(32) Fight

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[Valentina's POV]

"Good morning everyone!", I smile walking in for breakfast.

"Good morning Val", They collectively greet back.

I settled down and we eat.

"One question?", Matteo asks

"NO!", Me and the twins shout together.

"Oh come on", Matteo whines.

"Nope not after last time", Xander shakes his head as a no.

"Well I'm gonna ask anyway", Matteo shrugged.

I roll my eyes. Xavier did a kill me right now gesture.

"Why did the boy throw butter outside the window?", Matteo asked excitedly.

"I don't know", Elijah rolled his eyes

"I'm not even trying", Ales sighs

"Just say it. We'll never get it right", Enzo groans

"Okay it's because he wanted to see butter-fly", Matteo laughed.

I give a frustrated sigh and face palmed myself.

"Why don't I throw you out of the window and see if you can fly?", Xander glared

I snicker

"I would love to see that", Elijah nodded.

"Okay let's leave before he asks another one", Xavier said picking up his bag.

We three rushed out shouting byes to our eldest brothers.

Matteo comes running behind us laughing.

We get into the car and leave for school. We reach school in ten mins with the speed Xander drove in.

We park and get out. I was the last to come out. I turned to tell bye to the boys but I saw them glaring at someone.

They were literally giving the death glare to a group of three boys who were smirking mockingly at my brothers from across the parking lot.

I looked back and forth confused.

One boy in that group showed the middle finger to my brothers.

Xander angrily took a step forward but Matteo immediately held him back. Xavier whispered something in his ear and he seemed to calm down a bit.

Matteo let go of Xander giving a glare to the group himself.

Okay what is going on here?

I was about to ask them when the bell rang.

"Go to class Val or else you'll be late", Xavier said calmly

I was going to ask him about the staring contest before but Xander gave me a glare.

Not the right time to test Xander's patience..

I nod at them and leave towards my class confused.

Xander's POV:

I was so fucking angry by just looking at those idiots standing there smirking at us knowing we won't do anything to them in school.

When Adam showed me his middle finger I lost it.

I took a step towards that bastard to break this nose but Matteo held me back.

"Not here in front of Valentina, Xander calm down", Xavier whispered in my ear.

I stopped knowing he's right.

We sent Val to her class. She looked confused. I glare at her so she leaves.

I didn't want to do anything in front of her.

After she left we walked towards those assholes.

"Sup guys", smirked Kyle

"You should consider yourself lucky fucktard you're safe from us here", Xavier snarled

"We're not afraid of you", growled Paul

"Yeah we can beat your ass anywhere", Adam said

"Sure you can", laughed Matteo

I smirked and they looked pissed.

"You better stay away from us assholes or you're going to regret it real bad", I snarl

Valentina's POV:

I meet my friends and we have a usual day enjoying, chatting and attending boring classes.

Before I know it's break.

My friends and I enter the cafeteria and sit in our usual places. Kai was yet to come since we weren't in the same class before. So we had just started talking randomly when I saw Kai running inside the cafeteria in a hurry.

I look at him in alarm. He runs to us and stops panting hard.

"Woah woah what happened?", Ethan asked frowning.

"Running a marathon or what, cause I'm pretty sure you won", Liam said chuckling

We all give him a look saying 'not the right time'

Liam gave us a sheepish smile.

"Valentina there is a fight going on outside between your brothers and some other boys", Kai said still panting.

"What?", I ask shocked standing up.

"Yeah it's a pretty intense fight. No one is backing off. Half the school is there on the ground spectating", Kai explained

I remembered in the morning my brothers were pretty angry with the other boys. Could it be because of that? Only one way to know. I  immediately grabbed my bag and dashed out of the cafeteria heading towards the ground.

I heard my friends calling for me but I didn't stop. I had to get to them. Reaching the ground and I see a large crowd of students surrounding something. It's got to be the fight.

I ran towards the crowd and pushed past everyone and stopped when I reached the front.

I saw Xander, Xavier, Matteo fighting three guys at once. It was horrifying watching them beat each other this way.

The entire crowd was watching them with different emotions. Some in terror. Some in fun. Some cheering.

As far as I could see between their fights the other boys had more damage compared to my brothers.

I saw Matteo punching a boy pretty hard on the jaw and I winced watching that. Xander was in full on beating into pulp mode. He had a murderous look on his face. Xavier pushed a boy down and sat on top of him punching him.

Oh god they need to stop before they get into trouble.

I took a step forward only to be pulled back.

"Are you crazy? You can't go in there!", Iris frowned

"I have to stop them before they get into trouble", I say frantically

"Val I know that but you'll get hurt if you go in there now", Ethan said

I sigh in irritation. I looked here and there in the crowd for help.

I immediately spotted Noah, Jason, Cole and Blake. They were my brother's friends and were watching my brothers fight in worry.

I waved my hand frantically to get their attention. They looked at me immediately.

I gestured them to go in there and stop them. They nodded.

All the four get in and tried to pull them apart from each other. But those idiots wouldn't budge.

I knew the principal will be here any minute now. I had to stop them somehow.

Noah and Jason were pulling Matteo away. Blake was pulling Xavier away and Cole was trying to stop Xander.

"Xander enough now", Cole said sternly

Xander pushed Cole away and started fighting that boy again.

Okay I'm done standing and not doing anything!

I immediately run towards them and begin shouting.

"Stop it guys", I shout.

They didn't listen.

Matteo and Xavier were successfully pulled away from the beaten up boys who were lying in the ground coughing.

Xander wouldn't stop.

"Xander stop it you'll kill him!", I shouted trying to pull his hand.

I heard my friends and many people from the crowd telling me to come back so I don't get hurt.

"XANDER COSTELLO STOP THIS INSTANT", I yell at the top of my voice.

Xander stopped for a second and turned towards me.

"Stay the fuck out of this Valentina!", he growled at me.

Not gonna lie..I was terrified by that tone and look.

He started fighting that guy again.

Cole started pulling me away from Xander afraid I might get hurt.

This was so scary. I didn't want to see him like this.

"Xander please stop I'm scared", I shout worried

He stopped immediately.

Matteo and Xavier stopped thrashing under their friend's hold on them.

All the three of them looked at me.

"Enough..please stop", I whispered tears in my eyes.

Their eyes softened immediately and they let go of the boys they were fighting.

That's when ladies and gentlemen the principal decided to show up.

"What the hell is going on in here? You six in my office now", he snarled at my brothers and at the beaten up boys.

The principal walked away shouting at the students to get back to class.

My brothers rolled their eyes.

The beaten up boys glared at my brothers and started following the principal.

I walked towards my brothers to check for their injuries.

Matteo had a bad bruise on his face. Xavier had a black eye and bruise on the jaw. Xander's lips and nose were bleeding.

I stood in front of them and touched their face. They hissed in pain.

I sigh sadly.

"Let's go", Matteo said and all the three begin walking towards the building.

I stood there for a second looking at them.

My friends came to me.

"That was such a scary fight", Mady shudders.

"Yeah god knows what led to this", Liam said

"Val what is wrong with you! You can't just run in there!", Cole scolded

"Yeah what if they would have hurt you", Noah frowned.

"They're my brothers. They will never hurt me", I say confidently

"Not intentionally yes but- ", Kai began but I interrupted him.

"They wouldn't have stopped guys. I had to intervene. Anyway I have to go behind them. I'll see you guys later", I say and ran towards the principal's office.

I stand outside the office nervously waiting for them to come out.

God knows what punishment they'll get..

The receptionist saw me there nervously biting my lips and gave me a sympathetic look.

I was standing there for almost half an hour when the door opened and my brothers came out.

I stood straight looking at them. I froze when I saw Ales coming out of the office next.

He had a very pissed look on his face.

Of course the principal called Ales! Oh god this is not gonna end well.

Ales gave my brothers a death glare. All my brothers were looking anywhere but him. He then turned and looked at me.

"Get your things you are skipping the last period and coming home with us", Ales said sternly

I nodded not wanting to get him mad now and picked up my bag which I had been carrying since I ran from the cafeteria.

Ales started walking and me and my brothers followed him.

We reach the parking lot soon.

"Val come with me in my car and other three come in your own car", Ales ordered

We immediately got into our respective cars and left school campus.

I was sitting in the passenger seat while Ales was driving. He held the steering wheel so tight as if wanting to break it with his hands.

He looked so angry that I feared for our brothers lives.

"Ales- I start talking only to be interrupted by him.

"Not now Valentina", Ales gritted angrily not even looking at me.

I gulped nervously.

Hell was going to break loose at home!

Hey guys!

Hope you liked this chapter!
