weren't handcuffed to the wooden frame. I felt a hand wrapped around my waist believing it was Jason, thinking I was in a dream. Maybe I didn't get kidnapped by the world's worst criminal. Maybe I can finally see my Mom, Dad and brother. Or maybe Ethan was generous enough to not handcuff me anymore. I opened my eyes, shrugging all my thoughts away. I felt heavy breathing beside and and I realized it was Ethan.

When did he get here? He looked so calm, like he wasn't the cold blooded killer he's known for. I slowly sat up, yawning and staring at his bare chest.

"Ethan?" I carefully shook him and he groaned before opening his eyes. He sat up, stretching his arms up and yawning. I was lost in the sight of his muscles abs, this is wrong but he looked so sexy for a criminal. Maybe killers do have killer bodies.

"Enjoying the view?" He teased, licking his bottom lip. I raised a brow and let out a small laugh.
"Who said you can sleep here?" I asked, my arms crossed across my chest.
"Because I fucking love you, I thought I established that." Wow, now he's back to the mean version of him.

He sighed, getting up from the bed. His hair was pointing at every direction and his look in the morning makes me feel some kind of way.

"You know what hurts?" I looked up at him because I was curious of what's making him upset.
"You're dreaming about him." He simply said. He looked so sad and you could hear the bitterness in his voice. I knew who he was talking about but I didn't know I was dreaming if Jason.

"I can't help what I dream about, sorry." I said shortly.
"Why are you thinking about him?" He asked and I hated the look he was giving me. He.....looked so sad. I can't make him upset, I have a feeling he might go crazy.

"Yes. I think about you killing him in front of me." I said, avoiding eye contact.
"He hit you!" He yelled, memories of Jason slapping me on the face. It pained my chest just by thinking about it.

"Did you love him?" I looked up to him with a deep sigh. I wouldn't be hurt if I didn't love him. We were together for three fucking years! Even when he wasn't a good boyfriend...

"Yes.." I saw his eyes get furious but full of sadness, he looked emotionally drained. He walked out of the door, slamming it in process.

What have I done?

Ethan's POV

I couldn't stop thinking about everything, about her. How could her thoughts be occupied by him? She should be thinking about me, about us! How could that happen when she hates you? I sighed and drank another bottle. I hate when my conscience talks to me like that.

I placed a hundred dollar bill on the counter for the bartender to give me another bottle of beer. The bar is pretty empty right now, only a few tables were occupied. The television was on the whole time but a specific news segment made me stop dead on my stool.

"Change the channel." I simply said.

The bartender grabbed the remote and turned the volume up. My foot started tapping vigorously as I heard the reporter talk about Kirsty's disappearance and how the town was mourning about Jason's death. How much he was a good student, football player and even a BOYFRIEND. Don't they know how mentally and physically abusive he was? The news made it seem like his death is more important than Kirsty's disappearance.

"Change the god damn channel!" I yelled. I was becoming more and more over the edge. My gun was in my pocket and I was tempted to use it. But then I thought of her.

Only her.

I threw the half drunken beer bottle on the ground, stumbling out of the bar.


I stumbled through the door. I was completely intoxicated that I called and uber to drive me home. I was cautious, I didn't want to drive under the influence of alcohol.

I felt anger and heartbreak all at the same time. All I could think of is her and how she could love that abusive bastard and not love me. I knew she was upset that I locked her there when I left but I was deeply hurt.

I headed into the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of vodka and drinking all of it. I sat on the ground. I'm still heartbroken. No amount of alcohol can numb the pain. I headed upstairs, almost stumbling on my way there. I just want her to love me, even just for a little bit. I needed someone to numb the pain,

And it was her.

Kirsty's POV

As soon as he got in and laid his eyes on me, he stumbled on the way to the bed and laughing at himself. Great. He's drunk.

"I've missed you." He whispered softly, crawling towards me when he got to the bed. He got on top of me and my heart starts to beat faster. Why does he make me feel this way? He nuzzles his head into my neck and I couldn't help but play with his hair.

"I want you so bad." I'll admit, it was cute. This isn't supposed to be cute. People murdering other people isn't cute. But he was..

"Ethan you're drunk." I said.
"I loveeee youuu and you havee a nicee assss and yourrr hair is so soffttt." He slurred that sent me a slight smile on my face.
"I just want you and you don't want me back." He lifted my chin up and I saw his bloodshot eyes forming tears in its lids. I knew for a fact that he's heartbroken and it somehow pained me.
"I know I'm a bad person but it didn't mean that I couldn't love you." He sighed and caressed my cheek. I was speechless because I had no idea how to respond to what he just said. He started to lay kisses on my collar bone, almost making me enjoy them.

"Ethan.." I stopped him. He looked into my eyes, holding my both hands up to my head. I didn't even bother struggling. He had some kind of power over me.

"Can I kiss you?" He asked, studying my face like he's seen for the first time.  I couldn't say no but I couldn't say yes either. I was confused with how I felt.

"I love you Kirsty." I didn't know what was with me that night. He always says that he loves me but something was different that moment.

Because I gave in.
