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[Micheal's POV]

"No Rafael, she's not here or anywhere else. Neither are the other members of her family. I've looked everywhere!", I replied frantically to my brother standing next to me.

"Where the hell is everyone?", Rafael frowned.

My brother and I are visiting the Costello mansion in New York and weirdly we're unable to find anyone. The entire estate looks deserted.

It's been two days since I've been able to get in touch with Valentina. She hasn't replied to my texts or answered my calls since then. That's unlike her. She's also not attending school for some reason. And now her house is vacant. This is beyond unusual.

I don't know where she is! I need to know or I'll go insane. Why is she not reply back to my texts?! I need to know she's okay.

As I was scanning through the area I happened to spot Ryder outside the mansion talking to a guard. Finally someone!

"Ryder!", I called out his name.

Rafael looks at me then at the other direction. "Come on", He gently slaps my upper arm as he jogs towards Ryder.

Ryder's eyes seemed to have become wide saucers at our presence. He turned towards us and I noticed him wince a little at the movement and he places his hand on his ribs.

"Are you okay?", I couldn't help but ask.

"Yeah, it's nothing", Ryder waved it off, then looked at my brother. "Mr Diaz, Don of the Spanish mafia? What are you doing here, if you don't mind me asking?", He looked confused.

Where's everyone gone to Ryder? Valentina? Matteo? Enzo? Xander? Xavier? I'm aware that the others are gone to Italy for work", I demanded.

"We're unable to get in touch with any of them. What's going on?", Rafael frowns.

Ryder's lips parted in surprise. "Uh...you–you don't know what happened two days ago?"

Two days ago. That literally since I've lost touch with Valentina. My heart beat rapidly increased as I started imagining the worse. God she better be safe, please.

"No news came through to us. What's going on?", Rafael questioned, his expressions serious.

"Uh.. I advise you should speak to Ben regarding this. I'm not permitted to mention about anything that's happened to anyone, direct orders from Ben", Ryder shook his head loyally. "We are here waiting for his next orders."

"What?", I was totally confused.

"I'm sorry. I'm aware that you're friends with my Don, but it's our duty to follow orders. And right now I cannot defy Ben when's he's counting on me", Ryder sighed heavily, looking down.

Before I could open my mouth and persist him to tell us what happened, Rafael stopped me with his hand. I look at him with confusion.

"I understand Ryder. No problem. I'll talk to Ben myself", Rafael nods in understanding. "Come on Micheal."

Wordlessly both him and I walk back towards our car and drive home. Our father, sister and grandpa were waiting for us there anyway. Everyone's tensed at this point.

As soon as we walk through the doors Savannah was right there bombarding us with an update. I could see she was on the brink of freaking out.

"What happened? Did you find them?", Savannah asked worriedly.

"No one's home. Ryder asked us to speak to Ben", I informed.

"Why? Something is definitely wrong", Dad frowned.

"At this point, I'm convinced too. Let me call Ben find out what's going on with them", Rafael said, tugging out his phone.

"Put it on speaker", I promoted.

"Yeah", Rafael said, complying.

I nervously fidgeted with my fingers as I stare at the phone watch it ring unceasingly. Ben better pick up otherwise I'll lose it.

"Hello?", Ben answered, and we visibly relaxed.

"Ben, what the hell is going on? Where's everyone from New York disappeared to? What's happening with you guys? Ryder wouldn't tell me anything", Rafael immediately shot questions at him.

I heard Ben release a defeated sigh.

"Ben? You better not grant me the silent treatment man. We're actually worried here", Rafael frowned. "I know something's up. Are you okay? Is everyone else okay?"

Ben paused before he answered in a weak voice. Raf there's been an attack."


Savannah inhaled sharply. Rafael's eyes went wide. Dad and grandpa's shared a concerned look with each other.

"What do you mean an attack? How come we know nothing about this!? Please tell me Valentina and others safe?", I asked desperately.

"Valentina is safe along with Matteo but..", Ben trailed off.

"What? But what Ben?", Savannah demanded, looking scared.

We were met with silence on the other end as if Ben was finding it hard to reply to us.

"Half of the Costello family members are kidnapped", Ben sighed heavily.

I froze in shock. Looking up I realised everyone else were experiencing the similiar emotion. Did I hear him right? What does that—How can that—?

"What the fuck are you talking about?", Grandpa demanded sounding angry and serious.

Ben started explained everything to us from the start till the end what happened. The last two days events as well as what happened before all put forth for us to know.

Savannah's hand covers her mouth as she wells up in tears. Dad and Grandpa on the other hand looked beyond furious. Rafael's jaw was clenched, I could see his veins pop out.

"So basically Vince, all the uncles, grandpa, Ales, Leo, Tony, Mark, Elijah, Enzo, Xander, Xavier, Angelo, Emilio, Stephano are held hostage by this Dimitri Ivanov", Ben explained, a hint af fury on his tone.

"Dimitri Ivanov?", I repeated.

"Yeah it's him who's dared to pull this off. A blatant conspiracy against the Costello family", Ben grit his teeth.

"What this man is he related to the Russian mafia? As in Vladimir Ivanov?", Dad asked looking confused.

"That's what we believe, but the problem is that we don't know anything about him, which by the way I'm sure he's aware of too. He is in no records", Ben explained.

"Dimitri is Vladimir's son", Grandpa stated, as a matter of fact.

"We believe so too, but are you sure? How do you know that, anyway?", Ben asked curiously.

"There was a rumour that spread rapidly a long time ago about Vladimir having a son from a one night stand. But the rumor went down just as quickly as it surfaced. No one believed or cared about it then", Grandpa explained. "It's been decades since this has come up."

"That surely explains it because I'm certain Vladimir doesn't have any brothers so it's got to be a son if he's got the same last name", Dad shrugged.

"Yeah we thought the same", Ben sighed.

Wow. Never thought we'd come across a situation like this. It all came out of nowhere. All the elders are gone? Man what is going on.

"How's everyone holding up then?", Savannah asked in concern

"On one side they're devastated at the loss of their own, but on then they're more than prepared for some revenge", Ben replied.

"Val and Matteo?", Rafael asked gently, knowing it's gotta be worse for them.

"Don't even ask. They were practically shaking when I saw them. I made arrangements for them to come here in Italy as soon as they informed me about Enzo and the twins. There was no way I was gonna let them be there unsafe. So basically all the kids are here with me now", Ben replied.

My heart dropped imagining what she must be going through. Her family's everything for her. Val found them after losing her mom and now what if she loses them too?

"You did the right thing", Dad nodded.

"Ben how are you holding up?", Rafael looked worried.

Ben exhales soundly. "I just want them back. And I'd do anything to accomplish that."

"I know. We'll get them okay? You have my full support. Together we're getting our friends and their family back. It's a promise", Rafael announced.

"That means a lot Raf", Ben thanked. "Dimitri doesn't know what's coming to him. He messed with the wrong people. The Costello are like family to me, and now with the help of the younger ones we're getting them back no matter what it takes."

Rafael, Dad, Grandpa, Savannah and I share a look of understanding. We all were thinking the same thing.

"We're coming", I decided.

Hey guys!

It's overrr!

Hope you liked this chapter?
