(30) Recovery

Valentina's POV:

I fell down on my back and I could feel the burn and pain in my leg.

"VALENTINA", I heard many shouts

Someone knelt next to me and when I opened my eyes I saw Ales with a worried expression.

I could feel my leg was getting hot and liquid flowing down.

"Oh god she's bleeding really bad", Enzo said frantically

"It's burning..it's unbearable", I manage to speak with tears coming out.

"I know bambina it'll be okay. You'll be fine", Ales said softly worried look on his face

I whimpered and then hissed when someone touched my leg.

"Don't it hurts", I cry and flinch at the touch

"Sorry Val", Xander said sadly

"Emilio!", shouted Dad

"Guys you will have to pick her up and get her upstairs to the clinic", Emilio said seriously

Ales tried picking me up but my leg hurt so bad I screamed.

"Ahhh No! No! please it hurts so bad", I shouted and cried frantically.

I saw Matteo, Xavier and Daniel turning their heads away from me and closing their eyes. A painful look on their face.

Marcus, Max and Aunts had tears in their eyes.

"Bambina we don't have a choice we have to get you up there. Please", Ben said with so much vulnerability

I nodded slowly crying hard.

"Okay Ales and Val be ready for the lift on the count of three. It'll be easier", Leo said sadly looking at me.

I nod.

"Okay..one..two.." Leo started

I brace myself for the pain.

"Look at me Val", Dad said and I turn towards him.

"Three", Leo said and Ales picked me up in bridal style as softly as he could.

Intense pain went through my leg.

"Ahhhhh", I yell and cry frantically.

Dad and grandpa looked at me with vulnerability.

I hiss and Ales holds me tight and we go upstairs.

Everyone follows us with looks of worry.

We soon enter a room and he layed me down on a bed. Emilio and Angelo were running around the room getting something.

I felt so dizzy. My eyes closing slowly.

I started taking low breaths.

"Val?", Ales called out

I couldn't reply. I didn't have the energy.

"Val keep your eyes open!", Elijah said

"Shit she's losing a lot of blood", Dad said frantically

I tried staying awake but couldn't manage to keep my eyes open.

"Bambina you'll be fine"

That is what I heard last before I lost consciousness.

Alessandro's POV:

She was in so much pain and I couldn't do anything for it.

My heart stopped when she fell and screamed. I could see so much blood oozing out of her wound.

When I lifted her up she yelled so painfully that my heart hurt physically. I nevertheless control myself and carry her upstairs with our family running behind us.

Ben ran ahead of me and opened the door. I ran in.

I put her in the bed and look up at her face. She looked like she'll pass out anytime.

"Val?", I called out

She didn't reply. I could see her taking short breaths. I saw Dad and my brothers faces holding absolute horror.

"Val keep your eyes open!", Elijah said frantically with his voice cracking

"Shit she's lost a lot of blood", Dad said worried.

"Bambina you'll be fine", Xavier whispers softly.

Emilio held her leg and tried to stop the bleeding. My family looked on edge.

Val fell unconscious.

"No! Val!", Xander shouts

I tap her cheek but she didn't respond.

"Emilio?!", Grandpa asked worried

"She's weak coz of the blood loss but she'll be fine", Emilio sighs relieved checking her pulse and other things

I had the most relieved feeling in my heart.

"Oh thank god", Uncles muttered.

"You guys should go downstairs. She'll probably be up in an hour and half", Emilio smiled.

"No I'll be here", Dad protests

"Vince she needs rest along with you guys. Come and let's wait downstairs", Grandma said softly

Dad didn't look convinced.

"Vince she's okay see don't worry come on now", Uncle Luciano smiled softly.

We all then sigh and walk back downstairs. I have one last look to her sleeping figure.

Just be fine.

Valentina's POV:

I woke up slowly opening my eyes and see I'm in the clinic. I look around and find no one. I try to push myself up from the bed. My leg didn't hurt like it did before.

Suddenly Emilio entered and saw me.

"Oh hey finally you're awake", he smiled coming to me

"How's my leg now?", I ask looking at it in a sitting position.

"It'll be fine in some days. I'm giving you some medicines, it'll help with the pain", he said and gave me two pills and water.

I swallow it and put the glass down.

"Where's everyone else?", I ask curiously

"Everyone's in the living room, come I'll help you down", he said and gave me his hand and I slowly get out of the bed.

He walks very patiently with me while I walk very slowly down the stairs.

We soon reach the living room. I heard some voices.

We enter and everyone looks at me and smiled

"Finally your awake", Matteo exclaimed

"How's the leg Val?", Dad asks concerned.

"Does it still hurt?", asks Daniel

"Obviously it hurts idiot. She was stabbed not scratched", Damon said rolling his eyes.

Daniel glared at him.

I chuckled.

"Seriously Val how's it?", Elijah asked

"It doesn't hurt much.. definitely feels better than before", I smile

"Good", smiled Ben

"Let me know about the medicine and rest of the details about her before you go Emilio", Ales said

"Sure", Emilio smiled

I looked at them confused.

"Are you going somewhere?", I ask Emilio

"Oh yeah we are going back to Italy tomorrow bambina", Grandpa smiled softly

"What? Why?", I ask upset

"We live there Val", Leo chuckled

"Yeah but you should stay for some more days", I argue

"Not possible bambina. We have been here for a while now so the business there needs our attention plus now that the threat is gone there's no problem", Uncle Francesco smiled

"Oh so you came here coz of the threats?", I ask realising

They all nod.

"Hmm but atleast leave the kids here. Please", I request

"Sorry Val we really can't stay. We got school and there is a match season coming up", Lucas said

"Yeah we can't miss it", smiled Diego sadly

I sigh hard.

"Oh don't be upset Val. You and Vince and your brothers can visit us soon", Uncle Luciano smiled

"Wait what? You and Angelo are going too?", I ask in shock

"Yeah bambina we lived there only before we were kidnapped", smiled Angelo sheepishly

"Great everyone's leaving", I mutter disappointed

"Oh come on Val don't be like that now", Xavier said

I sigh.

"Fine now let's have dinner. I'm very hungry!", I pout rubbing my stomach.

Everyone snickered.

"Yup let's go", Xander said and we all gather in the dinning room and have dinner peacefully.

After dinner's over we all decide to watch a movie. We all kids gather around in the theatre room and watch John wick.

We watch the next part as well then and finally decided to call it a night later when the elder ones started giving us intimidating looks when we asked to stay up late.

"I really liked the movie", Xander shouts happily

"Action is one of my favourite genres", I smile

"Mine too", Daniel jumped excited

"He's so cool in the movie and they've done some amazing action scenes", praised Damon

We all nodded in agreement.

"Okay now get to bed guys", Ales said

I head upstairs to my room wishing everyone a good night.

I get to bed and saw my phone. I decided to check up on everyone.

I unlocked my phone and was shocked at the amount of notifications.

I had 25 msgs from Stacy. 30 msgs from Ryan and 20 missed calls from them.

I had 100 msgs in the group chat of Me, Kai, Ethan, Iris, Liam, Mady

Many personal chats and calls from each one of them as well.

All the msgs were from 'how am I feeling now' coz I remember according to them I was not feeling well when they last saw me to 'what the fuck is wrong with you and why are you not replying..i will come there and kick your ass', kinda threatening msgs.

Threatening ones were mostly from Stacy..

I realised I'm in so much trouble. I will have to call them and make up a story for the last two three day's unread msgs and calls.

I can't be like
'oh I was kinda kidnapped and then beaten to shit and stabbed in the leg with a knife and met my long lost family and killed one man and finally rescued haha. But I'm totally fine'

I decided to call up my school friends first coz they're less scary

I call them all together.

They pick up almost immediately.

Hey guys!

No answer at first

Hey? Seriously?

Kai almost shouted:
What the hell Val?

Liam yells:
You called up after three days!

Ethan yells:
Are you kidding me?!

We were so worried for you!

Iris shouted:
You not only didn't come to school but you also didn't pick up any of our calls or replied to our texts.!

We wanted to know about your health! Dammit Val!

Seriously you don't care about us or what?

I'm so angry at you seriously I don't feel like talking to you.

Even your brothers didn't attend school. What the hell was going on?

Woah woah guys calm down. I have a totally justified explanation.

You better have a good one.

Actually I met with an accident recently and was a bit serious. I was in recovery so I didn't really have my phone with me. My brothers also didn't attend school coz they were with me all the time. I'm really sorry guys. I didn't mean to make you all angry or upset.

Oh my god!

Shit! Are you okay??

Me laughing:
Yeah don't worry I'm in one piece.

Oh god! We're really sorry Val. We didn't know.

Stupid us to start blaming you like that without letting you explain!

Sorry bestie. Please take care of yourself

Oh it's fine guys don't worry!

I really miss you. When will you come to school?

I think I will come from day after tomorrow. I have to ask Dad first.

Okay but take total rest Val.

Yeah I want to see you in one shape

Me laughing:
Okay done.

Don't worry about the school work and stuff. I've got all of it. I will give it to you when we meet.

Oh you're the best Mady thank you so much!

You should rest now and get some sleep. We'll see you soon. Love ya bestie!

Take care and good night!

Take care bitch!

Byeee. Good night guys!

Good night!

Good night!

I sigh ending the call.

I brace myself and call Stacy and Ryan next. They don't pick up first so I call again and they pick up this time.

Hey guys

Stacy yells:
What the hell Valentina Costello?!

Stacy shouted so loudly I put the phone away from my ear for one sec.

Ryan yells:
Valentina Costello will you tell me why the hell have you been ignoring our texts and calls right now!

Guys guys calm down.

I tell them exactly the same thing as I told the others.

Shit! Are you okay?

Fuck Val we are so sorry!

Don't worry guys I'm fine now!

We talk almost for an hour. I finally convince them I'm okay and that they don't have to come visit me here. I will call them everyday.

I finally finished talking to all of them and sleep peacefully.


I wake up in the morning and check the time. It's 8. I get up remembering that everyone will be leaving today.

I go down to have breakfast after finishing my daily routine.

We all have dinner together and talk for sometime but then they have to leave.

"Bye guys! I'll miss you guys so much!", I say smiling

"We'll miss you too bambina", Leo smiled back

"You guys should come visit us in Italy soon", Marcus said excitedly

"Yeah! Val hasn't been to Italy so it'll be perfect", Deigo said

"Yup sure we'll come soon", Ales smiled

"Yeah.. I'll be ready with the pranks when you come to Italy", smirked Daniel

"I'll be too Daniel", I smirk evilly

We wink at each other.

"Till then ciao fratellos", I say grinning

Everyone looked shocked

"You're learning Italian?", asked Grandpa smiling a bit

"Yup I'm technically Italian after all", I laugh

Everyone laughs nodding.

We all then hug each other and bid goodbyes and I promise especially to Angelo and Uncle Luciano I will come to Italy soon.

They leave then.

I go to my room.

I was just sitting on my bed and listening to songs and remembering the last two-three days events.

Suddenly I remembered the man I shot with a gun. I got a cold feeling at that scene.

I think the realisation of that came to me this second only. I stood up and walked to the window and looked outside.

My family doesn't know that I have killed one man.

What if they hate me?

They made it very clear to me that they didn't want me involved in their mafia coz of the dangers it brings. Atleast not yet, probably after two- three years when I'm older and mature.

They were so against me using a gun earlier..now what?

I mean it was self defence only but it's still wrong.

I was getting anxious.

Suddenly there was a knock on my door and then Ales came in.

"Hey you okay?", he asked

I smile and nod

He looks at me suspiciously. He came and stood next to me.

"What is disturbing you?", he asked sighing

"How did you know something is disturbing me?", I asked shocked

He chuckled.

"It's not that hard plus I'm good at reading people", he replied

I nod.

"Well um actually yesterday before I came up to save Max I kinda encountered a man who might have shot me but I ...used the gun Ben gave me for my safety and killed the man first", I say sighing hard

He nodded in understanding with a bit of a shock... probably about me killing someone.

"Now you're feeling guilty and bad?", he asked in understanding

"Yeah", I whisper

"Look Val what you did was in self defence. I know I told you that I don't want you using guns and stuffs but if it came to your safety I don't care what you do to save yourself. About that man you killed..I know it'll be a bit unsettling now but you'll learn to deal with it. We all have killed Val. Those men know what they got themselves into when they joined a mafia. Do you think he would have felt bad if he had hurt you? No coz that's his job", he explained

I nod feeling a bit better.

"So forget about that and remember it was not yours but the situation's fault", he smiled

"Yeah okay", I smiled

"Btw I came here to tell you that Emilio said you can go to school tomorrow and even though I don't want you to go yet and rest instead, I think you will want to be in school after missing some days already", he said smiling

"Hell yeah. I wanted to ask you and Dad about it! Thanks though I miss my friends!", I smile brightly

"I thought so and plus Dad also said you should probably go", he smiled

Yeah baby! Finally some drama and fun!

Hey guys!

Hope you liked this chapter?

From the next chapters I'll be trying to add entertainment, fun and drama more cos I think I'm done with the depressing shit for now 😂
