
Namjoon entered the house and looked around when he noticed something peculiar.

"Huh! Why is it so dark, not a single light is on, not even the pop light."


He then went to the switchboard and tried to switch on the lights.

"Huh!" He frowned when the lights didn't turn on.

["Leave Namjoon hyung, if I was there I would be scared too."]

["She is a dangerous woman. But so what, I still love her. Muahh!"]

"What is happening? This has never happened before."

"Maybe there might be some technical problem. But at our house? Let it be, there may be some other problem. And anyway I am feeling very sleepy so I should sleep now. I will tell dad about this in the morning."

"Sarah, baby, I'm coming."

When they heard what he said they all panicked, except Yn and Mr. Kim. And Sarah blushed profusely.

["I knew that my girl knows how to stay calm in every situation."]

'I can say with certainty that after so much hard work and planning, this girl will not let this prank go in drain.' Mr. Kim thought firmly.

"Yn, do something!" Mrs. Kim said.

"Aunty, just relax. And watch and learn."

"Uncle, turn on the lighting effect light. And sis, you start the thunder sound effect. On the count of 3. Okay!"



"3...2...and..1. Go!"

["Wow! This is so cool."]

Hearing the thunder, Namjoon flinched hardly and said, "The weather was fine when I came, then why is there suddenly this lightning?"

"Something is defin-" Namjoon stopped abruptly when the storeroom door slammed shut.

"W-wh-who- who is there?" Namjoon asked, feeling a little scared now.

"There is a saying in our India, 'Strike the iron when it is hot'. Means to take advantage of an opportunity as soon as it exists."

"Sorry Yn, but I didn't understand anything." Mrs. Kim said with a pout.

Yn was about to speak when Mr. Kim started speaking before her.
"Hon, this means that Namjoon is starting to feel a little scared right now, so we should take advantage of this opportunity and scare him totally. Now understand?"

"Yes Hon. Thank you!"

["They have been married for so many years, but when it comes to romance, even today's generation is no match for them." Taehyung shook his head.]

'Even at this time they are thinking about romance.' Yn thought and sighed.

"Now can we focus on Namjoon?" Yn asked.


["Yes look he is going ahead."]

"Jin hyung, is that you?"

'No Namjoon, I'm lying here.' Jin thought rolling his eyes.

When they looked at Namjoon from their hiding spots, they saw him heading straight.

"Jin hyung are you trying to prank me?"

'Yes, my little brother.' Jin thought and laughed in his heart.

"Jin hyung now I'm really scared, stop this joke. This isn't funny anymore."

'Oh! you are?....Nahh! This is just the beginning.......Obviously because it's scary.'

"Okay, I admit it was my fault, I shouldn't have laughed at you. But please stop it now."


"Uncle, Namjoon is now moving towards Jin Sir and when he stumbles on Jin Sir's feet, you and sis have to create the effect of lightning and thunder like before. Ok!" Yn said to them.

["The queen of this king knows how to lead a team very well."]



"Jin hyung-" Before Namjoon could finish his words, his foot hit something and he fell.

"God!!....Ahh!" He caresses his leg and looks back to see what caused him to stumble.

"Do it!" Yn commanded.

As soon as lightning flashed on Jin's face, Namjoon's ear-splitting scream was heard.

["Namjoon hyung!! who shouts so loudly?! And I am also crazy, why do I need to put AirPods. It's better to remove it. Ahh! My ears."]

"Who screams so loudly?!! God, my precious ears, ahh!" Yn said rubbing her ears.

"Yn, now what?" Mr. Kim asked while also rubbing his ears.

"Now watch my acting." Yn said with mischievous smile.

["Now it's going to be even more fun." Taehyung said, rubbing his hands.]

"J-Ji-Jin hy-hyung.....Jin hyung wake up!!!.....oh my god!! blood..Jin hyung please don't scare me like this. Jin-"

Namjoon stopped abruptly, when he heard faint crying of a girl.

"Who is there? Look, whoever you are, come out quickly." Namjoon tried to remain calm and spoke confidently but shakily.

Suddenly the crying stopped and the patter of footsteps was heard.

Namjoon gasped.

"Sis, give me that bottle of fake blood." Yn whispered to Sarah who was behind her.


Yn took the bottle from her and applied fake blood on her lips, around it and then on her hands as well.


After finishing she tells Sarah to hide somewhere and starts giggling and the giggles slowly turns into laughter, an evil laughter.

["It feels like I'm watching a horror movie."]

Namjoon gets shocked after hearing this scary laughter. Now he is feeling very scared but still he gathers some courage and walks towards the sound of laughter.

"Mom and Dad, I feel like she's really possessed." Sarah says after hearing  Yn's laughter and her way of acting.

"No Sarah, it's just that she's a great actress." Mr. Kim said solemnly.

"Yes, I am getting goosebumps just hearing her laugh." Mrs. Kim said, caressing her arm.

["Me too mom, me too."]

Namjoon is now standing on the first floor, at the beginning of the corridor. When he reached the top she stopped laughing.

"Uncle, start flickering the light that's in the middle of the corridor." Yn whispered softly.


"What's going on in our house? First there was complete darkness in the house, then Jin hyung lying unconscious in the living room, lots of broken things here and there, and then the sound of a girl crying, and now this flickering light. This is not a good thing and also this peculiar spooky aura." He was muttering to himself with his body trembling slightly.

"I have to find everyone, first mom and dad." He muttered with determination.

As soon as he lifted his foot and took a step forward, the lights stopped blinking and the sound of someone else's footsteps began to be heard.

"Ok! Sis, now when I slowly turn my face you have to start the bone cracking sound effect." She whispered again.

["What a dangerous plan this girl has made, brilliant."]

"Roger that!" Sarah said solemnly.

"God, please protect this child of yours from evil!" Namjoon looked up and spoke, his misty eyes full of hope.

Namjoom then looked ahead again and was about to take a step but stopped when he saw a shadow appear at the end of the corridor.

His face had turned ghastly pale.

Gradually the shadow grew larger, until he could see the figure of a girl, wearing a white dress up to her knees.

Seeing her figure, Namjoon's breathing increased and he asked stammering.
"Wh-who a-are y-you?"

'I always thought that only in movies were people stupid enough to stop and ask such stupid questions, but now I've seen it in real life too. I always think highly of Namjoom but now.' Yn thought contemptuously and sighed

As if she heard him and was responding to him, the girl slowly turned her face towards him and then slowly back again.

When Namjoon caught a glimpse of her sinister and bloodied face, he was trembling uncontrollably and sweating profusely, but he suddenly started screaming and running to hide somewhere, when the girl screamed and ran towards him at lightning speed.



["I have to keep her happy and satisfied, otherwise if she tries to play such a prank on me then I will definitely have to pay visit to the God." Taehyung breathed a sigh of relief thinking that he wasn't in Namjoon's shoes.]

After seeing the above scene, Mrs. Kim was about to scream in fear and ruin the plan, thanks to Mr. Kim who put his hand over her mouth at the right moment.

After controlling her emotions, she patted her husband's hand, which was on her mouth, and asked him to release his hold.

["Thank God! Dad shut mom's mouth at the right time, otherwise..." He did not dare to think further.]

"Thanks honey!"

"It's alright!"

Namjoon, on the other hand, came panting and trembling towards the kitchen and hid beside the fridge as his big body couldn't fit anywhere else.

"Oh God! What's happening and where are the others? And did that girl do something to Jin hyung too? I have to find everyone else, only then will I find my answers."

Namjoon was chanting some prayers when he heard the girl's voice calling him.


["Her voice is so sweet."]

Namjoon's eyes widened. Her voice was very seductive and slow.

'Why does this voice seem to be Yn's, although I have not spent that much time with her but I am quite sure that this voice is Yn's only.'

Before his thoughts could run wild, he heard her call again.

"Namjoon, where are you come out quickly. Don't make me angry."

In the first part the voice was the same as before but in the second part Yn increased the bass of her voice. And it was quite scary.

["I never thought Yn's deep voice would sound so good."]

"Honey, she's so amazing, the way she changes her voice. Very good."

"Yes." Mr. Kim replied, his eyes fixed on Yn, who was now walking into the living room.

'Thank you! Aunty!'

'This woman is very interesting but also dangerous.' Jin thought.

'Yn, you are incredible.' Sarah thought and gives her thumbs up in her heart.

"Namjoon, come out otherwise your condition will be worse than that younger brother of yours." She said in a deep voice.

["Why dragged me?"]

"Younger brother? Taehyung. What did she do to Taehyung?"

As if she had heard his question, she answered him.

"Even if he is a mafia king, how can he be more powerful than a spirit? Hmph! He had so much courage that he tried to snatch my girl from me. Then he would have to suffer the consequences, so......I killed him, that too in a worse way than anyone could even imagine. Hahahahahaaahha!!!"

["Hahahahahahhahahaaa!!! Sorry to burst your bubble, but no one can kill me that easily."]

"First that bastard, then your sister-in-law, then your parents, your wife and now you and this brother of yours. Haahahaaha!!!!"

["Oh! So I'm a bastard now!" Taehyung said with raised eyebrow, an interesting expression on his face."]

Now Namjoon was crying uncontrollably.

"She is lying, nothing has happened to anyone, it is just a bad dream and nothing else. And Taehyung, wait I'll call, I know nothing happened to him, he'll definitely answer my call."

Everyone's eyes went wide when they heard him, because it was very quiet in the house and they could hear what he was saying.

"Uncle, do something!!!" Yn whispered nervously.

["Don't worry Yn, I won't pick up the phone, I wouldn't dare pick up the phone even if I wanted to, because I love my life."]

"Yes, yes" Mr. Kim said and took out his phone from his pocket and was typing furiously, but before he could send it he saw that Namjoon had already called Taehyung.

'Taehyung, if you answer the phone, watch what I'll do to you.' Mr. Kim thought.

["As if he had received his dad's message, he replied. "Don't worry dad, I wouldn't even dare to do that, I know its pros and cons."]

"Why is he not picking up? This never happened before. Is she- no, no Namjoon, stop thinking nonsense. Wait I'll call noona, yes!"

Everyone was breathing a sigh of relief when they started getting nervous again after hearing Namjoon's next words.

["Haahhhaaaahaha!! Jin hyung you are dead if noona finds out about it."]

"Yn, now it's your turn to do something." Mrs. Kim said impatiently.

'Sh*t! If Namjoon tells Maira about the situation here, then my ticket to heaven will be confirmed. No, no, Yn please do something.' Jin thought and started crying in his heart.

["What will you guys do now?"]

Namjoon was about to press the call button when suddenly there was a sound of someone falling and due to this sudden sound his phone fell from his hand and slipped under the fridge.



["Woah! Amazing shot, Yn"]

"Huh?" Curious, Namjoon leaned over to see who had fallen, but saw that Yn was looking around with a frightened face and breathing heavily.

Suddenly their eyes met which scared Namjoon badly and before he could do or say anything he saw Yn standing in front of him.

"Run, Namjoon."


Seeing that he was staring at her in confusion, she continued, stammering and sobbing. "Run, Namjoon. He-he is very powerful, run and save your life. He-he kil-killed everyone. Please run and save your life."

"Who, Yn? Who are you talking about?" Namjoon asked, shaking her.

["The one who called me a bastard."]

"An evil spirit that took possession of me. I beg you, Namjoon, please run, run. He will be back any time soon, please run away before he comes."

["Wow what a story you have created, I am impressed."]


"We don't have time for ifs and buts. Run!"

"But what about you Yn?"

"Don't worry about me-
She suddenly stopped, lowered her head and a sinister smile appeared on her face, then she turned to face Namjoon who now looked shocked and said in a deep voice.

"Yes, you don't have to worry about it because I will take care of my princess."

["Yn you should audition for films."]

"Found you Namjoon." She laughed and extended her hand to grab his neck, but as if he sensed her thoughts, he ran away and hid under the stairs.

"Guys, I think we should end this prank here." Yn said thoughtfully.

["Thank God!! It's too late anyway."]

"I think so too, Namjoon is very scared." Sarah said with worried expression.

Since Yn was now near Jin, he could hear what she was saying. He furrowed his brows and asked. "But, why?"

"Jin sir, understand. Namjoon is so scared now that I think he won't even be able to go to the bathroom alone for a few days." Yn explained patiently.

["I feel sorry for Namjoon hyung."]

Jin pouted.

"You should be happy that I did so much for you to teach him a lesson." Yn reprimanded him.

[Taehyung nodded his head.]

"Wait we are coming there." Mr. Kim said.

Now they all were in the living room, while Namjoon was still under the stairs chanting some prayers with his eyes shut tightly.

"Well, then who will go and call him now?" Yn asked with raised eyebrows.

"I think Sarah should go." Mrs. Kim replied, looking at Sarah.


They all looked at her and nodded in unison.

"Ok!" She sighed.
