
["Taehyung aren't you gonna listen?" Jimin asked when he saw Taehyung putting on airpods and playing with his phone.]

[Taehyung shook his head and said, "I can't see her saying something so miserable with that blank face as if it's a trivial thing.".........'It kills me.']

[Although he had put AirPods on there was no music playing, and so he could hear what she was saying. And with every second his face was getting darker as if ink would start dripping any second.]

Yn heaved a huge sigh and began to speak, her face blank and cold.

"They left me in an orphanage when I was only 6-7 months old. I think I was about 12 years old when I asked the lady in charge of our orphanage, whom we called Mother, about my parents. I was always curious to know about my parents and so I asked her."

"At first she was not telling me but when I tried to threaten her that if she won't tell me I'll kill myself,...........and for that she first beat me and then watching me crying and one of my teeth broken, she told me everything but at one condition that I won't hold onto it for my whole life and will listen to it like a story and will move on from it."

["Woah! Sister-in-law was beaten until her front teeth were broken. Taehyung, you didn't do anything to her mother, right?" Jimin asked jokingly.]

[But Taehyung replied in all seriousness, "Obviously not! Mother did the right thing. How could she take her life so lightly."]

"At first she wanted to tell me a fake story, but knowing how I was, she told the truth without leaving anything out. She told me how I was just a mistake of theirs and why they didn't want me so they left me in this orphanage."

"She also told me that the reason why they did not abort me was because that woman was not even 18 years old when she got pregnant. And when they tried to use illegal methods to abort me, they learned that it would lead to complications and if there was any negligence in the operation, it could put my life as well as her in danger."

'Oh my! This poor kid has been through a lot at such a young age.' Mr. Kim thought, feeling anger toward Yn's birth parents.

"Just so that their children would not tarnish their kind, gentle image and reputation in the society, they sent them to the USA with fake IDs so that they could give birth to me there."

"I still don't understand why they didn't kill me immediately after I was born,....maybe because they wanted me to suffer. And maybe because they didn't want to take the risk of sending me to an orphanage there, that's why they came to India and sent me to this orphanage. With new birth certificate in which my place of birth was India instead of USA, and this is how I got Indian citizenship."

"Mother did not want me to have any kind of relationship with them, so she changed my name from Anika to Yn."

"She told me that she was going to file a police complaint, but because that woman was crying badly and our mother was soft-hearted, she agreed not to call the police. But in the name of the police, she finds out the entire story related to this case. And that's why I know all this. She also said that, after that woman left, some people came with weapons and threatened her to keep her mouth shut in the name of the orphanage. So even if she wanted to, she could not involve the police because she wanted to save our lives."

'This girl has so much hatred towards her birth mother and why not, that b*tch has treated this poor girl like this.' Mrs. Kim thought, seething with anger.

"Mother also told me, that initially she did not want to accept me to the orphanage and asked that woman to take me back, but then she thought what would happen if they abused me, beat me or killed me, and so she finally agreed for me to stay at the orphanage."

"And that's when I started hating the word parents, it was like a taboo for me. And yet I envy those who have parents, their love, their protection, their care. They do not need to worry about anything because they have parents who are with them in every situation."

'When she said she was Belleza, I was surprised and impressed by how she became so successful at such a young age, but I never thought her past would be so disturbing.' Namjoon thought to himself.

Yn's eyes turned red as she tried her best not to let her tears fall, she stopped and closed her eyes and looked up, after a few seconds she continued.

[When he didn't hear her voice after a few seconds, he glanced sideways at his laptop screen. When he saw how hard she was trying not to cry, he clenched his fists tightly and his face turned black while his eyes turned bloodshot.]

[He started taking long deep breaths to control his anger. Jimin got scared when he saw Taehyung behaving like this, so he tried to minimize his presence by moving to the corner of the couch and keeping his mouth shut. 'God! Taehyung is really scary when he's angry.']

Although her eyes were filled with tears her voice was not wavering, it was still firm and calm.

"......School was also hell for me, those rich father's arrogant, ignorant kids used to bully us just because we don't have those branded things and we don't drive around in expensive, luxurious cars like they do and were orphans. Just because they are rich doesn't give them the right to bully us."

"I don't understand how a brand can tell about a person's personality and status!"

"I tolerated it for one day, tolerated it for the next day too but retaliated on the third day and beat that bastard, who was misbehaving with me, to such an extent that he could not get out of bed for the next three days."

There was a proud smile on her face.

["Good job!"]

['Didn't he say he wasn't going to listen? Double standard!' Jimin thought as he gave him a pompous sidelong glance.]

"But due to this retaliation I was expelled from the school and my name was added to the blacklist of the school and because of this no other school was admitting me...... Oh yeah and the same day when I was going back to the orphanage some goons came out of nowhere and started beating me. And the result was that the bone of my left hand was broken and my whole body was covered with wounds and blood."

When she said this, a few shocked gasps were heard.

'God, how could she have endured so much at such a young age?' Maira thought, her eyes moist.

"It took about 2 months for my bone to heal completely. Father was angry but he could not do anything as he did not have money and power like them. That day mother took a promise from me that I would not do anything stupid that would harm me in any way."

'How can someone be so cruel as to beat a child so severely?' Mr. Kim was just waiting to call his son and tell him to destroy everyone involved.

'I never thought that the mischievous, bubbly, arrogant but cute Yn had gone through this tragic past in her life.' Jin thought as his eyes blurred with tears.

"And that's when I understood the power of money. The more money you have, the more people will bow before you......even the government bows before you."

['So ture!' Jimin nodded in understanding..]

".............And yes, there was a school which had agreed to admit me but its reputation was not good at all and everything else except studies was done there."

"My only dream since childhood was to become a famous and reputed senior doctor, I was very interested in those medical machines and human anatomy and I was also brilliant in my studies, so I had no stress in achieving this position. It would have been difficult but not impossible."

As she talked about her dream, her eyes sparkled with hope but the next moment it vanished and became empty.


"I got admission in that school, although no one there bullied you, actually no one there really cared about you, but then I came to know that there is no proper education there, the teachers there are less educated than the children. The English teacher doesn't even know how to communicate in English, the Mathematics teacher doesn't know anything except plus-minus, the Science and SSt teachers are teaching by showing videos on YouTube and don't even ask about Sanskrit. That old man doesn't know anything either, even after looking at it in the book, he didn't know how to pronounce Sanskrit words properly. Do you know how difficult the Sanskrit tenses table is? I used to memorize it by rote and if by mistake I forgot any word in between, then after that word everything would disappear from my mind too."

"Yn, SSt?" Sarah asked, confusion written all over her face.

"Social Studies."

"And at that very moment I came out of my delusion and faced the truth, saw my dreams completely shattered,......I was filled with anger, hatred but still I did not feel the slightest guilt for what I had done. Thus I became even more determined to become rich and powerful and take revenge on all those who shattered my dreams."

'That's the spirit!' Mr. Kim and Sarah thought.

"After doctorate, my most interest was in makeup industry. I was about 14 when I started working as a makeup artist's helper. What I did was set up the vanity, hold the brushes or product, clean the customers' faces, while doing this I keenly observe how they do makeup and how they interact with clients, everything that can help me learn. Internet also helped me a lot in all this, and my mother, father and my buddies from orphanage too."

"Gradually I started doing makeup of the siders i.e. the relatives of the bride or groom."

"I was probably 16 years old when I first did the bridal makeup and from there my contacts started growing tremendously. Between these 2 years I built my team of 6 people whom I can completely trust. In next 2 years I did bridal, party, engagement and many other makeup to earn more money."

"At first people were skeptical of me and my team, but when I showed them the portfolio they were amazed and from then on they booked only us."

"At the age of 18, I and my team entered the film and television industry, we started with small production houses. Gradually people started appreciating our work and we got the fame, respect, money we wanted."

"But we were still below many, and I wanted me and my team to be on the top. So I left school to focus more on my goal and we started working overtime and accepting more and more jobs. In the film industry we used to wear caps, masks and were completely dressed in black from head to toe, there we were recognized as Belleza and the team. Whereas outside this we are known by our own name and live our lives like any other makeup artist. No one knows about our involvement in the film and television industry."

"Although people taunted me, laughed at me, called me crazy and stupid for leaving school. There was a time when I felt hesitant and wondered if I had made a mistake, but when I look at my achievements I keep my head held high and move forward."

'Well done, you should not worry about irrelevant people who only know how to laugh or taunt you.' Sarah thought, her tearful eyes full of determination.

"And 2 years ago, we became a huge hit and became internationally known when we did prosthetic makeup for the blockbuster movies Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, Avatar 2, The Nun 2, Kingdom, 2.0 and many more."

"And since then we have been maintaining our image as the best makeup artist and are at number 1 in the list."

"But we were still taking orders for weddings and parties in our spare time like before, after all the more money you have, the more powerful you become."

When she talked about her achievements, pride and arrogance were visible on her face.

['She looks so cute when she tries to act like a cocky girl.' Taehyung thought and smiled at her silly expression.]

[Taehyung was smiling to himself in his own world, when he heard someone sobbing and looked next to him.]

["Sister-in-law has such a strong heart. If I had been in her place, I would have given up long ago and would have been doing some odd job." Jimin said, taking out some tissues from the tissue box under the tea table and started blowing his nose. Taehyung turned his face away, feeling disgusted.]

They were all feeling proud and happy of her achievements and how she didn't give up but fought, but they were all filled with hatred and anger towards her parents, those bullies and their parents and every single person who had tormented her.

"Yn, can you tell me about that scoundrel's family?"

"Ahh! You don't need to worry about them, uncle."

"and why do you say that?" Mr. Kim raised his eyebrows as he asked.

"Well, about 3 months ago I was about to take my revenge, but I heard that six months ago their company went bankrupt and the government confiscated all their assets and left them empty handed, I think now he along with his family are begging on the streets somewhere in India."

["Taehyung, was this your doing?" Jimin asked, still wiping his tears and nose.]

["Yeah!" He replied as if it was no big deal to him.]

["And what about the bully?" Jimin asked.]

["Nothing much, just crippled him." Taehyung said still scrolling on his phone without looking up.]

['Just?' Jimin's face twitched.]

Mr. Kim frowned and looked at his two sons, As if they understood what their father was asking, they both shrugged their shoulders and shook their heads.

"Yn, umm what about your parents?" Namjoon asked.

"I don't know anything about them, not even their names. Mother knows how stubborn I am so she doesn't tell me anything about them and I don't want to bother about them either." Yn said casually.


["Their company was declared bankrupt and about their children, their elder daughter works as a sweeper in a café and their younger son is crippled and begging on the streets."]

['Jimin, if you want to live a happy life then don't you dare mess with your sister-in-law, okay!' Jimin said himself in his mind.]

"Yn, what about your surname?" Maira asked.

"This is the surname of the couple who run the orphanage, every child under their orphanage carry their surname." Yn replied, her eyes softening at the mention of the couple.

Although they are not her real parents and are not there for her every time, she knows how much they love her and others and how much they do for them.

Her father died of cancer last year. Therefore now she has taken the responsibility of the orphanage and her mother.

"Okay, now leave all this stuff. I am going to take a bath and Namjoon you keep all these things ready." Yn said and gave him a list and was about to get up from the sofa and go to her room when Namjoon said.

"Yn, don't you think you should change the way you address me?"

He paused and when she said nothing he continued.

"I mean I'm 7 years older than you, so shouldn't you call me Oppa?"

When he finished speaking, they noticed that Yn's face was red and her eyes were glaring at Namjoon, as if she was angry at what he said.

'What happened? Why is she looking at Namjoon like that?' Sarah thought nervously while looking at Yn.

["Oh sh*t!" Taehyung's eyes widened.]

["What happene....." Jimin was about to finish his sentence, but stopped abruptly when he heard a scream coming from the laptop. He jerked towards the screen, his eyes wide and jaw dropped.]

"How can you be so shameless, asking me to call you oppa. You are married and your brother has brought me here to make me his wife, but you still want me to call you oppa. Chi..Chi..Chi..Aren't you ashamed of having such thoughts about me? Sarah sister divorced him, he is not worthy of you. And uncle aunty you should abandon a son like him otherwise he will only be a disgrace to you and your family"

[Taehyung was taken aback after hearing "his wife.” He was smiling maniacally, thank God that Jimin's attention was on the screen otherwise his mafia king image would have been ruined.]

After listening to her, Namjoon didn't know whether to laugh or cry. While Jin pursed his lips to control his laughter, his face turned bright red and Maira stood up and brought water for Yn to cool her down.

Mr. and Mrs. Kim were looking at Yn, not sure whether they should say something or quietly enjoy the show.

Yn felt their eyes on her, and spoke.
"What? I know everything. A girl calls her lover Oppa."

They couldn't control themselves anymore and laughed out loud.

["Haahhhaaaahaha!!" Jimin was laughing out loud, holding his stomach.]

"Ynnn!!! In Korea, a girl addresses her brother, husband, brother-in-law, or anyone older than her with whom she is close as "oppa"." Sarah said helplessly.

"Huh! But isn't it unfitting, like imagine you call Namjoon oppa and then in front of him you call your friend oppa too. Wouldn't he be jealous, hmm?" Yn asked Sarah, raising her eyebrows.

"Of course, I would be jealous!!" Namjoon interrupted.

While Yn looked at Sarah with a "see I told you" expression.

"Yes, but Yn, it's like that here." Maira said and nodded her head innocently.

"In our India it is much better  Brother ‐ Bhaiya, Husband - Aeji Oji, Brother-in-law - Jiju. See, absolutely no confusion."

['Aeji Oji!! Hahha cute!"]

"Alright! But now we can't do anything, right? We have been using these titles for centuries."

"Yeah right! But I won't call you Oppa, Unnie, Noona, Hyung."

"Big brother!" Jin said and raised his hand. And they all followed his suit.


"Big sister!"


"Handsome uncle!"

"Beautiful aunty!"

"Cool!" Yn smile widely.

"Ok! I'll go now." Yn said and finally went to her room.

"She is a dangerous piece." Namjoon said, placing his hand on his heart, still scared of her scream from earlier.

"But quite cute, funny and innocent as well as mischievous." Maira said looking towards where Yn had gone.

["True! Sister-in-law is an all-rounder." Jimin nodded his head.]

["After all, whose future wife is she? Mine." Taehyung said, his eyes filled with a sense of possessiveness along with a glint of love for her.]

['This possessive ass!']
