
'You have kidnapped me huh, now see what I do.'

She cleared her throat and started laughing like a witch. And then pause for a few seconds before singing out loud.

I can see you from behind~
You can hear me in your mind~

'Yn Control Please Don't Laugh'

Run so fast as you can go~
Time will catch you before you know~

she started laughing evilly again,

(Inside the room)

Jin woke up out of fear and started waking up Maira too.

"Maira wake up, I heard someone laughing  and singing please wake up, WAKE UP." He started shaking her vigorously,


"Th-the-there i-iss aa gh-gh-ghost out-outside." He said stuttering because of f-fe-fear.


"There is a gh-ghost outside."

"What the hell Jin? I think this is your illusion, let's go to sleep now." She said in half sleep,

Suddenly both of them heard the same evil laugh again and now Maira also lost her sleep.

"J-Ji-Jin wh-what was t-that?" Now she was also scared,

"See I told you there's a ghost outside." He whispered trembling with fear,

Maira gathered all the courage in her body and asked in a confident but wavering voice. Because she knew Jin wouldn't do anything so she had to take a step.



"I think this is our illusion Jin."


"Let's forget about it and go to sl-

Are you afraid of the dark~

Both of them look at each other with big eyes, fear was clearly visible in their eyes and face.

"Jin" "Maira"

Are you scared~

Without wasting any time, both of them entered the quilt and hugged each other tightly and started chanting the name of God.



Yn quickly ran away because she could no longer control her laughter.


"Oh my god it was so much fun."

"This is just the beginning, let's see what happens next." She said with an evil smile.

"Aahhh, I'm tired now, okay Yn, let's take a hot bath." Saying this she sniffs herself and makes a face. "I don't know how many days have passed since I took a bath." She goes into the room from where she came earlier. Now she remembers the way to the room, sharp memory.

(The other side)

A man was carefully watching Yn's every move and in the last scene he could not stop himself and started laughing loudly.

"Just as I thought."

Few moments later,

"I'm sorry Yn, but how can I let anyone touch you without your consent, even myself. But yes, I did wipe your face, hands and feet."

He remained immersed in his thoughts for a few minutes.

"You are not like a delicate sweet gentle or two-faced girl. You are like a cunning fox, my dear cunning fox." There is a proud smile on his face.

"I also want to see what you will do next."

Yn is like an open book but full of secrets.

And it's not that Taehyung has a problem with delicate or soft cute girls, but his profession as a mafia king doesn't support that.

Because whoever marries Taehyung will be given the title of mafia queen and she will be the mafia queen not only of Korea but of entire Asia like Taehyung.

If Taehyung does an arranged marriage, the girl he marries should at least have these qualities, she should be confident and fearless, smart and cunning, and know some fighting tricks.

And if by chance Taehyung had fallen in love with a delicate girl, things would have been different.

But, Taehyung has fallen in love with Yn and Yn is a rebellious and bold kind of girl. He knows there can be no better mafia queen than Yn.

When Taehyung first saw Yn he was attracted to her and as he got to know more about her, no one knew when that attraction turned into love and that love into obsession.

But his obsession was not scary or unhealthy, rather he had full faith in his love, that Yn was his and would always be his.

(Back to Kim mansion)

Yn had been sitting in the Jacuzzi for an hour.

"Ahhh, it feels like heaven." She said while relaxing in the Jacuzzi.

"But the water has become cold now."

"Okay, let's get dressed."

She got out of the Jacuzzi and wore the robe and head to the closet.

"Hmm, looks like a man's clothes."

she put on a white t-shirt with gray track pant. In case of innerwear, she had to wear boxers.

["She is looking very cute and sexy in my clothes." He said admiringly with heart eyes.]

Now she moved towards the bed and sat on it,

"What should I do now?" She said yawning,

"Should I sleep again?"

"No, I've already slept a lot."

["Sorry Yn, it's all because of ??"]

"But then what should I do except sleep I have no choice."

"And sleeping is my first love so I have no objection. I am coming Shahrukh Khan."

She lay down in the middle of the bed and covered herself with the quilt up to her chest, letting out a long and tired sigh.

["I will replace his name to mine." He said feeling jealous.]

"There is going to be a big uproar tomorrow and I will also know who has kidnapped me and what is their reason."

["This game is becoming even more fun now. Hahaahhaaa!!"]
