(44) Project

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[Valentina's POV]

I woke up today with some annoying noises coming from outside my room. I sleepily get up and check the time. It's seven in the morning!

"Ugh what the hell?", I mutter irritated and walk towards my door to check who's gonna die today.

I open the door and look right and left in the corridor and saw Matteo coming out of his room at the same time as me in a sleepy face and an annoyed look on his face.

"Well I thought it must have been you making the noise", I said

"Nah..it's a weekend I'm not crazy. I only make noise on week days", he said waving his arms.

I nod in understanding.

We heard shouting again and that was coming from Xavier's room. We walk towards his room to see all my brothers already there. Ales, Elijah, Enzo looked confused. Xander looking here and there frantically. Xavier was screaming bloody Mary.

"What the hell is going on?", I ask

"Yeah it's a weekend idiots! Let others sleep", Matteo grumbled

"We just arrived ourselves", Elijah shrugged

"Xavier what's wrong with you?", Ales asked

"There's a spider on the wall Ales!", he shouts scared

He's dead! He creating chaos for this?

"You've got to be kidding me", I said shaking my head.

"This is why you shouted?", Enzo asked annoyed

"Yes!", Xavier said in a duh voice

"It's just a little tiny spider Xavier. How can it hurt you?", Elijah said.

"Think! It's not illegal yet", Matteo grunted.

Xavier pouted.

Ales and Elijah shake their heads as if they couldn't believe what's happening in here.

Xavier turns towards the wall glaring.

"I hate you with every inch of my being", Xavier snarled

"Well that's not a lot, Also who are you talking to?", Matteo asked

"The spider", Xavier replied

Enzo and I face palmed ourselves.

"Ah step aside twin", Xander said facing the spider himself.

"I hate you with every inch of my being. Stay away from my twin", Xander growled.

"Woah woah woah", Matteo said shocked

"Damn", Elijah whispered

"That's a lot more hatred Xander! I don't think my feelings are quite that intense", Xavier said seriously

Everyone was quiet for a while. Everyone staring at the twins wondering how we all are related sharing the same blood.

"IT'S 7 IN THE MORNING FOR GOD SAKE!", I yell frustrated and waving my hands frantically.

I came back to my room and tried laying down on my bed to go back to sleep. But I was already wide away. I pfft and stood and went to the bathroom to brush and bath.

I was now walking towards the kitchen to have breakfast. "Good morning guys", I said

"Good morning" everyone greets back.

We sit and have breakfast.

"Do you think I could fit fifteen marshmallows into my mouth?", Matteo asked suddenly

Ales and Dad look at him like he's crazy.

"You're a hazard to the society", Enzo said shaking his head

"And a coward, do 20 marshmallows", I smirk excitedly

"Oh yes", Xavier said excitedly

"No!", Dad said frowning looking at us weirdly.

"Just eat your breakfast", Ales sighed.

We all laugh and finish our breakfast.

"Before I forget the Diaz family is coming home today for dinner", Dad smiled.

Ales's faced lightens up a bit.

"Oh that's nice", Elijah nodded

"Everyone in their family is coming?", I ask smirking at Ales.

"Except Ricardo everyone is coming that is Rafael, Savannah and Louis", Dad said

"Perfect", I smiled at Ales. He just rolled his eyes at me.

"I'll call Ben for dinner as well", Ales said

We all nodded.

"That reminds me Micheal is coming home in the afternoon for the project right?", Matteo asked

"Did you have to remind me too?", I ask

"So he's coming", Xavier laughed

"Good you guys can finish your project and then ask Micheal to stay here only coz his family is coming for dinner anyway", Enzo said

"Yeah that's perfect. I'll call Louis and let him know", Dad nodded.

We all finished the breakfast and me and the twins were watching tv in the living room while Ales, Dad and Elijah were working and Matteo was irritating Enzo with his stupid questions.

The bell rang after an hour of us watching tv.

"Looks like Micheal's come", Xander said and stood up to open the door.

I groaned in response.

I heard voices and after a minute Xander came in the living room with Micheal. He looked really good in that turtle neck and jeans. His hair looked like he didn't comb them but they still looked sexy.

Wait what? Sexy? Ewww Valentina what are you thinking!

"Hey Micheal", Xavier greeted him

"Hey Xavier", Micheal smiled and they did a bro hug.

"Come on let's get this project done", I said standing up.

"Okay", Micheal replied

"You guys can sit here and do your homework", Xavier suggested

"Yeah carry on. We won't disturb you", Xander said

"We'll be in the games room if you want us", Xavier said standing up.

"Study for once instead of playing everytime", I said

The twins look at me then at each other and started laughing.

"Good one bambina", Xander chuckled and they left for the games room.

I was looking at their direction confused when I heard snickering.
Then look at Micheal and saw him laughing at me. I glare at him and he stopped.

"Get your notes and stuff so we can begin", he said

I nod and go to my room and got my notes, books and other stuffs I need for the project.

We sat down and begin with our project. We were discussing and doing the project. This was probably the first time we didn't argue much and did our project.

"We don't have much information on this part. We'll have to surf the internet", I said looking at my notes.

I didn't get any answer so I looked up at him to see he was staring at me. I clear my throat and he snapped out.

"Um uh what were you saying?", he asked flushed

"We'll have to surf the internet for this", I smirked pointing at the topic

He nodded and rolled his eyes when he saw me smirking.

Matteo suddenly came in and plopped down on the couch with a sigh.

"Hey Matteo", Micheal smiled

No answer.

"Matteo?", I called him

No answer. He was staring and frowning at the wall.

"Woah..my brother is thinking about something intensely. That almost never happens", I said shocked

Micheal snickered.

"MATTEO", Micheal called a bit loudly.

Matteo snapped out of the trance and looked at us.

"I just said hey and you didn't even acknowledge me", Micheal said

"Oh sorry. I was thinking about something", Matteo said.

"That's new. What were you thinking about?", I asked smiling

Micheal smacked me for insulting my brother.

"Hey! I have a birth right", I defended.

Micheal rolled his eyes.

"Noah texted me a question I don't know the answer to. I've been breaking my head but I can't imagine the answer to it", Matteo frowned.

"What is the question?", I asked

"What word is spelled incorrect in every dictionary?", Matteo frowned

"That's easy. The word's incorrect", Micheal said nonchalantly

Matteo's eyes went wide in realisation.

"Ohhhh yeahhh. That's right. That was easy", Matteo grinned.

"Yet you didn't know the answer to that", Micheal smirked

"I did know. I was just testing your knowledge", Matteo said biting his lip

I chuckled shaking my head. Micheal rolled his eyes not believing him.

"I should ask this one to Enzo! It'll be fun!", Matteo said excitedly and ran towards Enzo's room.

Micheal and I continue with our project. I was writing while Micheal was surfing for information. We finish the main part and then decide I will do the front part which is like the intro stuffs and he will finish the last part and bring the project on Monday.

We're almost done with it when Ales, Enzo, Elijah and Dad come downstairs.

They all greet Micheal and he greets them back. It's been three hours since we were doing our project I didn't even know.

"How's your project going?", Elijah asked sitting down.

"Oh we're almost done", I said and Micheal nodded.

"Okay good. Micheal you'll be staying here for dinner as well. We've invited your family for dinner today", smiled Dad.

"Okay sure", Micheal smiled.

Just then I saw Matteo going into the kitchen with a potted plant in his hand.

I saw Ales and he saw me. I gave him a questioning look pointing at Matteo. He shrugged back.

We were talking about random stuffs. The twins had come down and had joined us. I saw Matteo coming out of the kitchen with the potted plant in his hand. He went back to his room.

"Why is Matteo carrying around a potted plant?", Ales asked

"He's still carrying it? I saw him roaming around with one half an hour ago", Elijah frowned confused

"He has asked too many stupid questions to me today non stop and annoyed me so I have asked him to carry it with him to make up for the oxygen he wasted", Enzo smirked

Everyone started laughing loudly.

"Good job", Dad snickered

"Yeah. That was smart", Xander laughed shaking his head.

"I'm just wondering how much he must have annoyed for you to make him do this", I laughed

"Yeah Enzo has a lot of patience when it comes to handling our brother's antics", Ales smiled

"Especially Matteo", Xavier snickered

"Oh trust me my patience was at real test today. I keep wondering where does he get all these questions from", Enzo was amused

Everyone shrugged laughing.

After few hours me, Micheal, Matteo and the twins were watching tv and chatting in my room. I had asked Enzo to bring me some candies coz I was hungry and craving.

"Don't eat a lot of them or else you'll spoil your dinner", he said and went back downstairs.

"Oh give me one", Matteo said

"Nope I don't share candies", I said

"Oh come on Valentina", Xavier whined

"No no no", I said adamantly

Suddenly Micheal stood up and grabbed my bag of candies, rushing out of my room.

"Hey!", I yell running after him. He runs way faster than me and I couldn't reach in time. He was laughing crazy while running around the house. He runs downstairs with my candies hostage.

He ran and got inside the room we have downstairs. He locked the door so I can't get in. I heard him laughing from inside.

"Micheal! I'm supposed to get on your nerves and not the way around!", I shout angrily

I heard chuckling from behind me and I whipped around and saw my entire family as well as Micheal's entire family standing there amused.

"Oh hello Mr Diaz, Rafael and Savannah", I nod and smile and each of them.

"Hey Valentina", Rafael smiled

"Oh call me Louis", Louis said waving at me.

"Heya! It's good to see you", Savannah smiled and hugged me.

"Me too", I smile and hug her.

"Why were you shouting?", Rafael asked

"Your brother stole my candies and ran in there laughing", I grit

My brothers start laughing loudly.

"Oh he's dead", Matteo laughed

"Yup never steal candies from my sister..I learnt the hard way", Xavier nodded

Ales and Elijah smiled looking at me amused

"Micheal loves candies too", Savannah laughs

"But he'll never admit it though", Louis shakes his head

"Yeah he'll eat all the sweets and candies we have at home and will accuse Sav for finishing it off", Rafael chuckled shaking his head.

"Valentina is the same", Elijah smiled

I glare at him while everyone laughs. I turn towards the door and knock loudly on the door.

"Micheal Diaz come outside right now with the stolen candies. You're surrounded by police..I mean my family as well as yours. There's no escape", I shout annoyingly

I've been watching too many action, thriller movies.

Everyone laughed when I said that. Well I didn't find it funny. My candies were hostage for god sake.

Micheal opened the door and came out snickering. I glare at him and raise my hand to take my candies back. But he dodged me moved my bag here and there in every direction with his hand and I was struggling to reach him.

"Give me my candies back", I growl

"You'll have to give me some if you want them back", Micheal smirked at me.

"In your dreams", I growl

"Come on Valentina its just candies. Sharing is caring", Dad smiles

"He's your friend..let him have some", Ales smiled.

I huff and glare at Micheal.

"You're lucky I don't defy my Dad and Ales", I said.

"Thank you guys", Micheal smiled and ate some candy from the bag.

"Oye give her some too", Rafael said to him.

"Share it and eat brother or I'm gonna help her to kick your ass", Savannah threatened.

"Okay okay", Micheal said nervously and gave me some candids.

I smirk while my family and his family laugh at us.

"These kids sometimes act like babies", Louis smiled

"Well my daughter is still a adorable baby for me", Dad smiles

"Daaaad I'm 16 years old. Not a baby", I whine. Everyone laughed. Micheal smirked at me teasingly.

"Okay..now everyone come on let's have dinner", Enzo smiled.

Everyone nods and we head for the dinning room.

Hey guys!

Hope you liked this chapter?
