(6) Shopping

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[Valentina's POV]

The doctor's appointment went well. My injuries, as expected, weren't serious and my father made sure that was the case by cross questioning the poor doctor multiple times.

Also, on our ride back home, I learned that Elijah is a doctor too. That made me wonder why Dad took me to a different doctor while Elijah could have easily assessed me at home.

Guess he sensed my confusion  because then he told me that the doctor he took me to was their family doctor since before Elijah even became a qualified medical professional. That man holds every single one of my family member's medical history so Elijah himself suggested that I'd be taken there.

A part of me was curious to know if they wondered I'd be more comfortable around a family doctor rather than a brother who was literally a stranger until yesterday.

Either way I didn't ask. But in my mind I knew I'm comfortable around Elijah. He's nice.

Next morning a terrifying nightmare woke me up before the sun could. I realised I was sweating buckets and my heart was compromising for my lack of breathing by beating rapidly.

Once I assured myself that I'm in New York at my father's home and not back in Texas with Jack shooting my mom again and again in my nightmare I relaxed. Since I was up anyway, I got out of bed and decided to take a shower.

Unsurprisingly I was ready to go downstairs quite early in the morning. I figured if no one's wake yet I could prepare today's breakfast as a thank you for taking me in.

So with that mindset I entered the kitchen not really expecting anyone to be awake yet. But I paused in surprise when my eyes spotted Enzo in the kitchen. Judging by his clothes I guessed he just returned from an early morning jog or something.

"Good morning", I greeted smiling.

He jumped in surprise causing the lid of the blender he was holding to fly off his hand and land on the titled floor before he could turn to look at me. My expression turned sheepish seeing that.

"Sorry didn't mean to scare you", I smiled, with my hands behind my back.

Enzo lowered down to pick up the lid before shaking his head at me. "Don't apologise. I just didn't expect anyone to be awake this early because usually no one is."

"Anyway, good morning!", He smiled brightly.

I chuckled walking inside.

"Do you normally wake up this early?", Enzo asked curiously.

"Not really. Mom usually has to pull me out of bed on our bad days. On good days, she just needs to yell my name ten times", I shrugged making him laugh.

"Why am I not surprised? You're the same as the twins and Matteo. God knows when they'll grow up", Enzo sighs dramatically.

I watched him blend some veggies and healthy looking stuff which gave the liquid inside a dirty green look. I was almost immediately grossed out.

"Enzo that looks like it could give you food poisoning", I grimaced.

"Oh no no no. This shake is extra nutritious, high in protein and healthy for our immune system bambina. Best after a workout. It's my own recipe", Enzo boasted proudly. "Not to mention, super tasty."

"I have no doubt that thing is healthy for you. But how can you vouch for it's taste? It has all those vegetables and heck it even appears gross", I gagged a little, imagining it pour down my throat.

"Yeah it'll be a little bitter, but you'll hardly sense it", Enzo stated, before walking towards me with his shake, offering it. "Give it a try."

I instantly move away from him, backing to the opposite side of the kitchen chuckling nervously. "Oh no no no. I haven't even lived half of my life yet and I cannot risk it by consuming that thing."

"You're so dramatic", Enzo deadpanned.

"Yeah you're one to talk", I smirked.

Our conversation got interrupted by another voice making us both turn towards the entrance of the kitchen. "Ooooo Enzo just got roasted by our little sister", Xavier snickered.

"Oh shut up, Xavier", Enzo rolled his eyes.

"You need to work on your comebacks Enzo baby. I recommend you take classes from me. I'll even teach you how to do it without any charges", Xavier suggested, wiggling his eyebrows smirking.

"I've got more important things to do in life Xavier", Enzo replied with a tight smile.

"Yeah? Like what?", Xavier challenged, both his hands resting on his hips.

"Oh I don't know. Work for a living? Unlike you I earn money which helps pay for your entertainment, cars and xbox stuff", Enzo smirked in reply.

I internally winced at the burn. Expectedly Xavier had no snarky response to that. As a result his eyes roamed the kitchen but never met Enzo's making me laugh.

So much for his comeback classes.

Enzo shook his head at him before taking a sip of his drink. "Now tell me why're you up so early? I was just telling Val about your snoring capacity."

Xavier sighed, pouting a little. "My bladder's my enemy. It woke me to pee early in the morning and now I can't go back to sleep."

"Yeah? Wish that happened everyday", Enzo muttered under his breath making me smile.

I walk towards the kitchen to grab milk and some other stuff for breakfast. "I'll prepare some breakfast for you guys. What do you wanna have Xavier?", I ask.

Xavier immediately grabs a seat at the center table, an excited look on his face. "Can you make a french toast?"

"Sure", I nod, gathering the supplies.

"Yes!", He glees in happiness.

"Dude, what is wrong with you? Shouldn't you offer Val to make her breakfast? You're older", Enzo frowned.

"She offered", Xavier pointed out. "Besides I'm banned from cooking, you know that."

I look up at them in surprise. Enzo's face shows the realisation. "Oh yeah! Thank goodness! I forgot about that."

"Why isn't he allowed to cook?", I ask curiously.

Enzo's mouth opened to answer, but Xavier beat him to it.

"Let me tell you why because everybody else's version paints me extra stupid", Xavier frowned glaring at Enzo who just rolled his eyes. "Where do I even begin, these days you accidentally cause a mini fire to start in the oven and BAM! Cooking's banned for you", He scoffs shaking his head.

"Did he mention the 'accident' happened twice?", Enzo raised an eyebrow. "Within a week?"

"Whatever", Xavier rolled his eyes.

My jaw drops at first before a laugh escapes me. I gather around the stuff I just grabbed and start making breakfast.

"You really don't have to Val. I can take over", Enzo offered looking at me.

I turned down his offer with a small smile. "Not a big deal Enzo. I've made breakfast before."

"Thanks", Enzo smiled.

Xavier drummed his fingers on the table watching me slice strawberries. "How come you work up so early today? Don't tell me you're the Enzo of the family?", He dreaded to know.

I shook my head smiling. "Nah. Just one of those days you wake up early. No particular reason."

I didn't want to mention my nightmare because that would raise concern and a lot of attention. Besides it's not even a big deal.

"Good morning kids", Dad greeted, walking into the kitchen, heading towards the coffee machine.

"Good morning Dad", We all greet him back together.

"Val's making french toast for me!", Xavier grinned.

"Is that so?", Dad turned at me with a smile. "I'll have one too then."

Since one by one everyone was heading downstairs for breakfast and I figured the elders ones are going to work judging by their outfits after this, I began serving them first.

Enzo assisted me to fasten the pace which relaxed a very hungry looking Xavier.

"By the way, before I forget", Dad spoke looking at me. "I've enrolled you into the same school as Matteo and the twins. You'll start next week. So I suggest you go shopping today with them to get everything you'll need."

"Oh okay", I nodded.

"Feel free to shop for anything", Ales added, then looked at the boys. "Get her whatever she needs guys. Use my card."

Before I could object the boys nodded and voiced their agreement. Enzo nudged me the exact moment to check on the scrambled eggs.

School huh? I hate this.

First days to school are just an unorthodox form of punishment. I've never needed to be in that position in the past, but I've watched new students enroll every year. It's doesn't appear to be a pleasant experience.

"Yeah..uh Val we leave whenever you're free", Xander immediately pointed out. "And these french toasts are brilliant by the way. Thank you for making these."

I glanced at him to find him looking a little eagerly at me. It was very difficult to keep myself from smiling though I managed a nod before turning around to open a drawer acting like I am looking for something.

He's still trying hard. At this point I feel a little bad doing this, which is surprising because I've pretended to be mad at Stacy and Ryan tons of times and I always enjoy that.

The unnecessary loud noise of cutlery jamming into each other coming from behind me told me it's time I stop this because I was causing the poor guy to get frustrated.

When I look back I find Xander's face contoured into a deep frown as he forced the food into his mouth with extra attitude. Dad was reading the newspaper and Ales his e-mails on his phone so they were unbothered while others stare at Xander weirdly.

I take my seat next to Enzo pulling my plate of breakfast towards me trying not to cringe at the loud noises Xander was purposely causing.

Enzo leaned towards me and whispered. "Please forgive him before he ruins that fine crockery. They're freaking expensive and gorgeous piece of work."

This time I couldn't hide my smile. I nod at him making him sigh in relief but he didn't stop staring at Xander's plate with desperate concern.

I cleared my throat. "So guys, I'm joining your school? What is it like there...Xander?", I asked looking at him.

He stopped what he was doing immediately and stared at me in shock. Xavier smiled before nudging him with his elbow to snap out. Xander did and started talking non-stop looking at me, his mood seemed to have gotten better.

I wonder if this is the first time he's talked so much because once again Matteo was staring at him with an open mouth for too long and a half piece of strawberry fell out of his mouth.

After breakfast, the boys and I almost immediately hit the road to get me some school supplies. Xander actually insisted I sit on the passenger seat while he drives even though Matteo called shot gun.

The look on Matteo's face after hearing that could easily give anyone the impression that his puppy died. He looked sad which made me feel bad. But that lasted for two seconds before Xavier offered to buy him the new sneakers he wanted.

I suspected that the twins were in on this together and they had it all planned out beforehand.

"So which store do you want to go to first?", Matteo asked, looking around once we reached the mall.

"Uh...let's get the school stuff first", I decided.

Their heads turned towards me quickly hearing that. I raise my eyebrows in question seeing their shocked faces.

"Woah. I've never known a girl to not choose to go for clothes shopping first", Xavier exclaimed, the other two nodding in support.

I shrugged. "Well shopping bores me."

"Holy shit. She's built different. I never knew one of these existed among their species", Matteo whispered under his breath, grabbing Xavier's jacket.

"Go ahead stereotype me. It's not like you're offending me any other girls who's first priority isn't shopping", I rolled my eyes.

Xander chuckled. "Come on. Let's go."

Matteo grinned, putting his arms around my neck, letting me know he was kidding. I flick his head in response.

It took longer than I anticipated to buy some school supplies. But since I have nothing in my possession over here in New York I refrained from getting cranky.

It also didn't help when they boys dragged me to a men's sports showroom because they wanted to buy some new shoes and jersey for their football practice. Five minutes into the store and I was exhausted.

Surely they had better taste in these kind of things than I did from all the shopping they did on my behalf. I literally have three bags of only clothes, accessories and other stuff that they shopped for me.

So I know they don't need my advice which left me nothing to do other than roam around the store admiring the collection.

I came across a funky looking shirt with a hilarious print on it which I considered buying for the boys as a joke when I heard a whistle like sound near me.

Looking around with a frown I catch a boy, probably a few years older than me, standing a few racks to my right staring at me with a sick smirk.


My eyes roll at the sight before I continued walking needing to create as much distance as possible from the creep. I pretended to carelessly look at the t-shirts, but in reality I was just focusing on finding my brothers.

"Hey you", The guy called out, following after me.

My jaw clenched. Ignoring him, I quickened my pace looking around for them. I didn't realise the store was this big until now.

Where the hell are they?

"What is a girl like you doing here? You like wearing men's clothes? If yes, I'll let you wear mine. I happen to have a great taste", The guy smirked, attempting to flirt.

"Leave me alone loser", I scoff, turning to glare once at him before continuing to move.

"Aw. You're too pretty to be ignored hun. What do you say about joining me for a cup of coffee?", The guy asked next, walking close to me now.

I stopped and rewarded him with my death glare. "Not interested. Leave", I grit lowly, aiming for intimidation.

"Oh come on. Don't be like that. Try me", His eyes scanned me from down to up, making my skin crawl.


"Sorry. Creeps are not my type", I retorted, looking him up and down for effect.

His eyebrow raised and jaw clenched. Clearly he didn't like hearing that.  "I'm really not digging the attitude alright?", The guy gritted, walking towards me.

Instantly I take a step back to create distance between us. But he continued moving towards me. I glare at him, putting my hand on his chest to stop him, but he grabbed my hand and pushed it away from his chest.

"Val, where are you? We're done", I heard Matteo calling me out.

I smile hearing him feeling a little relieved. My head turns towards the direction I hear his voice come from  and just when I open my mouth to yell his name the creep covered my mouth with his hand.

My next actions were to kick him in the shins without hesitation. He let out a small yell and I used that chance to push him away. After that I started jogging towards the direction Matteo called me from.

I spot him looking around at another aisle almost immediately.

"Here!", I call him.

Matteo turns around exhaling with a smile looking at me. He started heading for me and me for him before suddenly someone grabs my hand roughly and pulls me with force to a corner.

"You—", The creep fumed angrily and I hurriedly tried to push his hand off mine attempting to free myself. Before he could say anything else he was pulled by his collar from behind.

Stumbling back he and I both found Matteo standing there behind him, a very unhappy glare etching his face. This is the first time I've seen him upset.

"What's up idiot?", Matteo frowned, glaring at his hand holding mine.

"Back off", The creep barks.

"You back off before it's too late. And let go of her hand", Matteo warns him.

The guy scoffs uncaringly looking at Matteo like he's not a challenge for him and starts walking to the other side, pulling me with him.

"Hey! I said leave me alone!", I plant my feet on the ground not letting him pull me like that while also constantly pushing his hand off mine.

Matteo frowned at my struggle and then glared at the guy in anger. He raised his hand to punch him, but the creep was faster and he kneed Matteo's stomach followed by pushing him with one hand by his chest.

The creep wasted no time and began pulling me somewhere. My eyes fell on Matteo in worry to find him bend over in pain holding his lower stomach.

Even I was very pissed now. Looking back at the guy I used my other hand to hit, pinch and practically anything I could muster. But that buffy idiot just chuckled shaking his head.

Before I could grab something from the racks and use it to smack his face with it, my other hand was grabbed from behind me. Instantly I'm pulled back to that direction.

The creep paused sensing resistance and turns to look at me with annoyance. I see Xavier holding me close to himself while sending a death glare to the guy.

Matteo came up from behind him with a equally strong glare.

"Leave her now", I heard a very low intimidating voice.

My eyes shift to someone standing behind the creep. Xander looked extremely furious. For a second I could only stare at him with wide eyes.

When the guy turned around to face my brother he was met with a strong punch instead. I grimaced seeing that. Serves him right though.

I freed my hand by pulling it out of his grasp when he fell down. Xavier gently pushed me behind him. Matteo and Xander move ahead and give the creep a strong beat until we were asked to leave by the staff of the store.

"Stay away if you wanna live", Xavier spat at him before leading me out.

"Tit for tat", Matteo childishly kicked the guy in his stomach like the one he received from him.

I chuckled watching him as he jogged towards us grinning and putting his arm around over my shoulder.

"You okay?", Xander looked at me with concern once we were out of the store.

"Yeah, don't worry", I waved it off.

He takes a second staring at me before nodding and gesturing us to move as we walk to the next store which I praying was the last one.

"You guys can fight. I mean what I just saw there was not less than an action movie scene", I complimented them. "Thanks."

They puff their chest smugly.

"Yeah well you have amazing brothers", Xavier flipped his imaginary hair.

Xander and Matteo nod smirking while I shake my head smiling. One compliment worked like a piece of cake to stroke their ego.

Thankfully the last store was infact the last store when they called it a day showing mercy to me. My legs were starting to ache and they looked like they could run a marathon.

"Guys this is too much..I mean I didn't need these many clothes and electronics", I frowned looking at the bags.

"Oh come on we enjoy getting to spoil you. Also, we're just following Ales's orders. He was like—get her everything she needs guys", Matteo attempted to conquer Ales's deep masculine voice.

The twins snickered hearing his voice imitation. A sigh escaped me because this really was a lot. I don't remember ever shopping for so much at once.

"Now let's go have some food. I'm really hungry", Xavier rubbed his stomach.

"You always are", Xander commented with a smile.

"Hey! I'm a growing child", Xavier pouted like a baby.

Xander, Matteo and I just looked at him with raised eyebrows giving him the 'are you serious' look. He rolled his eyes in response and grabbed our hands pulling us towards McDonalds.

Xander gives all our shopping bags to the two guards who've been following us everywhere, but in like casual clothes and not uniforms. Back at home I've noticed guards wear black. Though I really don't know why they're here.

Maybe it's just a rich people thing to do.

We give our orders, get out food and sit down in one of the tables. Almost as soon as we began eating a girl walks towards us. She looked like she could use a ton of less make up.

"Hey Xavier, it's been a while, I've missed you", She flirted, caressing my brother's shoulder.

"I'm busy Stephanie", Xavier replied nonchalantly, too focused on his food.

The girl's eyes then look up at me and her entire mood shifts with a snap of a finger. I mentally scoffed when he glared at me.

"With this bitch?", She said as if she was disgusted.

Collectively, Matteo, Xavier and Xander's jaw clenched and their faces held nothing but anger. But before they could say or do anything she went on.

"She's so ugly, you could do way better, you know."

I'm on a roll with compliments today.

"Really? I heard the exact opposite of that a while ago", I muttered to myself.

"She's no style or anything. What do you even see in her?", Stephanie looked irritated.

My brothers appeared to be barely holding back. Heck even I was pissed. Is she crazy or what? For no reason she's being a bitch to me, not that I care.

"First of all eww, he's my brother. Second of all, I'm sure that most of your beauty could be removed with a kleenex if you allowed me. So who made you the judge on who's ugly?", I frowned. "Catch a mirror on your way by any chance?"

Matteo chokes on coke that he was drinking and starts laughing hysterically. Xander looked at me proud smile on his face while Xavier went red stifling his smile.

"You bitch—", She starts only to be interrupted by Xavier.

"Alright that's it. Leave right now before I lose it and throw you out myself. No one talks to my sister like that", Xavier spat angrily.

Stephanie huffed irritatedly knowing there's no way around that for her and left only after sending a last glare my way.

"You dated her... seriously?", I frowned in disbelief.

"Not date, just a one time thing. She knew that", Xavier shrugged.

"I still judge you", I scoff.

After we're done eating we drive back home which left me smiling in content because I had fun with them even though shopping's not my thing.

The boys help me carry my bags until my room. Then they leave me be to unpack and sort everything out. When I asked if they'll help with that as well, they just scoffed, said I was cute to ask that, and walked out of the room.

And that's how ladies and gentlemen, I get my first hand real experience of having brothers.

Later, after I was done with arranging my stuff, I thought of calling my friends because I haven't really had a chance to speak to them since I moved. I lay down on my bed, grab my phone and call Ryan and Stacy.

Hey guys!


Hey?.. Hey? That's what you've got bitch. You said you'll call us and it's been two days Val!

Seriously Val, you forgot us or what?

Of course not dummies. I just got here. And it takes a while to adjust to the environment. Come on, I called as soon as possible.

Ryan sighed:
Fineee. We understand.

Stacy huffed:
Yeah okay. Tell us about your father. Is he good? Does he treat you well?

Yeah he's actually pretty great. My brothers too. I think I'll like it here.

Oh, I'm so happ— wait what?! You have brothers?

Yeah I didn't know you had brothers.

I forgot to mention that? Oh well. I've got six you guys.

Ryan shouting:
Holy shit!

what the hell?!

Me laughing:

Damn. That's a surprise. Well they better be nice to you if they know what's best for them.

Stacy threatened:
Yeah they better, or else I'm gonna come there and whoop their asses.

I laughed at their protectiveness.

Won't be needed. They're actually very nice to me. I got lucky, I guess.

That's honestly a big relief. I was genuinely so worried about you because you'll be all the way in New York now.


I see you sound better than how you left here too. I'm so glad you found your family Val. You deserve to be happy and remember I told you I feel this new life is gonna be good for you.

Yeah you were right. Thanks guys, I love you two so much. You both are more than family to me. I'll try to come visit soon.

We love you too babe. We miss you.

Ryan sniffs dramatically:
Aw you're gonna make me cry Val. Please come soon because I'm already tried of dealing with our idiot alone.

Stacy barked:
Shut up donkey. That should be my line.

Ryan scoffed:
I'm not a donkey, you are.

Me laughing:
Oh I missed this!

Stacy chuckled:
I have no doubt you did.

Guys I have to go now! I'll call later. Take care Val!

You too. Bye!

Stacy sang:

I ended the call with a smile. Ah, they're my personal energy boost. Everything's better once I've heard their voice.


Hey guys!

Hope you liked this chapter?
