
It was lunch time, Mrs. Kim and Sarah were cooking, when Mrs. Kim said,
"Sarah, Yn is still in her room, can you go and call her for lunch? I will set the table."

"Me?" Sarah asked, pointing a finger at herself.

"Yes, otherwise who? Go, hurry up." Mrs. Kim said chuckling.

["I think Noona is feeling shy to face Yn again."]


'I wish someone else could go, because Yn is so crazy, even though I'm straight but the way she flirts can bring anyone to their knees. *Letting out a big sigh.*

After coming to Korea, I started feeling very insecure because of the color of my skin. Even if no one has said it, I know what kind of thoughts these white people have about me, and the way they look at me tells it all.

Even though I got a lot of love here at home, but I can't stay at home all my life, right? After coming here, that confident and courageous person in me is gone.....But after meeting Yn I felt like, fuck people, I was beautiful, I am beautiful, and will always be beautiful.
When she called me beautiful I felt a spark from within, it felt like my lost confidence was coming back. All thanks to her.

But I must say that the way she flirts is just perfect, neither too loud nor too low.'

She was thinking this while going to Yn's room.

'Hmm? Is she partying in broad daylight?' Sarah thought when she heard loud music coming from Yn's room.

She knocked on the door but when she got no response she opened the door and at the same time Yn also came from the bathroom wearing a grey colored bathrobe, which was kept in the bathroom.

'Oh so she has a habit of listening to music while bathing.' Sarah thought

"Mere town de....mere town de..." Yn was humming the lyrics of the song playing on the speaker, when her eyes stopped at Sarah, who was looking at her with wide eyes.

["Woah-woah! Girl, you should put your clothes on first instead of walking around in my bathrobe."]

'Oh sis let's tease her again.' Yn smirk internally.

Yn looked straight into her eyes and said.

"Excuse me miss...
Kiss kiss kiss
Kis se tu bhaagegi hun Bach Bach ke"

["What is she trying to do now? Please, I beg you, Yn, don't flirt again, because if you do, Nuna will definitely fall in love with you."]

'what is she saying? Is she singing this song for me? But she knows that I don't know Hindi, then why?' Sarah thought looking at Yn in confusion.

"Ho gaye ni tere charche Star news to BBC"

'Star news? BBC?'

"O brown brown skin vaali let me tell you one thing...
Rabb di saunh you're so 'sexy'.."

She sensually whispered the word 'sexy' into Sarah's ear.

["Yaah yaah yaah, step back now, STEP BACK YN." Taehyung yelled, looking at his laptop screen with wide eyes.]

'Does she think brown skin is sexy?' Sarah thought shyly.

["Let me come home once, after that I will not leave you alone even for a minute."]

"Urre aa tenu ek gal samjhaavaan..
Maare purze nu kadi hath mi na paavaan, ah!..
Waise taan mitraan da bahu' wadda score
But white cheeks, nah
I don't like them anymore.."

Hearing the last line and seeing Yn's expressions while singing, Sarah started laughing.

["Yaah Yn, I too have white cheeks." Taehyung said with sad pout.]

"You are beautiful and you look even more beautiful when you laugh without any worries." Yn said with a genuine smile and turned off the music.

"Thank you!" Sarah said and moved forward to hug Yn.

["Noona, how can you hug Yn before me?"]

"Why did you come here?" Yn asked while breaking the hug.

"Oh yes, mom is calling for lunch."

"Okay, I will get ready and come." Yn said while waiting for Sarah to leave, but Sarah was still standing there looking at her.

"Do you really want to see me naked? Yn asked, raising her eyebrows as she was about to pull on the string of her bathrobe.

[Taehyung closed his eyes and placed his hands over his eyes.]

Hearing this, Sarah ran from there with the speed of a leopard.

Yn laughed and went to the walk-in-closet to get dressed.

*In the corridor*

Sarah was panting after running so fast, when someone's voice from behind startled her.

"What happened Sarah, why are you panting and where is Yn?"

"Nothing, Dad and Yn will come in a few minutes."

"Okay, let's wait for her at the dinner table. Come."

*In Yn's room*

["Why is there so much silence? Where did Yn go? She would either be in the walk-in-closet or would have gone downstairs." Taehyung said and then opened his eyes.]


"Even though I don't like wearing a bra, I also don't like to walk around without one. He should have bought clothes of my size before kidnapping me." Yn said pouting her lips.

"Hmm idea, first I would wear a sando, then a t-shirt over that and then a shirt over that. And below, I will put his new boxer and sweatpants."

After wearing 'his' clothes she went downstairs.

"Hey you have come, we were waiting for you, come sit."

"Thank you! Handsome uncle." Yn said, taking her seat in front of Sarah and next to Jin.

["Dad too."]

Mr. Kim chuckled

"Yn what do you think about me?" Jin asked, turning everyone's attention towards Yn.

["Yaah! Jin hyung I already told you guys that she is my woman. And you are already married."]

"What do you mean?" Yn asked with narrowed eyes.

"What I mean to say is, do you think I'm handsome too?"

["Yeah, like, she'll say 'no' and you will agree."Taehyung said mockingly.]

"Obviously you are handsome when you have the genes of Mr. Handsome and Mrs. Beautiful." Yn said pointing towards Mr. and Mrs. Kim.

["You can say this in a normal way also. But then again, you are unique." Taehyung sighed.]

Hearing this, everyone except Yn and Jin laughed. And the lunch began in a happy and enthusiastic atmosphere.

They all had lunch and now they are sitting in the living room.

"Jin sir did you talk to them?" Yn whispered to Jin, who was sitting next to her.

"No, I don't know how to start it." Jin whispered back.

["What are these two whispering to each other?"

Yn nodded and then said, "Watch and learn."

Yn cleared her throat to attract their attention and she was successful.

"Umm handsome uncle, you wanted to know how Jin sir and I know each other, right?" Yn asked to which Mr. Kim nodded and said "yes".

"I will tell you but I have a condition. And you also have to make them agree to my condition." She said pointing to Mrs. Kim and Sarah.

["Oh so these two want to include them all in their prank, hmm good."]

'Is this condition related to that prank? I think yes.' Mr. Kim thought

"Ok I agree and they also agree. Now tell me your condition and how you know Jin?"

"Are you sure, because you couldn't step back after hearing my condition and you have to comply as well. Now tell me, do you guys agree?"




"Okay, so the condition is that we will prank Namjoon sir. And I will tell that prank after dinner tonight." Yn said seriously.

"But why are we pranking Namjoon?" Sarah asked.

"Because he was laughing at me in the morning." Jin replied.

"Okay oppa, you can teach him a lesson."

"Ok now leave it and tell me how do you know each other?" Mr. Kim asked.

"I will tell you that after the prank is done." Yn said.

["Seriously Dad, you're still after that thing."]

"Okay, let's meet after dinner tonight for our mission 'pranking Namjoon'." Yn said excitedly.

Happiest birthday Taehyung ❤
