Chapter 1

Tears streamed down my face as I watch Jason kiss her. I knew this was gonna happen, why did I even come? He pulled away from her and had a sly smile on his lips. I knew he was drunk but it's never an excuse for making out with a slut. His eyes suddenly shifted to me, causing him to get to his senses and walk towards my direction. I turned away, walking out of the disgusting bar. I felt his hands on my wrist, pulling me to face him.

"Baby.." He cooed and kissed my forehead. I was disgusted by just feeling his lips on my face which was just on a slut's lips 10 seconds ago.

"Get away from me." I pulled my wrist away from him. His bloodshot eyes locked to mine while his grip on my wrist tightened.

"What are you gonna do huh?" He smirked, pulling me to his car. I avoided eye contact. I didn't want to see that I was too weak to not fight him. I pushed him away and started walking away.

"Kirsty! Get. Your. Fucking. Ass. Back. Here." I stopped, I know when he's mad and he's not only mad right now. He's infuriated with me. He pulled my hair that immediately sent tears coming out of my eyes.

"J-Jase. Stop." I begged. He didn't even mind that we were in public. When I met him 3 years ago, I never knew he could lay a finger on me. I guess I thought wrong.

"You're such a bitch." He spat, shoving me in the passenger seat in his car. I was sobbing silently the whole ride back home. Jason and I met in Sophomore year and since then, we were going strong. Everyone thought we were the ones who will make it and marry each other. I thought the same thing but things really change. He finally stopped in front of my house and looked at me.

"Babe." He sighed, holding my hand. "I'm sorry for the way I acted. The alcohol just got into me." My phone suddenly vibrated. I looked at the screen and it was a text message from an unknown number.

"Leave him, Kirsty." My head shot up and looked around with my brows furrowed. Is this a prank?

"Kirsty. What is it?" Jason asked, moving closer to me. He gave a quick peck on my lips, down to my chin then to my neck. I rolled my eyes and gently pushed him away. I hated to reject him but he can't always have what he want, especially now that he sort of cheated on me.

"Let's have a break, Jason." I said softly without having any eye contact.

"Fine. Get out of my car." He said sounding a bit frustrated. I was shocked with his response. I looked at him for one more time and he was just staring blankly at the road. I bit my lip while getting off his car and watching him leave. I crossed the street, walking up to my house when my phone vibrated again.

"Good job, Kirsty. You see he doesn't really love you and I know you know that." I looked around, my heart beating faster. Who the fuck is this person?

"Who's there?!" I shouted. It vibrated again and I rushed inside my house after reading it.

"Do you really want to know?"

Ethan's POV

3 years ago..

"Ethan, I was never happy.." I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I looked at her and she has her head down, playing with her fingers.
"I miss my family. I have to see them but you won't let me and if you're asking me to choose, I choose them!" She added and that sent pain in my chest. She has been asking me to see her family but I can't allow that. It would he dangerous for the whole gang and I don't want to lose her.
"Everything you said and did to make me feel like you finally loved me back... Is it all true?" I didn't want to here her answer but I had to.
"No.." She couldn't even look me in the eyes. I stood up, grabbing my gun and pointed at her. My anger was taking over me, I know because I've never pointed a gun on her nor lay a finger on her. I refused to show her I was hurt.
"Ethan!" She was terrified and it did hurt me to see her like that. But she played me! Is this how she do revenge? For me kidnapping her?

The door suddenly swung open and Grayson came in with his eyes widened.
"What the fuck, Ethan!!" He grabbed the gun from my hands and threw it across the bed. If she didn't really fall in love, then I'm tired of making her have feelings for me.
"Take her away. I don't care where and I don't care if you kill her. I don't ever want to see her again." Confusion was formed in my brother's face but he knew I didn't want to talk about it. He just nodded and pulled Chloe out of my room.

Out of my life.
