Chapter 3

Kirsty's POV

Fuck fuck. I've been running for the past 30 minutes and my legs already hurt. I hid behind a bush because honestly, all that's next to that gas station is a forest. I tried catching my breath but before I could, I heard running behind me. Fuck are you kidding me?! I started to run again, hoping they won't see me because it's really fucking dark here. I'd rather be eaten by a creature here than be kidnapped! I suddenly tripped and fell on the grass. Shit! This is it. The end of me. I heard chuckling behind me.

"Ethan! Found her!" It was a deep voice and I immediately stiffened when he carried me in his arms. I couldn't see his face clearly, all I could describe is his scent. His cologne is pretty strong.
"Let go!!!" I struggled and I honestly had no idea where I got the strength. The image of Jason being shot in front of me still crowded my mind. Why would they shoot him? My chest pained as I thought of it and tears streamed down my face. We got back in the car and he put me down. I finally had a view of his he is really damn attractive. His jaw can cut me and bleed. It's the same thing I thought of when he removed the tape on my mouth earlier. Wait what? What the fuck Kirsty?! He kidnapped you!!!! My eyes widened when someone who looks exactly like him walked up next to him.

Am I fucking high?!?! Or they're just twins?

Ethan's POV

Her eyes widened, probably from the fact that she just saw me and Grayson next to each other.

"Kirsty, you can't run away like that." I said as calm as I could.
"What do you want from me? Money? I can give you money just let me go!" A smirk formed my lips. Of course she would think I want her money. Little did she know, I was 10x richer than her.
"No, it's not your money that I want. Btw, I'm Ethan and this is Grayson, my twin brother. The girl who you ran away from is Chelle and the guys who you were in the middle of in car is Jc and Kian. Jc is the curly haired guy." She still looked freaked out. I sat down next to her and put her hair behind her ears.
"Please, let me go. I'll give you everything you want. " I hated to see her like this but I can't lose her, not now that I have her.
"You will?" I asked, leaning in towards her face. She nodded and I locked my eyes to hers.
"I want you, your heart and your love." Her brows furrowed, pushing me away from her. "I will never ever love you." She said that like she was so disgusted of me, which made my anger rise again. Before I could say something, Kian came up to us.

"We have to go. The people at the gas station are already suspicious." I let out a deep sigh and walked to the driver's seat.

"Put her handcuffs back on." I heard her plead but I ignored it. She better learn how to obey me and not make me mad.

Chelle's POV

I was once in her position but I know that she will get better, I really hope she does. We all hated to see how Ethan was when Chloe left and if it's really true that he moved on, this better work for him. She has to accept that there is no escape from this and she should just accept how things are. I suddenly felt Gray's arms wrapped around me. I smiled at him and gave him a kiss on his forehead. I never knew that I'd fall in love with Grayson. I myself promised that I won't give in, that I will never love him. But he never gave up and I saw how much he was trying. The moment I gave in, it was also the time I had things my way. Except, I never really got to see my family and I understood why so I just agreed to that.

"You okay baby?" I nodded.

Kirsty will be better because if I fell head over heels for Grayson, she will too for Ethan. They're twins. They're the same at all things. Except Grayson is probably more good at bed. I chuckled at my thought.


I changed the characters. Chloe now will be Ethan's ex girlfriend and Kirsty is the present girlfriend or "victim." Hope you guys are liking it so far though!!
