Chapter 14

Ethan's POV

I froze. I couldn't even flinch or feel anything at all. She was kneeling down, crying with a towel wrapped around her mouth. She had bruises on her and I couldn't believe Johnson. How did he even know about her? I could hear my brother yelling at me to shoot Johnson but I couldn't feel my fingers pulling the trigger.

My head was spinning. Shit, this really couldn't be happening. Her eyes were begging me to help her but I don't know how. I don't know how to feel.

"Don't you think I would know what would really kill you physically and emotionally?" Johnson smirked as he tightened his grip in Chloe's hair. My jaw clenched when I he tightened his grip, the anger in me was rising that I could kill everyone in this place right now including myself.

"Let her go and I'll give you anything you want." I told him with a death glare. I didn't know why I was being protective but I couldn't stand her being hurt.

"What the fuck man." Grayson whispered from behind me but I didn't budge. Johnson laughed sarcastically.

"You fucking think this is about the drugs?" He shoved Chloe on the ground as she whimpered in pain. I was confused, then what is all of this for?!?!

"Johnson, fuck this. What do you want?!" I yelled.

"I'm guessing they didn't tell you want really happened in that meeting." He started as my thoughts gets fucked up in mixed emotions. I turned around to look at my gang and they were all also confused, except for one. Alex. I glared at him and he avoided eye contact.

"He shot my brother." Johnson's voice was full of resentment. My eyes widened, facing him again. I walked up to him, not being bothered by the fact that he has his gun pointed at me.

"Shoot me then." I said with so much courage. I was unsure with what I was about to do but I hope it works.

"Ethan.. No." I heard Kirsty speak as my heart aches for what she is witnessing right now. She must be confused and if all of this is over, she will hate me for lying to her. Chloe isn't just no one, she was my first love.

"I'd rather see you suffer." He smirked at me and pulled Chloe up. She barely stood up and I wanted to just end this and take her away from all of this..

And leave Kirsty?


He pointed the gun at her, my hands are shaking a bit from the tension. The adrenaline was going through my body and I can do the right decision and I might not. Chloe was looking at me, she was scared and I remember myself not wanting her to feel like this.

"Or maybe I kill you first just for fun." Johnson turned the gun at me. I could see his fingers shaking, threatening to pull the trigger. When I was about to shoot him unexpectedly, he fell down on the ground. A gunshot was fired, perfectly straight through his head. I was stunned seeing all the blood flow out from his head. I turned to face my gang to see who did it and they were all looking at Kirsty.

She shot Johnson, perfectly in the head. Shit. She looked amused with what she did but dropped the gun and ran her fingers through her hair. She looked at me and then to Chloe, her eyes full of curiosity and sadness. I don't know what to do but it hurt me to see her look at me that way.

I knelt down, untying Chloe's rope around her wrists and the towel around her mouth. To my surprise, she wrapped her arms around me and sobbed in my neck.

"Ethan.." She sobbed, her arms getting tighter at its grip. I saw the look at Kirsty's face and how sad her eyes are. Chelle went up to her and took her downstairs. The others also went downstairs except for Grayson who was left shocked with what's happening.

The moment I let Chloe leave, I stopped myself from knowing what she was doing or where she was. I remember Jc telling me that he once saw her walking with a guy in the mall but I didn't pay attention. I needed to get away from the pain and focused my attention to Kirsty when I found her.

After 3 years, I saw her and now she's in my arms. I will always be the cause of her pain and I hated how I still hate that. I found myself comforting her and missing her touch..

But my mind occupied by Kirsty.

Kirsty's POV

I bursted out in tears as soon as I got out of that place. I wish I was crying because I've become one of them but that wasn't the reason. I was crying because of how I've confirmed that Ethan lied to me about Chloe. Kian admitted that Chloe was the first one Ethan imprinted on and he just let her leave when she said she never fell in love with him after 2 years of being in captive. I've confirmed to myself that yes, I am in love with Ethan. I was just so in denial and it hurt so much.

"This is so fucked up." Nate managed to say as he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulling me into a comforting hug.
"I'm so sorry you had to go through this." He added as he rubbed my back.

"Kirsty, it'll be okay. I'm sure Ethan has already moved on. It was obvious." Chelle said.

"We're nor sure of that." My head snapped up at Jc, looking pretty worried himself. "We all saw how he was just a few minutes ago. We just can't say that he moved on."

His words stabbed my heart a hundred times. What if he didn't really imprint on me? What if... he kidnapped me just for him to truly forget Chloe? But what if he didn't forget her? I've become his rebound and now that I'm in love with him, I can no longer undo how I feel. This is how bad to fall in love with your kidnapper.

The moment Ethan, Grayson and Chloe stepped out of the wear house, I wiped my tears away and acted normal. Like I didn't really care when I did, so much that it's breaking me. Chloe has her arms wrapped around Ethan's shoulder, helping her to walk because of her injures. Gray looked at me and sighed, signaling both me and Chelle to get in the van. I couldn't take my eyes off of them, at least not too long. They were just in front of us in the van and this view pained me. It wants me to punch the window and get the fuck away from them.

Chelle held my hand tight as I looked up to her with teary eyes. I can't handle this, I'm gonna burst any fucking minute. I saw Chloe's head lean on Ethan's shoulder. A tear fell down on my cheek but I immediately wiped it off.

If he's going to get back with her, I should be happy right? Because he can let me go and I'd be back with my family.....

Do you really want to leave, Kirsty?

My conscience starts to talk me as my lids fills up with tears. I'm gonna be fucking real and say no, I don't want to fucking leave. Because I love my kidnapper.

I fucking love Ethan Grant Dolan. 
