Chapter 28

Kirsty's POV

I was shaking while I drink a cup of coffee from starbucks that Chelle bought for me. We couldn't stay anywhere, that's why we're all here in the van at God knows where. Jc died, getting shot multiple times by standing in front of Kian because he was about to get shot. We had no choice but to leave his body there because we have no time.

But Ethan.. they caught him. Tears streamed down my face just by picturing his body laying on the ground as he gets tased. Grayson went out of his mind when we came back to the can without him, screaming at all of us when it was actually all my fault.

"How are we supposed to get him?!?! They're not even gonna put him to jail!!! They're going to torture him and kill him slowly!!!" Grayson yelled at the top of his lungs, Chelle rubbing his back with dried tears on her cheeks.

"Shut up!!!!!" Kian yelled, making all of us look at him because he wasn't talking for the past hour. "Jc died. Can we all stop for a fucking moment and think about that?!?!" He broke down in tears as Alex gave him a rub on the back. Grayson sighed, silence filling the whole car.

"It was no one's fault. We had no back up and we went ahead of you. Kirsty, Gray, You and Chelle were lucky to even get out." Alex stated, talking to Kian.

"It's my fault.." I said, not taking my eyes away from my cup of coffee. "This won't happen if my brother didn't tell my p-parents." I said, my voice breaking.

"No Kirsty, don't blame yourself." Chelle spoke and I looked up to her.

"Quit blaming anyone and let's get Ethan out of there." Nate spat. I was so guilty that I felt alone without Ethan. All I needed right now is Ethan's arms wrapped around me but I have to be tough for him, we have to be tough to get him out of Pyra. Of course they won't take him to jail, he'll be take to Pyra where all the worst criminals are killed slowly.

"We can't just go there and get him. The security's tighter this time." Aaron said.

"Then we have to load more guns." I added. If Ethan was here, I know he wouldn't want me being in this kind of business but he isn't so I'm doing everything I can to get him out.

"It's not that easy and it's not going to be a lot sooner. We have to wait until this search for us fades away." Grayson said, releasing a deep sigh.

We're going to get you, Ethan. I promise you that.

Ethan's POV (2 months later..)

I have no idea how long I have been here but I'm going insane. He threw another punch on my face, blood coming out of my nose. My hands are handcuffed to the poles on my sides. All I could think off is her and that's what keeps me going in this hell.

"I can't wait 'till all your friends ends up here but you won't be able to see them because you're gonna be dead by then." He chuckled, kicking me in the stomach, causing me to spit blood.

"I can't wait till I shoot you in the head when I get out of here." I spat, laughing sarcastically as I watch him get pissed off. Before I fall asleep, they inject me something that makes me feel better when I wake up and they torture me all over again. It's a never ending cycle. He grabbed the baseball bat from the corner of the room and my heart raced, but I didn't show him. I was already covered with blood and it's about to get worst.

He swung and hit my back, making me scream in pain and I almost felt numb every time he swings. I shut my eyes and instead of darkness, all I see is Kirsty. I'm going to go through all this and not give up for her. If I'm going to die without seeing her, that'll be okay because I know how much she loves me and I hope she knows how much I do as well.

The bell rang as he stopped swinging, indicating that this is all done for today. I sighed as he walks out of my cell, my cuffs automatically releasing my wrists.


Tears rolled down my face as the guy that usually beats me up shows me a picture of Kirsty. This is another way of torture and the one I hated the most.

"Aww is the criminal cwying?" He mocked a baby voice and it made my anger boil inside of me. I glared at him as he held her picture in front of me.

"She is quite hot. Too bad she's dead." He smirks and every word that comes out of his mouth made me insane that I couldn't do anything to him.

Wait, did he say dead?

"She's not dead." I whispered but enough for him to hear. My heart was pounding, thoughts of her willing killing me slowly than them beating me up every day. She can't be dead!!!!

"Oh I forgot to tell you. This girl's dead from killing herself." I struggled from my cuffs, wanting to beat the fuck out of this man. I know she won't do that to herself! I KNOW KIRSTY TOO MUCH!

"SHUT UP!! SHE'S NOT DEAD!" I yelled and I just couldn't stop the tears from my eyes. If this is their way of torturing me, it's fucking working. But how the fuck would I know? He laughed sarcastically and tore her picture into pieces.

"If she's not. I'll kill her." He walked out of the room with me screaming. As soon as the cuffs released me, I tugged my hair in frustration. My loud cries turned to sobs as I punch the wall multiple times.

"NO!!! KIRSTY!!!!" I yelled in pain, physically and mentally. I hope they're happy with what they're seeing because whatever they are doing to me is working. I let myself slide against the wall, blood all over my fist.

I'd rather be dead than to get out of here and find out that all of this is true because if it is, I'll kill myself.
