
After telling him the things to buy, they both started relaxing in the living room when Sarah entered the house and was going towards her room but Yn stopped her.

"Hey sister, wait!”


"I don't have my clothes and innerwear. So, can you get me something?" She asked her and Sarah replied,

"Yes, of course, just tell me what type and size of clothes you wear. Hmm now that you've talked about clothes, I see you're wearing Taehyung's clothes, hmm hmm." She tried to tease her.

"Well, it's not like I can walk around naked. Or did you want me to walk around naked, hmm?" She said the latter sentence in a sultry voice.

[Taehyung looked at his laptop screen with wide eyes. "Did she just? Haahhhhaaaahhahaha. Oh my god! But have to say her voice is so damn sexy, can get anybody turn on."]

Hearing this, Jin chokes on the water he was drinking while Sarah blushes profusely.

She laughed softly, and then spoke,
"I guess you're imagining what I'd look like walking around naked, right?"

"God, I should stay away from her, she's so scary." Jin mumbled.

["Oh God, how amazing it would have been if I had been there and seen this scene live."]

"N-no no, You are getting it wrong." She said getting flustered.

"Am i? But your blushing cheeks say otherwise." Yn said looking into Sarah's eyes.

["Okay now I want to know how it would feel when she tries to flirt with me. Will I also feel shy like noona? Nahh, I might flirt back and make her blush." Taehyung said with naughty smirk.]

"What happened Yn, do you want something?" Mrs. Kim asked as she came into the living room.

["Mom, was it necessary for you to come amidst this wonderful scene? I think it was good that she came, otherwise noona would have turned into a tomato."]

"Oh yes, do you have a bluetooth speaker?"

"Yes we do, wait." She said and turned to Sarah.

"Omo, Sarah, why is your face so red *touches her face* and it is so hot too? Are you ok?"

"Nothing beautiful aunty, we were just talking, right sis?" Yn said while placing her hand on Sarah's upper arm.

["Beautiful aunty? Is she flirting with my mom now? Wow, incredible."]


"Okay, umm Sarah can you give that bluetooth speaker to Yn."

"Hey sis, can you bring me the speaker to my room and I will tell you my size etc. in the room itself?" Yn said looking at Sarah


"Of my clothes, beautiful aunty."

Mrs. Kim looked at her clothes, smiled and then said, "Ahhh you look so cute in Taehyung's clothes."

["Yes, absolutely right mom."]

"Thank you! Okay then I will go back to my room and yes I will wait for you." She said the last sentence while looking at Sarah.

Saying this she went to her room and then Mrs. Kim said something,
"Wait! Did she just call me beautiful?"

"Yes mom." Sarah replied

Mrs. Kim starts smiling brightly.

"What is there to be so happy about?" Jin asked them.

"Well, when a beautiful person calls you beautiful it is something that makes you feel happy. Leave it, you won't understand."

"And why wouldn't I understand?" Seokjin asked, pointing his finger at himself.

"Because the one who praises you is you yourself." Mrs. Kim said casually

["Hahahahaa, true Mom."]

Hearing this, Sarah started laughing loudly and so did Mr. Kim who was standing near the stairs.

"Hey guys, stop laughing. Mommmmmm." Jin whines.

"Hey, stop laughing at my handsome son." Mr. Kim said with mock sternness.

Looking at his face, both of them started laughing loudly again.


["I see how you all are enjoying without me, Dad you are so cruel to give me this punishment."]

"Okay-okay, we will stop now and Sarah, you go and give the speaker to Yn." Mrs. Kim said.

Nodding her head, Sarah headed towards Taehyung's room, no-no, Yn's room.

"Speaker, why?" Mr. Kim asked,

"Don't know." Mrs. Kim said, shrugging her shoulders.

While they were busy talking, Maira came to them from her room, dressed in her formal clothes and with a doctor's coat hanging on her left arm.

"Oh Maira, you were on leave, right?"

"Yes mom, but an emergency has come up, and perhaps I will come early tomorrow morning." Maira replied.


"It is good that she is going otherwise she would not have allowed me and Yn to do that prank to Namjoon." Jin muttered but Mr. Kim heard him.

["It seems like Jin hyung is happy that Maira noona is going otherwise she would have never agreed to that prank on Namjoon hyung."
"What to do, noona loves us like her sons."]

"Did you say something Jin?" Maira asked, raising her eyebrows.

"Yeah, should I drop you to the hospital?" Jin asked innocently.

"No need, I'll take my car. Bye! Mom and Dad!"


After speaking, Maira walks towards the main door and walks outside towards her car, followed by Jin.

'What are these two going to do now? But whatever, I also want to participate in it, because whatever Yn does is very exciting.' Mr. Kim thought.


"Take care of yourself and please have your lunch and dinner on time and call me if you get free time." Jin said, holding both of her hands in his.

"You are making it seem as if I am leaving for several days." She said and laughed but after seeing Seokjin glaring at her she stopped and spoke again.

"Okay, I will take care of myself, eat on time and call when I am free. OK bye now."

Seokjin hugged her and then kissed her forehead and lips.


She sat inside her car and drove away.
Jin let out a sigh.

"Now either I will have to involve mom and dad in our plan or I will have to send them out of the house...Hmm....and Sarah, convincing her is like a piece of cake for me. Okay Jin, let's get started." Saying this he goes inside the house.

*Yn's room [Taehyung's room]*

"Hmm let's check out this room." Saying this she started opening every drawer and cupboard in the room.

["Seriously! This girl is crazy."]

"Oh it's locked."

["Yes, because I put my gun in there."]

"Here is the first aid and medicine box."

Then she opened the drawer of the dressing table and found the treasure i.e. makeup.

"Oh my love and my means of earning money." Yn said squealing, but then she realized something.

["Yes, when I found out you were a makeup artist I bought all this for you..........What happened?"]

"Where is my makeup bag that was with me?" She panicked.

["Oh! I have kept it in our walk-in-closet."]

"It must be somewhere, Mini, don't panic and look for it. Okay!"

["Yes-yes, don't worry."]

Saying this she started looking around and after some time she went inside the walk-in-closet and saw that her bag was kept in front.

"Oh! Found you." She said with a big sigh and hugged her makeup bag.

"Now that I have come here, let me see what is there." She said and opened a cupboard which was in the corner.

"Woooowww, this is so cute." She said and grab that stuff toy.


"Looks like sis has come. Let me have some fun with her again, it will be fun." She said and laughed evilly.

"Here Yn." Sarah said giving her speaker.

"Oh wow! This plushie is so cute." She said looking at the plushie, which Yn had hugged tightly.

["Oh, she found it."]

"Yes, now it is my cuddle buddy."

["Did she just say a cuddle buddy? Well now I regret buying that thing." Taehyung said with a poker face.]

Sarah laughed and Yn told her what things she wanted and then Sarah was leaving the room when Yn stopped her,


"Are you uncomfortable with me? Please don't be upset by what happened below, it's just the way I am and honestly I love teasing beautiful shy girls."

["Is she trying to flirt again?"]

Sarah started feeling shy after hearing Yn's last sentence.

"Aaahh you look so cute blushing."

Hearing this, Sara started feeling even more shy.

["Urrrgghhh! I never thought that I would be jealous of my own sister-in-law."]

"I-l-l s-should leave now." Saying this she ran out of the room.

Yn chuckles.

"Hmmm now I'm just waiting for the night to fall." She said and started laughing evilly.

["On one hand I'm feeling scared for Namjoon hyung and on the other hand I'm feeling excited and curious about what Yn is going to do."
"But yes, I just know that I will laugh out loud at that time."]
