
*Author pov*
Next week international Airport in Mumbai

Yn's flight just landed at the airport, she got off the plane and took her bag, while coming out of the airport she booked her taxi and was waiting for it, when someone came from behind and gave her an injection which made her unconscious.

After that the man hugged her and started calling her name-

"Yn......hey yn........yn get up, oh Shit-"

Then he stopped a taxi and both got into the taxi. "Let's go" that man said to the driver.


I was waiting for him at the airport, but if the mafia king was coming here, the security would have been very tight, oh god, is this a trap, but his information also cannot be wrong.

Suddenly I started feeling dizzy, only one thought came to my mind before I fainted-

'I WON'T LEAVE YOU************'

(On the other side)
*Author pov*

That driver stopped the car on a deserted road and came out of the car and took out the number plate of the car, below it was another number plate whose no. was 61213.
Seeing the number plate of this car, everyone came to know whose car it is.


In the car
The man who kidnapped yn called a number from his phone and the call got picked up after 2-3 rings-

???- How dare you hug your queen? *growl*

??-I didn't, I just held her hand, it's just the way i held her it looked like i was hugging her. (Sweating+stuttering)

???- But why did you hold her hand and call her by name, You have no right to call her by her name even if you are her friend or mine.
Understand you better understand.

??- I'm sorry king, it's just that the security at the airport was looking at me suspiciously and I was scared, so I act like I know her. And why wouldn't I be scared, I'm kidnapping somebody for the first time.

???- Well then why won't the security guards suspect you if you walk around wearing black from top to bottom? (sarcastically)

??- This is my first time doing something like this so wanted to get the full experience, hahahahhaa. (excitedly)

???- Thoroughly enjoyed? (Sweetly)

??- Yes so much. (Still excited)

???- Ok now back to work. (Coldly)

???- Bring her to my private airport, I'm waiting for her, quick.

??- yes king.

???- Hmm. (Hang up the call)

'I'm sorry yn but in a way I did all this for your good.You won't find a boy who loves you like this anywhere.

I don't want to break our friendship so this truth will never come out that I am the one who kidnapped you' ?? Thought to himself.

An hour later they arrive at the private airport-

As soon as King sees the car entering his private airport, he walks towards the car to see his love.

?? Opened the car door and came out-

"Why isn't yn up yet?" King asked ??

"I don't know." ?? Shrugged

Controlling his anger king asked again "how much formula did you inject her?"

"Oh, full." ?? Said innocently.

As soon as the king heard his answer, he started trembling with anger.


"I did as you told me." ?? mumbled to himself but king heard.

"You know what, i guess i should let her deal with you." The king spoke to him calmly, So calmly that ?? heart almost stopped beating.

'No, if this lunatic comes to know, she will throw me out of the world.' ?? thought to himself with wide eyes.

"No, i'm sorry king i'm really sorry but please don't tell her" ?? pleaded before the king.

"I'm like a member of your family, so please forgive me, please." ?? said with puppy eyes.

"Excuse me? how can i forgive you like this. You know because of this madness of yours, yn will not be able to get up for three days." King stated coldly.

?? was shocked because he didn't know the formula was that strong.

'But now that it's done, I have no choice but to apologize.' ?? thought to himself.

"I'm sorry king." ?? started crying while saying this, he was not really crying, he was just acting to cry. Cause even ?? knows he has no choice but to ahem-ahem

Who does he think he is, that he can fool our king-

"Stop your drama." King said done with his acting.

?? who was crying his heart out suddenly stopped and stood like nothing happened.

"Your punishment is that you will be under house arrest for two weeks immediately after we return to Korea." King said blankly

"2 weeks" ??said with astonishment.

"3 weeks"

"Ok ok i accept my punishment." ??said with a pouty face.

"Be thankful that you are like a family member, otherwise you would have left this world long ago."

Hearing this, Jungkook looked up and started thanking God and thinking about how many good things he must have done in his previous life.

"I don't know about your past life, but you should thank me, not God." King said looking ahead.

??? gasps and asks in surprise.
"You can also read someone's mind. Wowwww."

Shaking his head, the king takes his queen in his arms and walks towards his jet.

"Wait I'm also coming."
?? runs after the king

After a long flight of 7 hours, the king and his men head towards his mansion.

Arriving at his mansion, the king carries his queen in his arms and takes her to his bedroom.

The king puts the queen on the bed and comes out into the living room and sits on the sofa. ?? sits beside him and asks him-

"what will you do now?"

"I'll target her weakest point, and an orphan's greatest weakness is-"
