Chapter 6: Arriving On Sodor

Meanwhile, Hilda was just waking up. She felt tired from her long journey. Hilda got dressed, and brushed her teeth.

Hilda: "Spencer! Should I eat now?"

Spencer: "We're almost at Vicarstown. You can eat there."

Hilda: "Okay."

Hilda waited till they got to Vicarstown. They soon arrived.

Spencer: "We're here!"

Hilda: "Woo-hoo!"

Hilda got off the train, and on to the platform. She had breakfast in one of the station's restaurants. After breakfast, she thought about what to do next. She then saw Edward!

Hilda: "Edward!"

Edward: "Hilda?! What are you doing here?!"

Hilda: "It's a long story, Edward."

Spencer: "I'll tell what happened."

Spencer explained what happened with Hilda and her mother.

Edward: "Oh, that no good woman! Well, Hilda. You're welcome to stay on Sodor for as long as you want. I know there's not much."

Hilda: "How about we ask Sir Topham Hatt?"

Edward: "Good idea."
