Chapter 23

Kirsty's POV

4 months. It's been 4 months since I last saw Ethan but Grayson and Chelle were secretly communicating with me. They tell me Ethan always refused talking to anyone and he's always in his room. Gray seems to know why all of this happened but he said it's not for him to say. I didn't know what to feel about getting back here with my family. Well fuck, I'm honestly still in pain. After 2 months of my return, my parents went back working abroad and they haven't returned since then. I guess nothing will really change.

I want him back. I want him to take me away from my family, I want him to be selfish. Everything's gonna be fine with me, I just want him back. I've never forgotten everything about him. His eyes, his jaws, his scent and his voice. The way he kisses me and touches me, I crave for all of it. I crave for Ethan so much.

He never called or texted, it was like he just forgot about me. I force myself to believe he just needed time but 4 months has gone by and still, I receive nothing.

Grayson's POV

I sighed while shutting my eyes in frustration. Seeing my brother like this for the second time, hurts me more than it should be because it's worst for te second time around. He told me he hit her and was afraid that he might do it again, so he left. It was dumb but no one can ever change his mind, even I can't.

"Ethan that's enough." He's back to being alcoholic and smoking. He doesn't know but every time he was so drunk he would repeatedly say Kirsty's name all the time which was a heartbreaking scene for me. He let go of the girl he love so much just for one careless mistake. My brother was fifty shades of fucked up, he doesn't ever what to hurt Kirsty but he can't control it sometimes.

I grab the bottle from his hand as he tried crawling up to his bed but he couldn't and laughed at himself. "If Kirsty was here, she would bitch at me but then kiss me without me even asking for it." He sarcastically laughed as I wrapped his arm around my shoulder and carried him to the bed.

"She should've been here if you didn't leave her." I confessed, eyeing his bloodshot eyes and messy hair. He frowned, a tear rolling down his cheek.

"D-Do you have any idea what I-I could've done to her?" He asked, pain in his expression and voice.

"You have anger issues. You don't expect yourself to be perfect." I threw him his bottle of pills that I got from his bag which were barely even taken. He never took his pills ever since we got Kirsty, thinking he would be fully better. My brother can really be dumb sometimes.

"But I expect myself to protect her and not hurt her!" He growled.

"Just fucking get her already." I rolled my eyes, stomping out of his room. Kirsty has been texting and calling me and Chelle nonstop. Although Ethan didn't know about it because after leaving New York, he wanted us to cut all our connections with Kirsty. My phone buzzed as I pulled it out of my pocket. Well, this is what I was actually talking about.

"How is he?" I sighed, they're suffering when Ethan can just forget all this dumb shit and get her.

"Drunk." I replied as I walk inside our bedroom, finding Chelle watching tv.

"I miss him, Gray." I sighed and put my phone on the side table, flopping myself on the bed next to my lovely girlfriend.

"Hey baby." I smiled at her and gave her a quick peck on the cheek. I knew for a fact that whatever happens, I'd never let her go. I'd never anything or anyone take her away from me.

"Drunk again?" She chuckled. I nodded and ran my fingers through my hair, what the hell am I gonna do with Ethan? She wrapped her hands around my waist, her chin resting on my shoulder.

"I miss Kirsty." She sighed.

"I know baby. We all do." I said, looking over to my phone as Kirsty's messages starts to flood.

Kirsty's POV

6 months. 6 months has gone by and I haven't heard anything from Ethan. I was slowly giving up, slowly accepting the fact that he will no longer get me back. I walked down the stairs upon hearing Chris calling my name for dinner. He was cooking my favorite and it smelled so good.

"How was your day?" He asked while taking a forkful of pasta.

"It was good. I went shopping with Jordan and Shel today." I smiled. We finished eating and I went to the living room as I change the channels, stopping at a particular news.

"A bank robbery occurred earlier this morning at the Los Angeles State Bank. It has been rumored to be another crimes committed by the still wanted criminal, Ethan Dolan." A tear rolled down my cheek, releasing a deep sigh. My heart was pounding just by hearing his name. I ran up to my room, only to find my phone ringing. My hands were shaking as an unknown number showed up my screen, picking it up and bringing it over my ear.

"H-Hello?" All I could hear was breathing, tears to continuously run down my face. I knew it was him, was he watching me? Did he know that I just heard about him in the news?

"E-Ethan, is this you?" I asked, my silent cries turned into a sob, still answered by silence.

"Please say something, Ethan." I was begging. I wanted to hear his voice, I wanted him to say that he still loves me. I wanted him to kidnap me again and I'll be willingly to go with him.

"Please get me Ethan. I need you. P-Please." I sobbed as his breathing got heavier.

"I still love you and I never stopped loving you. Just please say some-" I buried my face into my pillow, pouring my heart on it.

The line just went dead. 
