(48) Hostage

Its been a few weeks since the last chapter.

Alessandro's POV:

I was in my office working on some agreements when Ben and Elijah come frantically running inside my office. They looked extremely stressed.

"Ales you have to see this", Elijah said worriedly.

He had a letter in his hand. I frowned and took the letter from his hand. I opened it and read it.

I'm sure by the time you received this letter I have already succeed in capturing your father Vincenzo Costello.

He is with me hostage. If you don't want him to die, meet me at the address I have mentioned at the end of the letter.

Be careful Alessandro I won't be happy if you get any of your men with you thinking you can save your father and kill me. That will be a mistake. Trust me when I say I'll know about any plans you make.

You have no other option but to do as I say if you want your father alive. Don't speak a word about this to anyone. I want you and Elijah to come alone.

Don't break your head wondering who I am. You don't know me. But I know you very well. I need a few things from you.

See you soon.

My jaw clenched. I was beyond angry and pissed.

Me, Ben, Elijah and Dad had come here to Italy three days ago for an important deal. Dad was gone out today for attending a meeting with our buyers.

"Who gave you this letter?", I asked them crushing the letter in my hands.

"One of dad's guards. He came to me 10 mins ago in a completely beaten up shape and poor health condition", Elijah said worriedly.

"Call dad and find him now", I ordered.

"We called Vincenzo but he's not picking up. We tried tracking him but no success there", Ben said angrily.

"What the hell happened? Dad had gone for a meeting", I demand

"The guard said they were attacked by some men after the meeting when they were returning. All the other guards were killed and he was beaten up bad and sent here to give us this", Ben said angrily pointing at the letter.

I stood up from my chair enraged.

"Did the guard see or know who were those men?", I asked

"No. He says they all had a mask on their face", Elijah said

"Search for some footage of the road Dad was driving home from", I said.

"I've put my men to work. We'll know about it any moment", Elijah said.

Suddenly his phone rang. He picked it up and spoke.

"Dammit", he shouted on the phone and cut it.

"What?", I asked

"The entire footage was tampered with. We can't find anything from that", he said absolutely pissed.

"Check the tracker on Dad's car. We have trackers on all our cars", I ordered.

"I did but the car was abandoned and Vincenzo was taken away", Ben said

What the hell is going on?!

"It was a full proof plan Ales. They have left no clues. I think we don't have any option but to comply with this man's demands", Elijah frowned.

"Does anyone else knows about this?", I asked.

"No. None of the cousins or grandpa know about this yet", Elijah said

"Not even Enzo or the others back in America", Ben added.

I was relieved. My brothers will freak out in America if they know about this. I can't put them in danger.

"Good. We have to get to this address today then. I'm not risking dad's life. We'll see who is this guy. Ben stay here and if we don't return inform Leo, Antonio and Grandpa about this", I said seriously

"Okay but just take care guys. Are you sure you don't want to take any of our men with you? What if this guy wants to get you two too?", Ben asked worried looking at me and Elijah.

"We can't risk it Ben. We don't know this guy", Elijah shakes his head.

Ben looks at him worried and frustrated. He sighs hard.

"He obviously has spies on us. This is how he came to know about dad's whereabouts. He's keeping an eye on us. We don't even have much time to figure out who this is", I said

"Exactly we practically have two hours before we have to meet him", Elijah said

Ben made a angry noise.

"Guys... please just take care of yourselves. I-I'm really worried about this situation", Ben said looking at Elijah then me.

"Don't worry it'll be fine", I sigh

Elijah pats Ben's back in comfort.

After two hours it's me and Elijah driving to this address. We have almost reached this place. Entire time both of us were silent.

"I'm worried about Dad", Elijah sighed

"Me too", I said softly

"I feel like this is a trap but it's killing me that we can't do anything", Elijah gritted.

"I know Elijah. I'm gonna skin this man alive who dared attack our father", I snarl

He nodded determined and we stayed quiet for the rest of the journey. We reached the abandoned place soon and park the car outside and get out. We saw some men geared with guns standing outside as if waiting for us.

They come towards us when they see us.

"We have to check you two first before we let you in", one man said.

Me and Elijah raised our hands in surrender and they check us out. They took our guns from us. Now we both were absolutely unarmed.

"Are they alone?", One man speaks in his walkie

"Yes", comes a reply.

I knew they have eyes on us!

"Good. Boss will be happy you decided to listen to him", one of them said smirking.

Elijah took an angry step forward but I held him back. We need to find Dad first then we can break their fucking bones.

"Follow us", they said and make us walk behind them with two people behind us guns pointed constantly.

They take us to a huge room. They open the door and ask us to wait.

Me and Elijah look at each other waiting for this man.

Suddenly the door opened and a man enters with a mask on his face.

"Ah finally so good to see you both", he chuckled.

"Where is my father?", I ask in a threatening voice.

"Woah Alessandro rumours are right. You are absolutely terrifying", he said with a fake shudder

"Who are you?", Elijah asked frowning

"I will tell you that but not now. When the right time comes", he said.

He then did a hand gesture and two men walked out of the room and entered back after a minute with Dad.

Mine and Elijah's eyes went wide looking at him. He looked shocked seeing us as well. I was relieved seeing he's fine. Now I have to know what this bastard wants and get us out of here.

"What are you two doing here?", Dad asked upset

"Oh I called them", The man spoke.

"What do you want from me?", I asked pissed

"Oh I want a lot of things but for now just do as I say", the man spoke.

"You'll regret this whoever you are. You aren't the first enemy we came across who had dared to mess with us", Dad growled.

The man chuckled. Elijah made an angry noise.

"I'm sure you have had enough enemies but I assure you that you haven't had one like me. Trust me you did the biggest mistake of your life when you killed someone important to me", he said.

Who is he talking about? We've killed many people in our lives.

"Who are you talking about?", Elijah asked

"Patience Elijah. You'll get your answers soon but for now meet a few other guests of mine", he snickered.

Me, Elijah and Dad look at him confused.

He pointed towards another door in the room and we look at that direction.

The door opens and this man's guards come out holding some people with covers on their faces. The people hostage were wiggling aggressively under their hold.

"Who are they?", I asked

The man asked his guards to remove the covers. The men removed the covers and Elijah and Dad gasped in shock and horror.


Hey guys!

Well I'm sorry for the cliffhangers 😂

What do you think about the sudden twist? Who do you think are those people?

Please vote.
