Chapter 16: Court Trial

Johanna was brought back for a court trial. All the engines were gathered, and so Sir topham Hatt, David, Frida, and Kaisa."

Judge: "Order in the court. May the case now be in session."

Sir Topham Hatt: "Your Honor. Johanna has been abusing her daughter, Hilda, just because she made a mistakes, that she caused."

Johanna: "Hey! I don't abuse her!"

Judge: "Order! Order! Please proceed with your opening statement."

Sir Topham Hatt: "She also caused her to runaway, and beat her up a few days ago, Now she's in the hospital, and is now in pain."

Judge: "May the witnesses, now speak."

Edward: "Your Honor, Hilda became my driver, and it was heartbreaking to see her getting beat up."

Toad: "Well, Mr. Edward, you saved her, which is good."

Gordon: "It was... Disgraceful!"

James: "Disgusting!"

Henry: "Despicable!"

David: "Hilda is our best friend."

Frida: "We've never been treated like that."

Kaisa: "I helped out too."

Judge: "Mrs. Johanna, for the crime of causing your child to make a mistake, and causing her to runaway, and beating her up, you are sentenced to... 10 years in prison. and this court fines her... GUILTY!"

Johanna: "WHAT?!"

Oliver: "Your Honor, she also made Hilda lock herself in her room. Make that 20 years."

Judge: "Very well, Oliver."

Johanna: "WHAT?! Please! I'm incident I tell you!"

And the cops took her away.

Judge: "Court dismissed."
