
(Next morning)

Yn woke up and looked around the room.

"Hmm nice room".

Few seconds later,

"Oh my God, this room is so beautiful, I have never seen such a beautiful room in my life, is even more beautiful than the suite rooms in those 5 star hotels." She said squealing.

Then she looked towards the bed she was sleeping on and gasped.

"Oh my, I was sleeping on this bed, it is so soft, soft and supple." She said while caressing the bed.

Then she looked towards the clock hanging on the wall.

"Oh, it's 8:35. What should I do, should I go down or?"

As she was asking herself what she should do, she heard a growling sound from her stomach.

"It would be better to go down." She said very seriously.

Maira slowly started waking up and started waking Jin up too.

"Jin wake up."

"Mmm let me sleep for a few more minutes." He said in a sleepy voice.

"No, get up..........WAKE UP."

"Uhhh why are you screaming early in the morning?" Now he got annoyed.

"Because you're being a brat here." She said while snatching the quilt.

"How can you do this?" He said making a face as she snatched his quilt.

"Don't forget that we have to talk to others about last night."

Now he became serious as a chill ran down his spine and he began to tremble with fear.

"Yes let's go. I've heard that ghosts don't attack in broad daylight."


Both of them held each other's hands tightly and went out of the room. Both of them were looking here and there, then-

"Why are you two walking like this?"

Both flinched hard. Both of them placed their hands on their chests and spoke angrily while breathing heavily.

"Get lost Kim Namjoon."

"Woah woah! what happened guys?" Sarah asked confused, while Namjoon was still in shock, poor him.

"I will tell you later, first you tell me where are mom and dad?" Maira quickly asked her to which Namjoon replied,

"They are in the dining room."

"Thank you and sorry, we were quite scared by the way you asked us." Maira said to Namjoon feeling a little guilty.

"No, it's fine, but would you mind telling us why you two are behaving like this?"

"Yes, of course, but first we will go to mom and dad and explain everything there."

Maira said to which Namjoon replied, while Jin listened to them quietly.

"Ok let's go."

"Would Yn have woken up?" Mrs. Kim asked her husband.

"How could I know."

"Should I go and check?" She asked him again while getting up from her seat.

"There is no need, just sit quietly at your place and she will come down as soon as she wakes up."

After a few seconds he spoke again in a playful tone.

"It seems that you are in love with her, not Taehyung."

"What's going on in your mind?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

She laughed awkwardly and told him,

"It's nothing like that, I'm just curious what is it about her that Taehyung is so crazy about."

"Should I be worried?" He asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

"No, no, please, I'm not like those typical narrow-minded moms." She said with a reassuring smile.

He also smiled looking at her, feeling proud to have a life partner like her.

But their moment was interrupted by,

"Mom and Dad I think we should change our house."

"And why do you think so Jin?" He asked, raising his eyebrows.

"Because it's haunted."

'Oh sh*t! This means that the person I scared yesterday was none other than Jin sir and his wife.' Yn thought to herself.

Hearing this, Namjoon started laughing loudly.

A low laugh was also heard amidst Namjoon's laughter, but no one else heard it except one.

She slapped her mouth, 'Yn do you want to die? And one second this is Jin sir's house, is it him who has kidnapped me but why? Urghhhh shut up and let's enjoy this drama hehehe.'

"Namjoon please stop, and Jin will you explain further."

Mr. Kim was now confused about this matter.

"Actually Dad, yesterday when we were sleeping I heard someone laughing and singing so I woke up Maira too, at first she said that it was my illusion or just a bad dream but then she also heard it."

After completing he asked Maira to confirm it again.

"You heard, right?"

"Yes dad and it was so scary that we couldn't sleep the whole night." Maira said supporting Jin.

"See and you are laughing, you will know only when this happens to you." Jin said glaring at Namjoon who was controlling himself not to laugh again otherwise he knows what would happen to him.

'Ah, so it was the little devil there.' Mr. Kim thought to himself with a smile.

Suddenly he started laughing. Seeing him like this, everyone was either surprised or confused.

["Why is Dad laughing? Does he know anything?"]

After calming down he said,

"I'm so sorry jin, our house is not haunted, actually I was watching a horror movie so this would be the background music you would have heard."

'Okay, now why did he save me?' She thought to herself, confusion clearly visible on her face.

"I'm so sorry Jin and Maira." He said with a guilty smile.

"No, it's okay dad, you don't need to say sorry." Maira said with a sweet smile.

"Aah, you are so sweet Maira." Mr. Kim said to her,

'You should be grateful to me, Taehyung.' Mr Kim thought to himself.

["Thank you dad, I will always be grateful to you."]

"I am forgiving you only this time, there is no next time." Jin said, pulling a long face still angry that it wasn't a real ghost but a background music from a movie. He doesn't know whether he should be happy or sad about this.

"Okay now leave it guys and let's have breakfast." Mrs. Kim said smiling.

"Yn hasn't come down yet?" Jin asked because he is curious to know if she is the same Yn he knows.

'Oh, now that my name has been taken I have to go. But what should I do once I come face to face with them, should I panic or pretend to be shocked as to how I got here? Urghhhh leave it, we'll see whatever happens'

"No she has-

Mrs. Kim was about to finish speaking when she saw.


Yn nodded

Hearing Yn's name from Mrs. Kim's mouth, they all started looking towards her.

"Yn, you." Jin said pointing his finger at her.

'Okay Yn, now act as if you are shocked.'

"Jin sir, you." Yn said with wide eyes in surprise, tilting her head side.

"Do you know each other?" Mr. Kim asked curiously.

"Yes dad."
