(8) Family from Italy

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[Valentina's POV]

Unsurprisingly the next day I woke up in the living room couch. Looking around with my sleepy eyes I found  Matteo sprawled on the ground covered with a duvet sleeping soundly, his mouth slightly open.

I push myself up from the couch yawning and carried my quilt over my shoulder up to my room. As I headed up the stairs I see Elijah walking downstairs.

We paused looking at each other and he smiled gently. "Good morning."

"Good morning", I smiled sleepily with my eyes closed.

He climbed down the last two steps between us and hugs me. I relax into him feeling like I could sleep again. "You sleep well?"

I hummed nodding.

"I'm glad. Take a shower and come down for breakfast, alright? I'll go and help Enzo in the kitchen", Elijah patted my back.

I hummed again in reply.

Elijah slowly started pulling back, but I held on tighter, a small frown on my face. "Don't. This is comfortable", I sigh.

Elijah chuckled softly kissing the top of my head. He let me be like that for some time before he said he needed to help Enzo with breakfast and also wake up Matteo.

As I was brushing my teeth it hit me that we're having visitors today. By the end of the day I'll have already met my extended family. Not sure how it's gonna go, but I hope they like me.

I paused staring at myself in the mirror. These experiences are new to me. I don't remember the last time I was actually nervous about meeting new people.

Once I started thinking and worrying about their arrival there was nothing that could distract me. Even during breakfast I was lost in my own thoughts.

God this is nerve wrecking.

Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder snapping me out of my trance. I turn to my left to find and Xander looking at me with a frown.

"Is everything okay? Dad called you three times and you didn't answer", He said.

I look around the table and realised  everyone's eyes were on me. "Oh, I'm sorry Dad, what were you saying?"

"Forget about that. What happened to you? Are you okay?", Dad asked sincerely.

"I'm alright", I nodded.

"Doesn't look like it", Ales gave me a pointer look. "Is it about yesterday? Those nightmares still disturbing you? You didn't sleep well yesterday?"

I shook my head. "No infact I had the best sleep yesterday after a long time. Thanks to you and everybody else for spending time with me and literally falling asleep around me."

"What is it then, Val?", Enzo asked curiously.

I sighed, my hands resting on the table before me. "It's nothing serious, infact silly. Um.. I'm just so nervous about seeing all of our cousins and  family for the first time", I announce sheepishly.

I see everyone visibly relax as if they were expecting something else. They smiled at me and continued eating like it's no big deal.

"I knew it's too silly", I was embarrassed.

"No it's not", Dad shook his head. "I can understand this is a lot for you to take. You're basically going to meet a bunch of strangers we said are family."

"Exactly. But you don't have to be nervous. You'll get along with them alright. They're good people", Ales assured.

"Hell yeah!", Matteo jumps in his chair making others chuckle.

"I don't doubt that they are good people, but I'm just wondering if they'll even like me let alone accept me? I'm not trying to sound like an emotional idiot or something, but it's not everyday you meet a new family member who's a teenager now", I could hear my anxiety.

They all stared at me in amusement for a while.

"For the love of god. Val this is what is bothering you? You're overthinking it because already love you so much, you have no idea", Xavier smiled.

"Yeah. They're so excited to meet you", Matteo grinned. "I spoke to Dan last night."

I exhale through my mouth nodding slowly. Surely they're not trying to make me feel better? Maybe I am overthinking it.

"Also, the accepting thing you just mentioned", Elijah interrupted with a gentle smile. "There's no reason for you to stress about that. You are the daughter of this family and there is no way they are not accepting you."

"Exactly Val. You didn't know about them until yesterday, but they always knew you existed", Xander shrugged.

They did?

"Yeah you're just as lovely as my morning spinach milkshake", Enzo grinned cheekily.

I made an ew face hearing that. He means well and I know that, but why?

"Oh my god", Xavier grimaced.

"Enzo what are you trying to do?", Elijah raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah you're gonna stress her out by saying that", Xander shook his head in disbelief.

Enzo pouts while Matteo snickered.

"Valentina everything is going to be fine. Don't worry", Dad assured me with a smile making me sigh with a nod.

"They'll be here by evening so be ready everyone", Ales informed us.

Until it was time for their arrival I practically hid myself at one corner of the house. This is so unlike me and I knew I was behaving like a child. But the fact is that I never have met any so called family member in my life. Ever.

What do I even talk about with them?

"Oh there you are. I was looking everywhere for you. You should get ready as they'll be here soon", Matteo smiled.

I nod exhaling.

Returning to my room I change into a black turtle neck and blue jeans. I leave my hair open naturally wavy and put on very light makeup. I thought I should put some effort atleast.

Everyone was already ready downstairs waiting for our family's arrival. They all look at me when I come carrying an awkward stance.

"You look beautiful bambina. Not that you didn't before, but you know what I mean", Enzo smiled wide.

Everyone else nods agreeing with him with encouraging smiles on their faces. I thank them taking a seat on the couch. We get busy with a random conversation until we're interrupted by the door bell.

"They are here!", Matteo jumped up from the couch excitedly.

"Someone looks so happy", I chuckled looking at him.

"Of course! We haven't met them for almost a year now, I missed them", Matteo grins.

Ales and Dad stood up to go and receive them while the rest of us waited here. As the second pass I could feel myself get more and more nervous. My palms started clamped up.

Okay this is it..let's hope they like me.

I soon hear low voices from outside which were gradually getting louder as they came towards the living room where the rest of us were.

Then the living room door opened and many people walked in. Every single one of us stood up to greet them and I quickly push myself  behind Elijah...more hid myself behind Elijah.

"Finally you're here! What took you so long guys?", Xavier exasperated.

"We're on time Xavier. We can't ride the jet ourselves now can we?", a female voice said and everyone else chuckled.

"Where is she?", A strong authoritative voice asked.

Oh god here we go..

"Right here.. uh Valentina?", I heard Dad call out.

Make me invisible! Make me invisible!

"She's behind me", Elijah chuckled.

"Why?", Dad asked sounding amused.

"Val?", Ales called out.

I sighed. There's really no escaping this is there?

I slowly popped my head out of Elijah's back and came out in front of everyone. I looked straight towards them not wanting to appear weak or nervous in front of them even though I wanted to run away.

I heard gasps. Everyone was looking at me with lots of emotions some I could make out while some I couldn't. There were so many of them after all. Not surprisingly I could see only males.

"This is my daughter, Valentina Costello", Dad said smiling proudly.

Suddenly before I breathe I was engulfed into a huge hug by two females. It took me a second to hug them back after I recovered from the shock.

When they released me I saw they were crying. I got scared. What did I do now?

"Why are you crying, don't cry please", I said trying to console them.

"Don't worry honey these are happy tears", One of them sniffed waving her hands.

"God you're so beautiful. I see Melanie in your face", The other one grins.

I smiled softly at both of them.

"Oh god, you're going to scare her already ladies", someone teased.

"Oh shush please, we're having a moment here", two of them said rolling their eyes.

I chuckled. The others immediately look at me making me conscious. For god sake, smiling is making me nervous now.

The ladies went back to where they were standing earlier.

"Come I'll introduce you to everyone", Dad said softly.

I go stand next to him.

"This is my brother Alfonso and his wife Isabella", Dad said pointing towards a good looking couple.

"Hello dear it's so great to finally meet you", Uncle Alfonso said smiling widely at me and my Aunt Isabella sent a flying kiss towards me.

"You too", I said giving them a smile of my own.

"These are our sons, your cousin brothers, the eldest Leonardo then Mark and the triplets Diego, Damon and Daniel", Aunt Isabella said pointing at each one of them.

I look at them.

"Hi", I said softly with a wave.

"Nice to meet you bambina", Leonardo spoke in an almost formal tone making his parents roll their eyes.

"Hello bambina", Mark said smiling softy.

I smile and nod looking at both of them.

"Oh my god! My little sister!", Daniel squeals while running towards me and giving me a tight hug. "Matteo you were right! She's cute!"

"Told ya", Matteo's smug voice came through before I heard lots of laughs while I hugged back my cousin.

"Welcome home little sister", Daniel said excitedly and walked back to where he was standing before.

"Thanks", I smiled.

"Heya little sister. Family finally feels complete", Diego whispered with a soft smile on his face and welcomed me with a one hand hug.

I smile thankfully at him.

Then my eyes shift towards Damon. He just stared at me first and then Diego nudges him with his elbow making his jaw clench in annoyance.

"Hi", He said rolling his eyes.

I look at him with a confused expression.

So another Xander?

Everyone chuckled. My eyes go wide when I realised I said that out loud.

Damon looks at me with a small smirk this time. I took that moment to walk towards him. He stopped smirking when he saw that though.

I awkwardly hug him and say, "Nice to meet you Damon"

He looked shocked by my actions. I gave him a smile and walked back. I mean I did hug his triplet brothers so why not him.

Everyone had a smile after what I did and that gave me some confidence. Not doing bad so far I guess?

Dad looked at me and grinned. "Well moving on..that is my younger brother Francesco and his wife Elisa", he said pointing towards the other couple.

"Finally, I thought you will never introduce me. Hello dear, it's so good to see you. We missed you a lot honey", Uncle Francesco said smiling at me.

Really? Wow.

"It seems like I finally have a daughter", Aunt Elisa said with a soft smile.

"Nice to meet you both", I said with a soft smile.

"Now these are our sons.. Antonio, Stephano, Emilio, the twins Marcus, Lucas and then little Max", Uncle said pointing at each one of them.

I wave at them.

Antonio like Leo gives me the same greeting. "Good to see you Valentina", He said formally but with a light smile.

I smile back nodding.

"Ahh finally you're home little sister. It was a long awaited hope. Welcome back", Stephano said smiling.

"Thanks", I smiled.

"Hey bambina", Emilio grinned sending a wink. "I'm the sweetest brother you have amongst all of them and you come to me when you get in trouble."

"I'll remember", I chuckled.

Uncles and Aunties chuckled while my brothers rolled their eyes.

"Finally my turn BAMBINA! I'm so happy to see you. You're so beautiful", Marcus said excitedly hugging me tight.

His drama reminded me of enzo..

I chuckled hugging him back. Everyone laughed shaking their head. Some are very enthusiastic, I observed. Atleast not boring.

Then I look at Lucas. He wasn't even looking at me.

Hmm another one..

"Hey", I said walking towards him and putting my hand out for a shake.

He looks at me and then my hand. Then hesitantly raises his hand to enclose with mine. "Hi." He nodded.

I pull him for a hug surprising him feeling confident. "I think siblings can hug Lucas and please don't be another Xander. He doesn't hug. Says it's awkward", I said.

Everyone laughed loudly.

"Hey", Xander frowns offended.

I pull out my tongue at him with a grin.

Ales looks at me amused. Elijah smiles nodding at me letting me know I did the right thing. I release him from the hug stepping back. He looked  shocked, but then gave me a small smile.

Well that's something..

"From what I've heard about you guys I didn't think some of you will act this formal, but I'm guessing it's because we don't really know each other. So I pray to god we get along since I can't do formal. It's too much work and well..damn awkward", I smile sheepishly.

My cousins started at for a second and then snickered. Well not all of them. Leo, Antonio, Lucas and Damon appeared amused.

"I like her already", I heard Marcus tell Deigo.

I smiled internally kind of proud of myself. I pulled this off? Really? Wow.

"And you thought they won't like you. See they really do", Matteo smirked teasingly.

My eyes went wide. Ths guy!

"Yup you were nervous for no reason sorella", Xavier grinned enjoying embarrassing me.

I'll kill them.

Everyone laughs a little. I glare at those two. My dad and brothers chuckled at me.

Turning back I then spotted a little boy standing behind Antonio looking at me shyly clutching his elder brother's pants with his tiny fists.

Aww I have a cute little younger brother..

I give him a smile and small wave. He smiled back shyly and hugs Antonio's leg tighter to hide his face. I couldn't help but chuckle at that sight. So I walk towards him and crouch down to his height.

"Hey little one. My name is Valentina. I am 15 yrs old. What about you?", I ask softly.

"My name is Max. I'm 5 yrs old", He replied in a cute voice holding five fingers up to me.

I controlled myself from awe–ing.

"Oh I guess that's makes you special then because you see I have all elder brothers over here and only one younger brother and that's you", I said smiling.

"Really?", Max asks tilting his head to the side.

"Yes", I grinned

"Valentina is our sister Max", Antonio said with a smile, looking down at him.

"Really!", Max said excitedly looking up at him.

Antonio nodded with a smile.

"I always wanted a sister", Max said in a cute baby voice.

"And I always wanted a cute little brother..but I thought my brother will hug me when I meet him", I act sad and pout a little.

He let go of Antonio's legs and hugged me immediately. I hugged him back and kissed the side of his head. I heard Enzo awe the loudest.

"Mommy says I give the best hugs", Max said smiling at me.

"Yes you do", I smiled tickling him.

He squeals and then runs back to hugging his brother's leg. I smile at him and stand up to meet Antonio's eyes to find him smiling fondly at me. It dropped quickly though.

I then turn a bit to face the two people I haven't been introduced to yet.

They seem like my grandparents. My grandmother looks at me with nothing but love and tears in her eyes.
My grandfather on the other hand looked at me with a cold face and absolutely no emotion.

"They are my parents tesoro, your grandmother, Maria and grandfather, Roberto", Dad introduced with a small smile.

"It's so nice to meet you", I smiled politely.

"I see Melanie has taught you some manners. Atleast you didn't turn out as some spoiled brat", My grandfather said in a rude and cold tone.

It sent shivers down my spine. But I was shocked at his hostile response and that to for no reason. I didn't miss the dig he took at my mother. I've said this before, no one talks about her like that.

Not even him.

Everyone tenses and Dad and Grandma looked like they expected him to behave like this. The atmosphere suddenly loses all the light fun that was present earlier.

My brothers had an anxious look on their face glancing at me and then grandpa back and forth. They saw me react violently with Xander so they understood I'm not okay with this.

"I'm sorry, but who do you think you are to talk about my mother like that especially when she just passed away a while ago? I know you don't like my mother much but that doesn't give you the right to question her upbringing. She has raised me well and was a good person", I spat rudely to him.

Everyone was gawking at me. My younger older brothers looked scared. The elder brothers were stiff. And my grandfather didn't look like he expected this either.

I sigh realising what I did. So much for hoping they liked me.

There was a tense silence in the room for a second. No one spoke or moved.

"I'm sorry because I know I'm not supposed to talk to you like that, but I'm not sorry for what I said", I say in a polite tone, looking down not meeting his eyes.

This is the most I can be polite after what he said about my mother.

Shit did I just talk to my grandfather like that?!

I heard chuckling.. confused I look up and saw my grandmother chuckling.


My grandfather was now looking at me with a smile. I glanced at Dad who  appeared proud. He patted my back shocking me.

What the hell is going on?!

"Your grandfather was just unnecessarily testing you honey and I must say you passed with flying colours", Grandma said smiling proudly

I was still confused.

"I first would like to apologise for what I said about your mother", My grandfather spoke softly. "I didn't want to disrespect her only wanted to see how would you react to it. I am proud of your response by the way."

"I've always wanted to see the respect for family and elders in my grandchildren and seeing your reaction and response to my behaviour I'm happy with your manners. You didn't fear defending your mother and calling me off for my rudeness and you also apologized for talking rudely. I must say I'm impressed", Grandpa smiled proudly

"Melanie's upbringing is really unquestionably flawless", Grandma whispered, to which he nodded.

I smiled a bit. Aha.

"Damn..did Grandpa just say he's proud of Val and did he just SMILE?", Xavier asked shocked.

Xander nods in shock.

"Matteo pinch me", Xavier said.

Deja Vu..

Matteo pinched him hard.

"Owww.. damn Grandpa you have changed a bit", Xavier said with wide eyes

"Unfortunately you haven't", Grandpa said.

We all laughed at this.

"I'm so happy to see you honey and extremely proud might I add. No one has made your grandpa this proud at the first meet and made him smile of course", Grandma grinned wide.

Grandpa smiled nodding and agreeing with her.

"You have every bit of the quality a Costello should have", She added

I was so happy hearing this. This is the acceptance anyone in my place would hope for.

I ran and hugged both of them. They hugged me back and both kissed my forehead.

"Welcome home", Grandpa whispered happily.

I smile happily.

"Where are my hugs grandma?", Matteo whined suddenly like a kid.

"Oh you silly boy come here", Grandma chuckled.

Matteo runs excitedly towards her and hugs her. Dad shakes his head in amusement.

"Oh come on..others don't want to hug their Grandma or what", She said looking at the rest of my brothers.

Immediately Xavier, Elijah, Enzo, Xander and Ales go and hug her too.

"Wassup Grandpa", Xavier says playfully hitting his shoulder.

Grandpa narrows his eyes at him. Xavier gulps and walks away fast.

I laughed at that. Grandpa smiled at me.

"Damn I've never seen father like this", Uncle Francesco said shocked

"Yeah me too", Uncle Alfonso nods in shock.

"Well there is always a first", Dad said smiling at me.

I smirked.

"Come on let's get something to eat, I'm hungry", Xavier said rubbing his stomach.

"You always are", All my brothers said in unison and rolled their eyes.

"Oh come on", Xavier whines.

Everyone laughs as they head towards the dinning hall slowly.

I go and stand next to Ales and walk with him. He puts his arm around my shoulder and I side hug him.

"You did great bambina, I'm proud", He said with a ghost of a smile.

I smile at him.

"I know right. You actually made them easily love you", Elijah grinned patting my head.

"I should never doubt my skills again", I said smugly.

Elijah laughs shaking his head. Ales smiled pulling my cheek.

I felt so lucky at that moment. I'm glad I came to New York. I'm glad I met all of them. It feels great to be part of my family.

I missed mom so much at that moment.

Hey guys!

Hope you liked it!
